Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 118 Time and Space Accompanying

Sun Juan was wandering the streets of Barcelona carrying a particularly large backpack. The huge backpack was so bulging that it did not match her petite figure.

It even makes people worry about whether carrying such a big bag on the body will be a heavy burden.

But Sun Juan didn't feel any burden at all.

She looked around curiously, sizing up the city, holding the translator endorsed by Hu Lai in her hand, looking like a standard tourist.

Sun Juan had read various guides and travel notes so many times before coming here that she could almost recite them backwards and forwards. She even used satellite map software to look up the places mentioned in the guides and travel notes, and compared them with the text descriptions, so as to leave the most intuitive impression for herself. impression.

Everything about that person in this city was imprinted in her mind.

Although it was her first time here, there was a lot of familiarity.

For example, the hotel she visited before was where he and his teammates stayed before home games.

The guide is very detailed, how to squat down so that you can easily meet him, and then successfully get his signature.

If you're lucky, you might even get a chance to take a photo with him.

Another example is the restaurant in front of Sun Juan at this time. During the Champions League group stage last year, he once invited Hu Lai to dinner here. The photo of them together became the legend on the Internet of the so-called "murder caused by a meal".

Sun Juan felt it necessary to check in and have a meal at that restaurant as a souvenir.

But not long after she bravely came to the door with a translator in hand...she walked out dejectedly.

No more space.

Sun Juan quickly recovered from her disappointment and took a selfie at the door of the restaurant with her mobile phone.

In the photo, she is smiling happily.

Although she couldn't enter the restaurant to eat, she had arrived in distant Barcelona from Anton Jincheng, China.

Finally, he was able to walk in the city he was in, walk on the streets he once walked, and breathe the air he once breathed.

Being with him in time and space like this is enough to make Sun Juan feel satisfied.

After taking a selfie in front of the restaurant,

Sun Juan raised her wrist to look at her watch.

Then he held his backpack in one hand and ran forward.

Her running figure attracted the attention of passers-by.

When she finally ran to her destination out of breath, she saw some fans wearing Saria jerseys had gathered on the street.

And they all looked in the same direction expectantly. Sun Juan breathed a sigh of relief and smiled again:

Caught up!

After a while from that direction, Saria's bus would take him through this street and drive to the hotel.

If she was lucky, she would be able to see the face she had been dreaming about through the car window.

Then she would wave to him from the street, hoping he would see her.

※※ ※

Zhang Qinghuan was sitting on the team bus. He and his teammates had just finished training at the training base and were now taking the bus to transfer to the hotel where they stayed before the game.

Rest there for a night and concentrate on preparing for tomorrow's league match against Madrid Pirates.

He lowered his head and chatted with Hu Lai in the group on his mobile phone: "The restaurant has been booked, Hu Lai. It's still the same restaurant we dined at last time. After the game tomorrow, whoever wins will get a treat."

Hu Lai: "Why is it that whoever wins the game gets a treat?"

Zhang Qinghuan was stunned for a moment when he saw Hu Lai's words, and then went to read the message he just sent.

That's right, whoever wins gets the treat.

But what's the problem?

So he asked, "What's wrong?"

"If you win, you still have to treat me. If you don't want to treat me, don't you have to lose on purpose?"

Wang Guangwei: "???"

Chen Xingyi: "When I type ???, it's not me who has a problem, it's you who have a problem!"

Xia Xiaoyu: "[cover face]"

Junpei Morikawa: "Fuck (Chinese and Japanese bilingual)"

Zhang Qinghuan: "Then you lose to us, I'll treat you!"

Hu Lai: "So that's what you had in mind, Brother Huan... You're so cruel! How vicious! I think it should be changed to a treat for the loser, so that if you don't want a treat, everyone will desperately pursue victory. Won't the game become more enjoyable?" Are you up?"

Zhang Qinghuan resisted the urge to roll his eyes because Hu Lai, who was far away in Madrid, couldn't see him rolling his eyes: "Okay, it's up to you. Whoever loses gets a treat!"

Hu Lai: "Hey. I don't know why, but I suddenly feel a force rushing through my body...ah! Brother Huan, I'm sure to eat this meal!"

※※ ※

Sun Juan really saw him!

However, he lowered his head, probably looking at his mobile phone, with a solemn expression.

He didn't raise his head, and naturally he didn't look out the car window at the street.

So he didn't see himself.

Sun Juan was a little disappointed, but quickly adjusted her mentality.

She yearned in her heart, hoping that the receptionist at the hotel would keep her promise and deliver the gift she prepared to him...

Thinking of the way he handed over the gift, the other person was not surprised at all. It seemed that there were not many fans who gave him gifts like me.

This is good news and shows that giving gifts like this is possible.

But it’s not good news, because there are too many gifts and he may not even look at them.

※※ ※

When the bus stopped at the hotel entrance, Zhang Qinghuan followed his teammates and filed out of the bus, and walked into the hotel lobby under the cheers of fans and the flashlights of reporters.

Someone has already helped them complete the check-in procedures in advance.

They only need to take their room card from the staff in the lobby and go back to their room by themselves.

This time Zhang Qinghuan was assigned to a room with Argentine forward Carlos Torado.

"Hehe, 'Brother Huan'..."

When Torado saw that he and Zhang Qinghuan were in the same room, he enthusiastically hugged his neck and affectionately called Zhang Qinghuan "brother."

Speaking of this title, it gradually spread after the China Cup.

Everyone knows that Zhang Qinghuan has a nickname called "Br." So even though Zhang Qinghuan is young, his teammates call him "brother."

At first, Zhang Qinghuan was somewhat resistant to this nickname.

But then he lay down and since he couldn't resist, he might as well enjoy it.

Of course, I didn't forget to curse a few more times when I was lying down, "Hu Lai, what the hell are you doing?"

"You have to give me a few more wonderful passes this time. I have twenty-nine goals now. If I score one more, the club will give me a bonus of half a million."

If the total number of goals reached 30 after joining the team, Torado will receive a one-time bonus of 500,000 yuan.

This was stipulated in the contract when Torado signed with Saria.

Saria was happy to pay for this bonus. After all, they signed Carlos Torado from Argentina in the hope that he would score more goals.

Forward Torado came to Sarria via a domestic transfer from Argentina from 2025-202.

After arriving, after an adaptation period, he gradually secured his position as the team's main scorer and became Saria's main scorer. Especially last season, he scored 20 goals in the league and was an important contributor to Saria's final qualification for the Europa League.

Torado's outstanding performance in Sarria attracted the attention of other teams.

Sarria Club is currently negotiating a contract extension with his agent.

Whether it is based on team performance or personal relationships, Zhang Qinghuan hopes that Torado will stay in the team.

He nodded without hesitation: "No problem, Carlos. As long as you can run into position, I will pass the football to you."

Torado patted his chest: "Hey, don't worry, Brother Huan. I'm the best at running!"

Unlike Argentinian forwards such as Melly Banega, Agustin Insua (Sevilla Navigator) and Ramon Cantero (Atletico Manchester United), although Carlos Torado has good starting speed, But he doesn't like to run with the ball. He is better at running without the ball, grabbing points, and scoring goals.

In "The Godfather of Champions 2027", Hu Lai's off-ball movement is 20, which is full value.

Torado's off-ball movement also has 15, which is quite good.

So people do have the capital to say this.

Zhang Qinghuan thought of the meal between himself and Hu Lai, and said, "Come on, Carlos. Let's try to beat the Pirates at home!"


When the Argentinian thought about his half-million-euro bonus, he nodded in agreement with high spirits.

※※ ※

After returning to the room, I had just taken out my toiletries and put them away when the doorbell rang.

Zhang Qinghuan thought it was a teammate who came to visit. He went to open the door and found a hotel waiter standing outside the door.

He held several carefully packed boxes in his hands.

"Hello, sir. This is a gift from the fans."

※※ ※

When Torado saw Zhang Qinghuan coming back with a bunch of gift boxes, he joked: "Gifts? Oops, there don't seem to be many today... Brother Huan, has your appeal among women decreased?"

Zhang Qinghuan, who was holding the gift, couldn't raise his middle finger and could only roll his eyes in response.

Whether it was him or Torado, in fact, they were neither unfamiliar nor surprised by this scene.

More or less, everyone will receive various gifts from enthusiastic fans, even Torado has received it.

But Zhang Qinghuan undoubtedly received the most gifts.

And most of these gifts come from women.

Because he is handsome.

He is the kind that both Chinese and foreigners find handsome.

As a Chinese, Zhang Qinghuan has three-dimensional facial features and sharp angular lines. At the same time, there is a hint of melancholy hidden in his eyes, which is the most fatal.

There are many women in Barcelona, ​​whether married or unmarried, who are crazy about him.

Their obsession fully proves that aesthetics is unified all over the world. It is nonsense to say that foreigners like the traditional oriental appearance of "squinted eyes, flat noses, and round faces."

Because Zhang Qinghuan does not have squinty eyes, a flat nose, or a big face, and at the same time, she does not have the "high-end Chinese beauty" of hanging her eyes and wide distance between her eyes... but she is in line with Western aesthetic standards.

So even in Spain, he has gained countless female fans.

If there were Saria players participating in the China Cup in March this year, they would not be surprised by the scene that happened outside the Panda Base. Isn't this a basic operation for "Brother Huan"?

Zhang Qinghuan placed all the gift boxes on the table, w. and then began to open the gifts.

Torado took out his mobile phone to take a video and planned to post it on TIT.

Most of the gifts were very ordinary gadgets, and one gift was even a piece of paper with a red lip print and a series of numbers on the back...

Zhang Qinghuan was also speechless when he saw this note.

Torador next to him laughed.

I was laughing so much that I couldn't hold my phone steady, and everything in the camera was shaking violently.

Zhang Qinghuan was too lazy to pay attention to him and opened the next box.

Then he looked at a jersey lying in a box in a daze.

After laughing, Torado came over and asked curiously: "What is this?"

"A jersey."

"I know. But why would someone give you a jersey... Does she... or he want you to sign it?" Torado was still confused.

Zhang Qinghuan had already taken the jersey out of the box, shook it out, and held it under the lamp to examine it.

A red jersey belonging to Anton Flash, with the number and his last name printed on the back:

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