Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 120 1 to 1

It is also the "Chinese Derby". This "Chinese Derby" in La Liga does not receive as much attention as the one in the Champions League.

Because it was the Champions League after all, and it was a strong dialogue, and there was also the gimmick of Hu Lai going home.

And this game in La Liga is just a simple league game.

If Sarria didn't have Zhang Qinghuan and Madrid Pirates had Hu Lai, they wouldn't be noticeable at all.

Saria is indeed not strong enough.

Before this round of the league, due to the drag of the Europa League, Saria had lost three consecutive games in the league - a 1:2 away loss to Real Caterun in the sixth round, and a 0:2 home loss to Hertha in the seventh round. Fee 1322 lost to newly promoted Aher.

After three consecutive defeats, Sarria's league ranking is still fifth, but they have been caught up by a group of teams behind them.

Getafe 132 Lendia both have 13 points, only temporarily ranked behind Saria by goal difference.

If Saria loses to Madrid Pirates at home in this round of the league, it may drop more than one place in the standings.

But this is a "Chinese Derby" after all, and many Chinese media and fans are still paying attention.

In this game that was originally held immediately after the national team match day, Hu Lai and Zhang Qinghuan were very likely to be unable to participate, or they could only come on as substitutes. It is really possible that their playing time would not be matched.

At this time, many Chinese fans must thank the national team coach Jorge Dillon.

It was he who allowed all overseas players to return to their respective clubs early so that they did not have to worry about their physical fitness.

So in this game, Hu Lai and Zhang Qinghuan are both in the starting lineup of their respective teams.

At the same time, La Liga officials also know very well what this game means to the Chinese market.

Therefore, today's game has been postponed to kick-off at 2 pm, which is 8 pm in China.

So caring and considerate.

For Chinese fans, they actually don't care much about the outcome of this game.

What they want to see even more are two former teammates of Anton Shining Star.

Meeting in La Liga.

It can be said that since their appearance before the game, everyone has only paid attention to the interaction between Hu Lai and Zhang Qinghuan.

When shaking hands before the game, the two people were talking and laughing, and it didn't look like they were going to have a game at all.

But after the game started, the situation changed.

After all, only some Chinese fans don't care about the result of the game, but the players on the field still care very much.

Saria hopes to use this game to stop the decline of consecutive losses. The Madrid Pirates naturally hope to continue winning and maintain pressure on Catalonia-this game is the first game of this league. If If the Madrid Pirates can win, they can put pressure on Catalonia United in the next game.

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"Zhang Qinghuan gets the ball!"

There was a cheer at Parrot Stadium.

Sun Juan was among the cheering crowd.

"Come on, Qing Huan!"

However, Zhang Qinghuan, who had just received the ball and was about to move forward, was entangled by Juan Ramirez.

He tried to get away, but couldn't trick Ramirez away.

The captain of Madrid Pirates has been stuck inside, forcing Zhang Qinghuan to the wing.

In the end, Zhang Qinghuan could only pass the football back.

Saria's attack failed to take off.

"Ramirez is truly the strongest defensive midfielder in La Liga today... No, he is the best in the entire European football world."

Even He Feng was full of praise for Juan Ramirez's performance, even though he was guarding Zhang Qinghuan.

As a Chinese commentator, he certainly hopes to see Zhang Qinghuan perform well in this game.

But Ramirez is not an easy player to deal with.

In the match between the Madrid Pirates and the Kings, Melli didn't get any advantage from Ramirez.

Leeds City's talented midfielder Peter Williams was also guarded by Ramirez and had to go to the wing to avoid his sharp edge.

It is not that easy for Zhang Qinghuan to get rid of Ramirez's defense.

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Although playing at home, Saria's strength does have a huge gap with Madrid Pirates, and it is far inferior to Leeds City, who was defeated by Madrid Pirates.

After resisting for almost thirty minutes, the goal was finally declared lost in the 29th minute.

What makes Chinese fans feel regretful is that...this goal was not scored by Hu Lai.

Hulay was heavily defended by Saria players during the game and did not get any opportunities. Instead, he shared the pressure for his teammates.

In the 29th minute, Silverio suddenly took a shot after cutting in from the right wing.

The power of the football shot is not great, but the angle is very tricky.

Sarria goalkeeper Frederic Bahun tried his best to save the ball, but still failed to touch the ball.

The football almost flew into the goal against the inside of the back post!

Sighs of regret echoed from the stands at Parrot Stadium.

Being one goal behind made Saria's next game even more difficult.

If they want to win at home, they have to work harder.

But facing the Madrid Pirates, who focus on control and attack from the wing, Saria doesn't have many cards to play.

It can be seen from Silverio's goal that the Portuguese winger is in good condition in this game.

So the Madrid Pirates in this game can fly on both wings.

Facts also proved how detrimental this situation was for Sarria.

Before the end of the first half, the Pirates launched an attack from the wing.

This time it was Tonini on the left who passed the ball from the wing. Hu Lai kept the ball at the back point and volleyed directly with his feet!

"Hulai shoots——!" He Feng shouted loudly.

At the same time, I can't help but look forward to it - is the goal in the ninth consecutive league game coming? !

Although Hu Lai was volleying in the air, it was not a powerful volley with full force. He still pursued angles.

His toe hit the top half of the football, knocking it toward the ground.

This makes it more difficult for the goalkeeper to save.

Sarria goalkeeper Frederic Bahun, who turned over and rushed over, reacted quickly enough and made a save when he turned back, but he only had time to flick the football with his fingertips.

But after being blocked by him, the football bounced on the turf and slowed down a bit.

But he still rolled towards the goal tenaciously.

Just when he was about to roll across the goal line, a person suddenly came out from the side!

Shoveled the football away from the goal line!

"Wow! Zhang Qinghuan's clearance on the goal line! He successfully prevented Hu Lai's goal! And this is a direct conversation between the two of them in this game!"

Although Hu Lai did not score, He Feng was still very excited because the two Chinese players performed very well. It can be said that no one lost in this duel.

"Chinese Derby" means that no matter which team wins, as long as the Chinese players perform well, it will win.

The Parrot Stadium once again cheered for Zhang Qinghuan.

This time it was not because Zhang Qinghuan sent a wonderful pass or made a wonderful pass, but because he saved the team.

Hu Lai, whose shot was blocked, held his head in his hands and looked at Brother Huan who was getting up from the ground with incredible eyes.

He suddenly wanted to say that famous line to Brother Huan:

Brother Huan, what the hell are you...

Seeing Hu Lai's eyes popping out of his head, Zhang Qinghuan laughed and then shook his index finger at Hu Lai.

You kid can't do it!

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Parrot Stadium is a modern stadium, and the stands of the modern stadium are filled with various large-size display screens.

The main function of these displays is to connect to live broadcast signals, so that fans who come to watch the game can also enjoy the feeling of watching live TV.

Through these displays, they can easily see details of the action that cannot be seen in the stands.

For example, after Zhang Qinghuan made a successful rescue, fans could understand the results of Eagle Eye's judgment through these screens.

When the result of "no goal" was displayed on the large and small screens throughout the stadium, the Parrot Stadium burst into cheers.

Now Sun Juan looked at Zhang Qinghuan's smile towards Hu Lai on the screen and cheered: "Qinghuan is so handsome!!"

Han Shuyu in the media gallery also cheered: "This is a wonderful one-on-one match between Chinese players in La Liga! In the end, Zhang Qinghuan temporarily defeated Hu Lai by one round! Haha!"

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Zhang Qinghuan's goal-line rescue was the last highlight of the first half.

Not long after, the referee blew the whistle to end the first half.

Both sides entered halftime.

In the locker room, Sarria head coach Arno Casas encouraged the players who had lost a goal:

"In the Champions League next week, they are going to challenge Kiev away. So it is impossible for them to let the main players play for 90 minutes. If we can not continue to concede goals before they make substitution adjustments, then we have a chance to win at home. Get points!"

The idea is good, but in reality it doesn’t always come true...

Less than ten minutes after the start of the second half, Madrid Pirates launched an attack from the wing.

Silverio, who was in good form in this game, passed two Sarria players on the right and suddenly cut inside into the penalty area.

After attracting Sarria's defender, he decisively sent a cross.

This time, when Hu Lai received the ball in the middle and pushed the ball, Zhang Qinghuan was still outside the penalty area and had no time to save the ball at the goal line.

Sarria goalkeeper Bahun also failed to touch the football and could only watch the ball go in...

"Hu Lai——! Here it comes! Aha!" He Feng laughed. "Beautiful! Scored goals in nine consecutive league rounds! Hulay broke the record of eight consecutive league rounds set by club senior Augustin Rivero! Thirteen goals in nine rounds!"

Hu Lai, who scored the goal, ran towards the corner flag area and waved to his teammates, gesturing for them to come up and celebrate the goal.

Leading 2:0, Madrid Pirates are getting closer and closer to their ninth consecutive victory in the new season!

The Pirates players were jubilant, but the Sarria fans at Parrot Stadium were quiet.

Although they knew that there was a huge gap in strength between their team and the Pirates, no one could accept a defeat calmly.

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