Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 337 Going to watch football with you

"Are the European teams ready? The 'Mr. Twice' is here again!"

Melly saw this headline in the Spanish media and shook his head.

Obviously in the Champions League this week, his Madrid Kings defeated Atletico Amsterdam 3 away games, but his voice in the media was not as good as that of Madrid Pirates.

You must know that the Madrid Pirates won against a fourth-tier team like Ribesborg. Atlético Amsterdam is also an Eredivisie giant and a second-tier team.

Of course, Melli admitted that in terms of personal performance, he scored one less goal than Hulay - he only scored one goal in the 3:0 victory over Atlético Amsterdam, which is indeed one goal less than Hulay, who scored twice. . But he still has assists!

One goal and one assist, this performance is no worse than Hu Lai, right?

As a result, the media are all praising Hu Lai now, but they are giving him a cold shoulder.

He has been called "Mr. Twice Scorer".

Melly can feel that the media's attitude towards Hulay is changing, and they are increasingly treating him as a top star.

The attitude of the media may also show from the side that Hu Lai's current status is indeed much improved than before.

No one is surprised that he can compete with Merry, and some even think that he has surpassed Merry.

After all, whether it is in the league scorer list or the Champions League scorer list, Hu Lai is the latecomer, completing the overtake of Melli. At this time, Melli needs a chance to prove that he is still the leader of the younger generation.

He has his sights set on weekend league games.

In the ninth round, the Madrid Kings faced Catalonia United at home.

The first El Clasico of the season.

This is not only a battle between two rival teams, but also a showdown between Melly and his old enemy Kendall Kabangka.

Without Hulay, the Brazilian would be the biggest threat to him.

“Damn, Melly is really fierce!

Chen Xingyi jumped out of the group and complained.

"Hu Lai, how did you defeat him in the first place?

Hu Lai: “Because I’m stronger than him! [Proud]”

After Hu Lai showed off like this,

It was rare that Chen Xingyi didn't complain about him.

He had just played a Champions League match with Melli's Madrid Kings, and he thought from the bottom of his heart that Hulay was really awesome for being able to double beat Melli in the league.

If you have not experienced some things yourself, you may not have such a deep understanding of them.

For example, everyone's understanding of "how powerful Merry is" is not unified.

Someone blew Merry up into the sky as if he were an alien.

Some people think that Meili is nothing more than that, and it was all played by Meili.

Others say that Melli is a system player and cannot function without the environment of the Madrid Kings.

There are many opinions and serious differences of opinion, and it is one of the main hot topics for debate on the Internet.

Even for professional players, they know that Melli is very strong, but before playing against him, they may not have a correct understanding of how strong he is.

Chen Xingyi has played against Melli before - at the Madrid Olympics one or four years ago, his Olympic team played against Melli's Argentina Olympic team.

But this game against the Kings of Madrid still had a huge impact on him.

Because Melly today is completely different from what he was four years ago.

Don't look at the fact that Melli only scored one goal and had only one assist in the game. From the data point of view, it is not that extraordinary.

However, in the actual game, the pressure and threat Melli brings to Sporting Amsterdam are always present. His dribbling and breakthrough,

Atletico Amsterdam will always be able to spend more defensive power to deal with him, which will inevitably lead to shortages in other positions.

Super breakthrough ability is the most important reason why Meili is unique in the world.

And now based on this ability, Melly has developed the ability to score goals and break through and distribute the ball.

This makes Melli more difficult to deal with today than he was at the Madrid Olympics four years ago.

When Madrid Pirates and Atlético Amsterdam met in the Champions League last season, Chen Xingyi was restricted by the Madrid Pirates in a way that almost dealt with Melli. He also felt that this showed that he was as good as Melli.

After Zhen and Melli played against each other in the Champions League, Chen Xingyi felt that it was all his imagination...

Merry is ten times more powerful than me!

For Chen Xingyi, Melli is the ceiling for players of his type.

"If I could be half as good as Meili in the future, I would be awesome," Chen Xingyi said with emotion in the group.

Hu Lai encouraged him: "If you have some ambition, little Xingxing, no matter what, you must be three-quarters as powerful as Merry!

Zhang Qinghuan: "Fuck...Hu Lai, you really can't spit out ivory from a dog's mouth!"

"Huh? Three-quarters is lower? What about two-thirds?"

Wang Guangwei: "It seems like three-quarters is bigger, right?"

Hu Lai: "Old Wang, are you sure?"

Wang Guangwei: "OK. Three-quarters and two-thirds are two fractions with different denominators. To compare which one is greater, you must first make a common denominator and then compare.

Divide three-quarters and two-thirds into nine-twelfths and eight-twelfths. Nine-twelfths is definitely larger than eight-twelfths, so three-quarters is larger than two-thirds. "

Hu Lai: "[sudden realization] Oh oh oh, yes, yes. That's it."

Xia Xiaoyu, Morikawa Junpei: ""

Zhang Qinghuan: "Fuck! You guys really started discussing math problems!"

Hu Lai: "Brother Huan, don't you understand what we are talking about? You shouldn't, it's such a simple math problem..."

Zhang Qinghuan: "Hu Lai, what the hell are you..."

Chen Xingyi: "Damn it, what do I want to say to you?!"


"What laughing?"

Li Qingqing asked curiously when he saw Hu Lai smiling at the phone.

Hu Lai showed her the phone directly.

Li Qingqing burst into laughter after seeing this: "Is this how you comfort people?"

Hu Lai said proudly: "Look at how effective this is. Little Xingxing doesn't even know what he is going to do!"

"Hey! The best way to solve a problem is to solve the problem, right?"

Hu Lai liked to see Li Qingqing's coquettish look. He thought she looked good even if she rolled her eyes, so he couldn't help but want to tease her.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and a voice came from outside: "We are ready and can start the interview, Qingqing.

"Okay, come right away." Upon hearing this, Li Qingqing stood up as he agreed.

After Li Qingqing won the Women's Football Ballon d'Or, domestic state-run media CCTV planned and filmed a documentary specifically for her.

To commemorate the first "Golden Ball Award" winner in the history of Chinese football.

This filming has been going on for a while, following Li Qingqing to film her training and games with the Madrid Kings women's team, and filming her daily life in Madrid.

Now the film team is conducting an exclusive interview with Li Qingqing at her home.

The living room was temporarily transformed into a place for interviews. The CCTV documentary shooting team had just set up lights and machines in the living room and debugged the equipment.

Li Qingqing and Hu Lai were resting in the dressing room temporarily transformed from the guest room.

"I suddenly had an idea." Hu Lai said when he saw Li Qingqing leaving.

"What do you think?" Li Qingqing looked back at him and asked.

“You’re going to watch the El Clasico this weekend, right?”

Li Qingqing nodded and said, "Yes."

Going to watch El Clasico live is also part of this documentary. The filming team hopes to film Li Qingqing watching high-level matches such as El Clasico live to reflect her active integration into Spanish football and the Madrid Kings Club.

For this reason, the central film team also communicated with the Madrid Kings Club and allowed them to carry photography equipment into the box of the Crown Stadium.

Take a tracking shot.

They will follow Li Qingqing to the Crown Stadium and record the entire process of watching the highest-level matchup in Spain.

"I suddenly want to watch the El Clasico with you." Hu Lai said with a smile.

Li Qingqing's eyes widened: "Eh?"

"What? Isn't it possible?"

"Yes, yes, but don't you still have a game?"

"Our game is on Saturday, and the El Clasico is on Sunday afternoon. There is no conflict at all. And although it is an away game, we are playing Getafe, which is very close to the south of us. We will come back the same day after the game."

When Li Qingqing heard Hu Lai's arrangements and plans, she nodded: "I have no objection. I will go and tell Sister Shanshan then. Maybe they will be happy that you can go too!"

Wang Shanshan was indeed very happy after hearing that Li Qingqing said that Hu Lai was also going to watch the game.

Because I can record the watching experience of Li Qingqing and his wife at one time, just like buying milk tea and enjoying the buy-one-get-one-free discount, there is a kind of pleasure that their camera crew took advantage of...

They actually didn't dare to propose this idea before, because Hulay is a Madrid Pirates player and they were afraid of causing trouble to Hulay when he went to watch the El Clasico at the home court of their rival in the same city.

Unexpectedly, Hu Lai took the initiative to bring it up. Since Hu Lai wasn't worried, they naturally had nothing to worry about.

As for the Madrid Kings Club, do you mind that they seem to have no position or reason to refuse an ordinary fan from entering the stadium to watch the game? Even if this "ordinary fan" is their mortal enemy player.

October 21, Saturday, the ninth round of the league, Madrid Pirates challenged Getafe 1326, the little brother in the south of the city, away.

After playing in the Champions League group stage with Ribesburg, Parotti made a rotation in the weekend league.

But no matter how the rotation is performed, Hu Lai still starts on behalf of the team.

Now the coaching staff no longer has to worry about Hu Lai's physical fitness.

Whether it is double games a week or three games a week, as long as Hu Lai is not injured, let him start.

Hu Lai also lived up to everyone's trust and expectations for him.

In this game, facing Getafe who played extremely tenaciously at home and scored 132 goals in ten minutes, the Madrid Pirates were away from home.

1:0 small victory.

When Hu Lai was playing away from home, Li Qingqing watched the game on TV at home.

Also watching the game with her was the CCTV camera crew.

Strictly speaking, they were not watching the game with Li Qingqing, but filming Li Qingqing watching the game.

After seeing Hu Lai score, Li Qingqing jumped up from the sofa and made his signature celebration in front of the camera in sync with Hu Lai on the TV broadcast!

After Wang Shanshan finished cheering and celebrating, she smiled and said to her, "I didn't expect you to be so excited!"

Li Qingqing smiled a little shyly.

"I know that you and Hu Lai are players from the same city's sworn rivals, so it's basically impossible for you to go to watch each other's games. Isn't it a bit regretful?" Wang Shanshan asked.

Li Qingqing's smile in the camera gradually faded, and she nodded: "Yes."

Wang Shanshan can understand Li Qingqing's regret.

We obviously love each other, but for some reasons, we can't show it publicly and can only watch live TV at home.

She smiled and comforted Li Qingqing: "But it doesn't matter. You two can go watch the El Clasico next!"

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