Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 338 The man who made the Crown Stadium booed

The Crown Stadium, which can accommodate 85,000 people, is packed with seats. The giant TF elaborately made by Madrid Kings fans is flying in the north stand. Above the TIFO are Madrid's famous landmarks, while the Crown Stadium occupies the C position.

Above the Crown Stadium is a Kings of Madrid fan with his index finger raised.

Underneath the painting is a simple and understandable Spanish sentence:


This is Madrid!

Warn the Catalan fans on the opposite side, whose territory this is.

Players from both sides are warming up, and the team anthem of the Madrid Kings has already sounded on the live radio. The seated Kings fans sang along,

It gives the entire stadium a strong sense of impact, both visually and aurally.

This is Spain's top confrontation, the "El Clasico".

Although Hulay has watched Spain's "El Clasico" on TV many times, watching it on a TV screen and watching it live are still two completely different experiences.

He has also experienced the "Madrid Derby", but he has to admit that compared with the "National Derby", the "City Derby" is still a little less interesting.

Although the Madrid Pirates are also one of the giants in the Western Premier League, they are not much worse than Catalonia United in terms of strength and history.

But the hatred between the King of Madrid and the Pirates of Madrid is more like a civil war in the city of Madrid. The King of Madrid, who represents the Spanish ruling class, and the Catalan Federation, which represents the independence trend of the Catalan autonomous region, are two parties who maintain unity and desire secession and independence. A battle of great forces.

Therefore, the duel between these two teams is often given many meanings that are not part of football itself, and therefore becomes a high-profile event.

If Catalonia can defeat the King of Madrid, it will be regarded by Catalonia's independence-seeking forces as their victory over the Spanish government - at least a spiritual victory.

And if the King of Madrid can defeat Catalonia, it will certainly be regarded by many Madridistas who support national reunification as a powerful measure to curb Catalonia's independence.

Catalans regard Catalonia, a world-famous club, as an excellent carrier of their political ideals, and the Catalan club is also proud of it.

Every time they win,

Every time he wins a championship, he promotes Catalonia's political philosophy.

Therefore, every contest between the Madrid Kings and Catalonia United is like a spark hitting the earth.

There’s never a shortage of stories on and off the field.

"Ha." Standing in the box on the second floor of the high stands, Hu Lai chuckled while looking at the bustling Crown Stadium.

"What are you laughing at?" Li Qingqing glanced at him.

"Laugh at yourself for how stupid and naive you were before."

"Why do you say that?"

Hu Lai shook his head: "I really believed in the saying 'keep politics away from football' before. But after coming to Europe, I feel more and more that this statement is nonsense. Where there are people, there are positions, all kinds of positions. They gathered here At the same time, the influence of stance becomes more and more important, and how can a club that gathers fans with the same stance be White Lotus? Even we Pirates represent a certain stance."

In front of the camera, what he said was actually quite vague.

But the cameraman behind the camera still tilted his head to look at Wang Shanshan.

Wang Shanshan understood what he meant from the questioning look in his eyes:

This content seems... a bit sensitive?

So she looked back:

It’s okay, I’ll go back and cut it when the time comes.

This kind of content is certainly not suitable for inclusion in a football documentary about Li Qingqing.

However, they also witnessed the unknown side of two people...

Li Qingqing heard Hu Lai talking about a topic that seemed a bit big and heavy, so he comforted him: "Never mind them, we just need to play well. We will learn, grow and make progress in Europe, and finally bring everything we have learned with us." Returning to the national team and helping the national team achieve good results is our purpose in coming to Europe."

When Wang Shanshan heard what Li Qingqing said, she hesitated a little - it would be a pity if all this section was cut! Chinese players, both men and women,

What is the purpose of studying abroad?

It is said through the dialogue between Li Qingqing and Hu Lai, which is much more effective than the narrator explaining it in voice-over.

X※Both players are warming up on the court, and the TV broadcast has actually started.

The large screens on site are synchronized with the game broadcast signal, so fans at the scene can also see the game broadcast screen through the large and small screens scattered in every corner of the stadium.

This will prevent them from missing exciting moments, such as slow-motion replays after a goal is scored.

Now every screen in the stadium shows a picture of a box in the second-floor stands.

Through the huge floor-to-ceiling glass of the box, everyone can see a beautiful woman dressed casually and simply appearing in the box.

After it was clear who was in the photo, there was a burst of cheers and applause.

Madrid Kings fans recognized that this is the hero of their women's team, the "core thigh" Li Qingqing who led the team to a historic win in the Champions League!

The Kings fans, who love men's football and women's football equally, did not hesitate to send cheers and applause to express their welcome to Li Qingqing.

The fans in the stands just below the box even turned around and applauded and gave a thumbs up to Li Qingqing in the box.

Facing the enthusiastic fans, Li Qingqing also waved.

Wang Shanshan is smiling next to the camera. This is the scene she wants to capture!

Look, how much people in this stadium love Li Qingqing!

Our female footballers also get heartfelt applause and cheers from the discerning Kings fans at the Crown Arena!

This is something that countless male football stars cannot do!

※※※After receiving enthusiastic responses from the fans, Li Qingqing stepped back to her seat. Hu Lai teased her: "How about it, big star?"

"Hey, that's great!" After Li Qingqing finished laughing, she asked him doubtfully, "Why are you sitting so far back?"

There were several rows of box seats, and Hu Lai sat in the last row.

"I'm afraid if I go up there, the cheers and applause will turn into boos."

Li Qingqing was stunned for a moment and frowned slightly: "That's not true."

"Look at your own tone of voice." Hu Lai pointed at her and said.

Just as he was talking, there was indeed a burst of boos at the scene, and it was getting louder and louder!

Even the players from both sides who were warming up on the field were attracted, and one after another stopped and looked into the stands.

Finally they found the answer on the largest screen in the stands:

On the screen, in the broadcast, it was still in the box. This time the camera's close-up shot focused on the man next to Li Qingqing.

Even though he was wearing a peaked cap, everyone recognized his identity at a glance.

It is the main forward Julay of Madrid Pirates!

Amidst the boos, Hu Lai in the picture suddenly stood up from his seat and walked towards the floor-to-ceiling window.

As if deliberately provoking, he stood in front of everyone and allowed them to boo and raise their middle fingers at him. He even waved to them like his girlfriend, as if he didn't know that he was not welcome at this stadium.

※※※Kabonka, who was warming up on the court, looked at the figure on the screen in surprise.

He really didn't expect that Hu Lai would come to watch this game that had nothing to do with him...

Then he saw Li Qingqing next to Hu Lai.

Are you here with your girlfriend?

Just listen to the boos all over the's simply louder than the boos just now when the Catalan United players came in for warm-ups!

Kabangka suddenly felt dumbfounded:

He originally thought that he and Meili were the protagonists of this game, but now Hu Lai, an uninvited guest, stole the spotlight!

Hey, you kid is here to cause trouble, right?

When this thought popped up in Kabangka's mind, he suddenly realized something and quickly turned his attention to Melli on the opposite court.

Sure enough, the Argentinian was also looking up at the screen.

That expression...even though I can only see one side, it can be said to be quite serious!

Like a lion discovering an intruder in its territory.

Seeing Meili like this, Kabangka laughed with some schadenfreude.

"Why are you laughing, Kabangka?" Captain Rosas patted him on the shoulder.

"Captain, look." Kabangka pointed Rosas to look in Melly's direction with his eyes. "The sudden appearance of Hu seems to have aroused Melly's hatred."

Rosas did not laugh when he saw this scene, but showed the same serious expression: "That's not good...Hu aroused Meili's hatred, but Meili's opponent is us."

Kabangka had a look of astonishment on his face. He had completely forgotten about it just now.


"Get ready for a more difficult game. Concentrate on warming up!" Rosas said in a deep voice.

※※Li Qingqing stared blankly at Hu Lai's back standing in front of the glass window. In front of him, across the huge piece of glass, he raised his middle finger at him.

The arrogant Madrid Kings fans.

And these fans were cheering, applauding, and giving her a thumbs up just half a minute ago...

The CCTV filming team was also confused by this scene. The photographer reflexively moved the camera away from Li Qingqing and focused it on Hu Lai.

In the camera view, with the ferocious-looking Madrid Kings fans as the background, Hu Lai turned around, smiled back at Li Qingqing who was sitting on the sofa, and spread his hands:

"Be confident in your boyfriend, I am the man who can make the Crown Stadium booed."

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