Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 443 Those trees

Chapter 1632 Those trees

Peng Hao, in a suit and leather tie, followed the crowd and got on the bus.

His suit was quickly wrinkled, but he didn't care at all.

Jincheng’s morning peak hours have tended to be closer to those of super first-tier cities.

In the "leisure" city of Jincheng, there are still many adults who get up early and take buses to go to distant vegetable markets to buy vegetables, because the vegetables in those markets are two or three cents cheaper than the vegetables at their doorsteps.


Are you asking if it’s free to take the bus?

Jincheng stipulates that holders of senior citizen ID cards ride for free!

So the elderly people who got up early to buy groceries and go to the market bumped into the vast number of social animals during the morning rush hour.

During the morning rush hour, few people still pay attention to "being courteous to the old and the young".

It's hard to even turn around in the carriage. Want to let someone know? Even the elderly may not be able to squeeze into the seat you gave up!

There have been incidents in the past where old people accused young people of not giving up their seats to them, but most people sided with the young people.

Because they feel the same way, whether it is the morning rush hour or the evening rush hour, they really don’t have the energy to give up their seats to the elderly...

Today's bus was as crowded as usual during the morning rush hour.

Peng Hao, who stayed in Jincheng for development after graduating from university, has been in his current company for more than half a year and has gradually become accustomed to the crowded situation on this bus every morning.

Peng Haoren stood at the back door of the bus where he had just entered. He yawned and was a little listless. He had to try hard to support his body and avoid too much physical contact with the people in front of him.

Because in front of him was a girl in professional attire.

He doesn't want to be regarded as a "bus pervert" by the other party...

Peng Hao originally set his sights in the distance and relaxed his mind.

But after he caught a glimpse of the phone screen in the girl's hand in front of him, he couldn't move away.

Because the girl's cell phone is playing the highlights of the Champions League match early this morning!

To be precise, the "Legendary Six Minutes."

Starting from Becker's 18th goal, Hulay chased three goals in a row, surpassing German striker Becker with 19 goals, and became the new creator of the Champions League single-season scoring record.

The whole journey takes six minutes.

So now the Internet uses "Legendary Six Minutes" to describe the competition between Hulay and Becker in the Champions League single-season scoring record.

I don’t know who came up with the name in the first place.

In short, it has been recognized by everyone.

Although Peng Hao had stayed up late to watch the live broadcast, when he saw this section again, he still couldn't help but feel excited.

You know, when he was watching the live broadcast, he was so excited that his voice became hoarse.

Not only did he shout hoarsely, he also beat his knuckles against the wall until they bled...

At that time, he didn't care at all that he would wake up the neighbors next door.

Fortunately, no one knocked on the door to trouble him in the end.

Looking at this video now, Peng Hao's only regret is that he can only see the picture but not hear the sound, because the girl is wearing wireless Bluetooth headsets.

If you can hear the voice of the live commentary, I'm afraid it will be more immersive.

This will allow you to escape from the overcrowded morning rush hour trains, immerse yourself in the game, and forget about the discomfort of the morning rush hour.

Just when Peng Hao was fascinated by the phone screen in the girl's hand, the girl suddenly looked back at him and asked, "Do you want to see it?"

After Peng Hao came to his senses, he was greatly embarrassed - he was still misunderstood as a "pervert"!

He quickly stammered and explained: "I... don't... uh..."

This is really not a misunderstanding, beauty!

What he didn't expect was that when the other party saw him like this, he smiled, took off his Bluetooth headset, and handed it to him.


After saying that, she went back to watching the video.

Peng Hao took the earphones and inserted them into his ear holes. Feeling the body temperature still remaining on the earphones, he was still confused.

Until a roar came from the earphones:


Only then did he become inspired:

It turns out that the girl was watching "The Legend of Six Minutes" with multilingual commentary...


Chu Yifan was sitting in his car, his hands on the steering wheel.

Looking through the front windshield, there are red brake lights that can't be seen at a glance.

The main road was so congested during the morning rush hour, and he was used to it.

There were several buses queuing up on the bus lane next to it, and each bus was packed with people.

Chu Yifan was not in a hurry, his fingers were still tapping the steering wheel lightly.

The car radio had just finished playing the latest traffic report, and then switched to the morning news.

"...After listening to the traffic report, let's talk about an exciting thing - I wonder how many listeners watched the Champions League semi-finals early this morning? Hu Lai, who walked out of our Anton Shining Star, in this He shone in the game and completed Mark Becker's comeback in the Champions League top scorer list..."

Chu Yifan's lips curled up slightly when he heard this, and he couldn't help but smile.

Listening to how the anchor praised Hu Lai, this morning rush hour is not so difficult.

"...Originally, Becker's goal in the game was regarded as breaking Caesar's record. The scene at that time... was so lively! It seemed that the steel structure dome of the Iron Dome stadium had been overturned... The result, the result! It was just In six minutes, Hu Lai turned Becker's new record into an 'old record' with a hat trick! Hey, this may be the shortest-lived record in world football! Hahaha!"


Qin Lin stood at the training ground of the South China Tigers in Nanling, facing the players in front of him.

They had just finished their morning training session and completed their post-training recovery warm-up.

If it were normal, Qin Lin would have dismissed the players directly.

But today, he specifically told everyone not to leave after training. He had something to say to them.

"During this period, the team's performance has been unsatisfactory. There has been a lot of criticism of us from the outside world."

Qin Lin stood in front of the players and began his speech.

"I know that there are objective reasons for the poor performance - we did have more injuries during this period. But injuries are a normal occurrence in football, so injuries cannot be used as a reason for our poor performance."

In front of Qin Lin, the South China Tigers players all stood and listened honestly. Some looked at him, while others lowered their heads.

Surrounding the team are members of the South China Tigers' coaching staff.

Together with the players, they listened to the speech of head coach Qin Lin.

"Football is like this, sometimes ups and downs. Don't be complacent when it's up, and don't be pessimistic when it's down... Did anyone watch the Champions League game early this morning?"

Qin Lin suddenly asked, and all the players who had their heads lowered raised their heads and looked at him in surprise.

But no one responded to him.

Qin Lin put it another way: "I'm not talking about watching the live broadcast, but watching the highlights. Has anyone watched it? Raise your hands if you have watched it."

This time many people in the team raised their hands.

Looking at the dense arms, Qin Lin nodded: "Very good. Now that you have all seen it, I can say more - before today's game, Hu Lai was one goal behind Becker in the scorer list. Becker was still playing at home. Before the game, European public opinion believed that Becker had a greater chance of breaking the record than Hulay. Two goals ahead of Hu Lai, Hu Lai is one step behind. But what happens next, everyone should already know, right?"

Qin Lin spread his hands.

"After the game, I saw someone saying that Hu Lai had accomplished a miracle, completing a hat trick in just six minutes and setting a new record. How incredible it was... But based on my understanding of Hu Lai, this is really not 'unbelievable'. He is Such a person is always pursuing goals and never gives up. That’s why he can create miracles again and again. If all of us can focus on football like Hu Lai and never give up, Then the difficulties we are encountering now are nothing!”

"The South China Tigers will return to where they belong. Our goal this season is still the championship! In this process, whenever we encounter difficulties, just think about Hu Lai's six minutes! Focus on football itself, Just keep your head down and run. When we reach the finish line, we will be first!"


The gate of Dongchuan Middle School seems very quiet during school hours. There are even a few sparrows flying down from the nearby treetops and jumping to the ground to look for food.

It wasn't until a sound of footsteps came that they were disturbed and flew away.

A white-haired but energetic old man walked slowly outside the school gate and looked up at the gold-lettered signboard shining brightly in the sun.

The school gate looks very beautiful against the blue sky.

But the old man frowned, seeming very dissatisfied.

Then he took out his cell phone with a gloomy expression.

"Hey, Xiao Jiang? What's going on? Why are there no banners and slogans hanging at the school gate? What? They haven't been done yet? It's already noon and they haven't been done yet? How many times have I told you that banners should be prepared in advance... ...The worst thing is to prepare for nothing and not have much money. Doesn’t the school finance even have the money to make banners? But it must not be used when it is needed! What? You don’t know what Hu Lai will do then? That’s not it. Do you know how to make one-ball, two-ball and three-ball plans? Do you need my step-by-step instruction?"

The old man held the phone and cursed angrily.

When the guard in the guard room saw that the old principal had returned, he quickly ran out and wanted to invite the old man into the house to avoid basking in the sun outside. The sun at noon is still very poisonous...

But the old man waved his hand and asked the other person to wait aside. He continued to teach people on the phone:

"Now people all over the country are discussing Hu Lai's 'Legendary Six Minutes', but as a result, our Dongchuan Middle School, as his alma mater, is silent and there is not even a banner hanging at the school gate! This is a dereliction of duty on your part! A serious dereliction of duty! Let me tell you, this is the tradition of our Dongchuan Middle School, a fine tradition! Don’t take this matter seriously just because I have resigned! You must take it seriously! This is the face of our Dongchuan Middle School! You know you have to wash your face every day, why don’t you know how to protect Dongchuan Middle School’s face?!”

He finally finished the call, but declined the doorman's invitation. He looked at the bare-eyed school gate again, sighed heavily, shook his head and walked away.

No shame, he, Zhai Guangming, won't enter this door!


Wei Jisheng is a native of Tongqi Yala League Right Banner. He has followed his fathers into the desert to plant trees since he was a child. At the age of 57, he has been working on the frontline of desertification control for 35 years.

Being exposed to the sun and wind all year round makes him look ten years older than his actual age.

With dark, chapped skin, wrinkles all over, and sparse hair, he was thrown onto the street in Youqi without letting anyone take a second look.

Just an ordinary "farmer".

But on the Kuaishou platform, he has 5.28 million fans, making him a veritable "big internet celebrity".

Every day, more than 100,000 people are online at the same time to watch his "Tree Planting Live Broadcast".

The place where he broadcast live is the "Hu Lai Forest" in Youqi, so many fans who follow him and watch his live broadcast are also Hu Lai fans.

At first, they may just want to help their idol supervise this public welfare project, fearing that this project will become the kind of "just plant and ignore" reputation project. When the time comes, this project will become obsolete and it will backfire on Hu Lai's reputation.

Later, they discovered that Wei Jisheng and his colleagues were diligently planting trees and protecting forests every day, caring for the saplings as if they were their own children. They became fans of Wei Jisheng.

When Wei Jisheng started the live broadcast, many enthusiastic greetings floated on the screen:

"Hello, Uncle Wei!"

"Hello, Uncle Wei!"

"Uncle Wei, thank you for your hard work!"

"Salute to Uncle Wei!"

Wei Jisheng waved his hand at the phone and said in Mandarin with a strong local accent: "Hello fellow veterans. Today we are planting trees again..."

As he spoke, he pointed to a pile of saplings on the sand behind him.

"Fresh out of the oven! Hu Lai was very good in the game this morning. He scored three more goals. One goal and one hundred trees, that's three hundred trees. The two hundred trees in front have just been planted. Everyone, take a look..."

Wei Jisheng held his mobile phone in one hand and turned it around. He could indeed see a batch of newly planted saplings in the distance.

At this moment, countless fans are commenting on the live broadcast on the mobile phone screen:

"Legendary Six Minutes!"

"Hulai YYDS!"

"Hu Lai is awesome!"

"The first player in the Champions League!"

After the demonstration, Wei Jisheng put the mobile phone on a tripod.

"Okay, let's start working!"

After speaking, he stepped away from the camera and walked to an open space, where his colleagues were already busy planting saplings.

Someone drilled a hole in the sand, then someone carried the bucket over, scooped water with a spoon and carefully poured it into the small hole, and the third person inserted a sapling into the hole.

The health worker walked towards them and joined them in their work.

In the live broadcast footage, in the distance behind the busy crowd, there is a lush green patch that stands out among the yellow sand.

Those were the first batch of saplings planted in this sandy land by the "Hu Lai Forest" project three and a half years ago.


"Look, Auntie. This is our preliminary plan for Jincheng... We think that instead of just making a museum, it is better to make a football theme park with the Hulay Museum as the core. The park includes the museum and ancillary buildings, as well as the specifications. Different football fields make it convenient for citizens to come here to play football and experience the charm of football superstar Hu Lai through practical actions..."

"Thank you, Madam, we are all from Dongchuan, so we won't talk about what is available and what is not. Anyway, if you have any requests from the clan, please feel free to ask for them. We, the Dongchuan Municipal Government, will do our best to satisfy them!"

Xie Lan looked at the two groups of people who were promoting themselves in front of her, and then looked at the Champion Legend Sports Agency next to her with some embarrassment... Oh no, it should be Diao Xiaoyun, the general manager of Champion Legend Culture Communication Co., Ltd., looking at her with eyes. She asked for help.

Although Xie Lan is very tough in front of her husband and Sister Wang, she is still a little weak when facing people from the government...

Diao Xiaoyun encouraged her: "Sister Xie, if you have any ideas, just say it, it's okay, they still have to get your consent in the end."

Representatives from both sides nodded in agreement: "That's right, Auntie (Nanny Xie). If you have any questions, just ask, and if you have any requests, you can make them, it doesn't matter!"

Xie Lan frowned and was embarrassed: "It's just... I didn't think much about it at first. I just wanted to build a museum for my son to promote him. At first, I even wanted to buy a villa to renovate... I really I don’t want to build a football theme park…”

Hearing what she said, the Jincheng representative's expression darkened, while the Dongchuan representative looked like he was having fun.

But then Xie Lan changed the subject: "But now that I heard Director Jincheng Wang's plan, I think it is indeed very good. If you want to do it, let's do it big..."

Representative Dongchuan was dumbfounded, while Representative Jincheng cheered up again.

Just when Representative Jincheng thought there was a way out, Xie Lan changed the topic again: "But we are from Dongchuan, and our family is from Dongchuan. My son is the same - he still has his registered permanent residence in Dongchuan! What if the museum It’s really unjustifiable to build it in Jincheng…”

The Jincheng representative became anxious when he heard this: "Why can't you make sense, aunt? Think about it, Hu Lai started his career in Anton Flash Star, and Anton Flash Star is in Jincheng! So it's okay to build it in Jincheng No problem, it’s reasonable!”

The Dongchuan representative next to him also argued: "As you said, Hu Lai's football career started in our Dongchuan! He started contacting football in high school, and he also won the national championship on behalf of our Dongchuan Middle School. ...What does it mean to be built in Jincheng? The real starting point of his football career is gone, how can he convince the public?"

After saying that, he turned to Xie Lan and said with a shy smile: "Well, Madam Xie, if you like the theme park plan, it's okay. Let's build a football theme park in Dongchuan..."

The Jincheng representative interrupted the Dongchuan representative: "What? This football theme park is a plan we came up with. You come to Dongchuan to pick peaches? Is that okay?!"

The Dongchuan representative argued: "As for the football theme park, you said that your plan is yours? Does a park have exclusivity? My design plan is different from yours. I am just a football park, right?" "

"Hey you guys..." Representative Jincheng didn't expect the locals in Dongchuan to be so ungrateful and obviously wanted to plagiarize their ideas.

Seeing the two sides arguing endlessly, Xie Lan couldn't stand it anymore, so she tried to persuade both sides to make peace.

"Stop arguing. How about this...aren't Jincheng and Dongchuan next to each other? Can we build a football theme park where Dongchuan and Jincheng are next to each other?"

The representatives from Jincheng and Dongchuan looked at each other.

Diao Xiaoyun couldn't help but look at Xie Lan, not knowing how to evaluate Sister Xie's idea...


"Good evening, viewers, today is the fourth of Issue 202, the twenty-seventh day of the third month of the lunar calendar. Welcome to the Xinwen Lianbo program. Today's main content is..."

"...In a UEFA Champions League semi-final second leg match that ended early this morning. Madrid Pirates came back from behind by one goal and defeated Blue and White Munich 3:1. The total score was that of Chinese player Hu Lai in the game He completed a hat trick and helped the team reach the UEFA Champions League final again after 17 years. At the same time, he also set many records..."

"... He scored nineteen goals in the Champions League this season, breaking the single-season scoring records set by Selius Caesar and Mark Becker. At the same time, he scored a hat-trick in less than six minutes The trick also created the fastest hat-trick record in the history of the UEFA Champions League..."


PS, the plot of the semi-finals has completely come to an end.

Next, there is a short chapter to explain why I deleted and rewritten the original game plot. Because there are many words, I will not put it at the end of the chapter. I will open a separate chapter to talk about it with you.

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