Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 163 Let Hu Lai give you a sample

Sample 183

Renaldo Lima had just arrived in the locker room of the team's training base when Kabangka came to the door:

"Hey, Reynado, did you watch the match between Pirates of Madrid and Real Catajon?"

"I saw it. Is there anyone who hasn't seen it?" Lima asked.

Kabangka laughed: "Yes, if there is anyone who doesn't know about this game now, he must not be from Earth. What do you think after watching Hu's crazy performance?"

"He's really awesome." Lima sighed sincerely. "While watching the game, I repeatedly thought about whether I could do it if it were me. The answer is no. I had heard that he had done something similar at the U23 level before, but I didn't expect that he could do it again. Carve it once..."

"And it's even better. This time it was six goals in nine minutes, and that time it was five goals in nine minutes." Kabangka said.

"Hu really did his best when it came to scoring goals..." Lima sighed.

"I thought the 60 league goals last season were already amazing. But looking at it now, he is likely to break the record he created." Kabangka also nodded.

Then he asked: "Aside from thinking he is awesome, do you have any other opinions?"

"Any other comments?" Lima raised his head slightly, thought for a moment, then shook his head, "Probably none."

"Did you have trouble sleeping?"

Lima felt that Kabangka's question was strange: "Why should I not be able to sleep?"

"So you slept well?"

"I can't say it's okay. It's just like me, neither good nor bad."

Hearing this, Kabangka laughed: "Not bad."

"How could anyone have trouble sleeping because of Hu's performance?" Lima still felt that Kabangka's question was puzzling.

This is a good question.

The smile on Kabangka's face became brighter: "Why not? You see, after Meili knew about Hu's performance, didn't she have a hard time sleeping?"

Lima was stunned for a moment, and then he realized why Kabangka said that before - he had been waiting here for Melly for a long time!

"Ah, it turns out you were just trying to laugh at Merry..."

Kabangka shook his head with a residual smile on his face and said: "Of course not. I want to show you the importance of maintaining a normal mind. Meili just doesn't maintain a normal mind, so any slightest disturbance will cause stress. reaction……"

Lima smiled and said: "Kendor, if you had a more serious expression on your face when you said this, I would believe you.


"I'm serious." Kabangka said, still smiling. "How else can you explain Melli's performance in yesterday's game? He missed two penalty kicks. This is the first time in his career."

The expression on Lima's face also became serious: "So he is really affected?"

"Otherwise? Is there any other explanation? Did you watch the match between King Madrid and Atletico Malaga?"

Lima shook his head: "I didn't look..."

"No wonder." Kabangka nodded, "If you have watched that game, you won't have any doubts. When Melli took the first penalty kick, his eyes were wandering and he looked worried. He looked heavy, and then he kicked a half-high kick that the goalkeeper loves, and it was easily saved by Artuloma."

"It's normal for him to have seen Hu's match the day before Melli's match... No, no, he must have seen it. He cares about Hu so much..." Lima analyzed.

Kabangka smiled and said: "So you see, Renaldo. Meili cares so much about Hu, and he has always been worried about his loss to Hu. So much so that his mentality was unknowingly affected by Hu. Under the influence of Hu, he seems to have become Hu's satellite, locked by Hu's tide. If Hu performs well, he will perform poorly. If he performs well, no matter how good Hu's performance is, his good mood will be gone... Like this If he goes down, it would be strange if there is no problem with his mentality."

Lima nodded, he felt that what Kabangka said made sense.

Kabangka continued: "So keep a normal mind. Learning to accept failure does not mean accepting your fate and giving up. It means facing failure by accepting failure. Facing failure is to defeat him in the end. And It’s not like Melli is like now, not accepting failure and not daring to face failure. I can even say that in the next round of Madrid Derby, Melli will lose to Hu.”

"That's the King's home court..."

Although he agreed with most of Kabangka's analysis results, Lima still felt that Kabangka's conclusion was too arbitrary.

Seeing him so surprised, Kabangka smiled half-heartedly: "What? It's not like they have never lost to the Pirates at home."

"Uh..." Lima suddenly thought of something. Catalonia lost more at their home court, so what about the home court?

He was a little embarrassed.

"Anyway, just wait and see, Renaldo. I actually hope that the Kings can defeat the Pirates at home, so that we can return to first place. But... with Melli's state, I am very worried!"

Kings of Madrid now have 58 points, far behind Pirates of Madrid and Catalonia United, who both have 67 points.

Therefore, even if the Madrid Kings win once, they will not be able to threaten Catalan United in terms of points. Instead, they can hold off the Madrid Pirates and allow Catalan United to regain the top spot in the standings.


"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Crown Stadium to watch the highlight of the 26th round of La Liga. The 'Madrid Derby' between the Kings of Madrid and Madrid Pirates at home!"

"Before this game, the captain of the Madrid Kings and the main goalkeeper Rodrigues Backer returned from injury and successfully returned to the team. For the Madrid Kings, this is really a major benefit. Backer was originally expected to wait until late March. He has returned to the team nearly 20 days earlier than expected. It can be said to be a 'comeback on the line of fire'. When the team encounters difficulties, they need the captain's help more than ever..."

"This game is also Hu Lai's first game after 'Six Goals in Nine Minutes'. Just two days have passed, and everyone is still discussing it with gusto... Hu Lai can play again in this game. What performance?"

"Melli missed two penalty kicks in the last round of the league, which resulted in the team being tied with Atletico Málaga. This made him criticized in the past two days. So this fateful showdown with Hu, How can he respond to those criticisms?"

As the live broadcast footage showed close-ups of the faces of important players from both sides, the commentator introduced them one by one.

"Although it is home, there are disadvantages for the Kings of Madrid. That is, they will face Vesuvius, their opponent in the Champions League quarter-finals, here next week. Since they lost the away game in the first leg, the Kings of Madrid want to To advance to the Champions League quarter-finals, you need to beat Vesuvius at home. This will definitely cause a distraction for the King of Madrid..."

"Madrid Pirates has taken advantage of this. They have already defeated Rotterdam Elite 3:1 in the first round, and their second leg match will have to wait until next week, so they can use all their main players in this Madrid derby and try their best. Full strength.”


"The game has been going on for sixty minutes, and an hour has passed, and there is still no goal scored by either side. It is a little different from the Madrid derby that everyone imagined. The Kings of Madrid may really be thinking about the Champions League knockout round next week, and the Madrid Pirates It may be that too much passion was consumed in the last round of the league. In short, this game is currently very dull. The home team has the advantage on the scene, but this advantage has not been converted into goals. The King of Madrid has eight shots. But only one shot hit the goal frame. The Madrid Pirates had even fewer, only three shots, one of which hit the goal frame."

As the commentator Sanchez said, this game is still somewhat unworthy of the name "Madrid Derby".

It’s neither intense nor exciting.

Players on both sides were a little tired.

Meili was in poor condition, and Hu Lai was also dumb.

The Mars crashing into the Earth that everyone expected before the game did not happen.

In the 65th minute, the Madrid Pirates launched an attack. Facing the Madrid King's defense, they did not slowly organize the pass, but directly passed the high ball from the side to the center.

What he was looking for was Hu Lai and Vukovic in the penalty area.

While Madrid King center back Sequeiros made a mistake while defending Vukovic.

His header clearance did not hit the ball. Instead, his naturally raised arm hit the ball, causing the football to deflect, causing Vukovich who followed behind to hit the ball...

"Penalty kick!"

He Feng couldn't help but shout before the referee made the penalty.

He thought that with such a clear fact, VAR would not need to intervene, right?

Although this is the home court of the King of Madrid, it does not mean that the King can do whatever he wants.

Sure enough, after he finished shouting, the referee blew his whistle amidst huge boos and waved his hand towards... the penalty spot!

"Haha! It's indeed a penalty kick!" He Feng's partner Yan Kang was very happy. "Melli had two opportunities to take penalty kicks in the last round of the league, but he didn't score any of them. Now it's Hulay's turn to give him a try!"

"Killing is so heart-wrenching!" Xie Lan said in front of the TV, then she changed the topic: "But it's a good idea, please say more!"

This penalty kick is not controversial - many years ago there were "unintentional handball" and "intentional handball". Unintentional handball is often not considered a foul worthy of a penalty kick. Only intentional handball will be considered a foul.

But after the rule modification, handball is handball, whether it is intentional or not, whether it is the hand playing the ball or the ball hitting the ball, as long as the hand touches the hand, it is a handball and it is a foul.

So Sequeros's action was 100% a foul.

A penalty kick should have been awarded 100%.


From the moment Hu Lai stood at the penalty spot holding the football, the "storm of boos" over the Crown Stadium never stopped.

If you want to say which Pirates player Kings fans hate the most, it might have been the "traitor" Juan Ramirez in the past, but now it is definitely Hulay.

Hu Lai personally snatched away many of their championships and produced many famous scenes.

However, the boos from the Kings fans did not disturb Hu Lai.

He even kicked a spoon penalty to the boos!

Backer, who had just returned from injury, completely misjudged the direction. He flew out, but could only look back in the air to watch the football go in...

"The ball has been scored! Hulay has scored again! This is his nineteenth goal in the Madrid derby! His legendary record continues!"

After scoring, Hulay jumped in front of the Kings fans and made his signature celebration.

Then he raised his hand and made a "shut up" gesture to the Madrid Kings fans who were booing in the stands!

Shut up!

Come and pay tribute to the champion!

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