Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 164 Inner Demon

Chapter 1837 Inner Demon

"...The last Madrid derby in the league this season has ended. It is completely different from the excitement and excitement that everyone expected before the game. This may be the most boring Madrid derby in recent years...just from the score. You can see it - 1:0, Madrid Pirates defeated the Madrid Kings away from home. Julay scored the only goal of the game.

"Melli continued his sluggish state in the last round of the league, with only one shot hitting the goal frame. It is worth mentioning that the goal Hulay scored was a penalty kick. And Melli was just in the last round of the league. He missed two penalty kicks. This time Hulay used a 'spoon' in front of him to kick the penalty kick into the goal guarded by Bakker. I don't know if he did it on purpose. But after the game on social media In the media, a hot topic did appear, called 'Hu coached Melli to kick a penalty kick'... I have to say, the netizens were really hurt!"

"...Since the new season, Melli's performance is difficult to satisfy. To say that he is not in good condition, he has now scored 27 goals and had 15 assists. Such performance is definitely The top player in Europe. But to say that he is in good condition... and often misses the key at critical moments. For example, in the last round of the league, he was able to miss two penalty kicks against Atlético Málaga, which was not very strong... …In fact, the key lies in not being stable enough.

"By the way, although some fans online believe that the reason for Melli's unstable state is that he found a girlfriend and finally got rid of being single... But the author thinks this is pure nonsense. Let's not talk about Melli as a professional player. His physical function is far beyond that of ordinary people, and his sex life has little impact on his physical fitness. Just saying that he has a girlfriend, why is Hu's condition not affected? So the reason for Meili's unstable performance is attributed to the woman My friend, I think this is the same demonization of women as the old 'bad habit' of not letting women on the team bus.

"So even if some words may not please Melli fans so much, I still have to say it. Melli's poor performance has nothing to do with anyone else, especially his girlfriend, it has nothing to do with him. He just didn't perform well. There is no excuse. Some Meili fans should not attribute their idol’s faults to innocent people. This is not the right way to protect their idols!"


"My dear, have I brought you bad luck?"

When Melly heard Sylvia say this, he raised his head.

"I see...well, they are all saying this on the Internet, saying that since you met me, you have been surpassed by Hu..." Sylvia, who was stared at by Mellie, became smaller and smaller as she spoke.

"That's nonsense. It's because I'm in a bad state and it has nothing to do with you." Melly shook his head and flatly denied this statement.

Of course he knew why Sylvia said that.

In recent times... no, not just recently, in the past few months, there has always been a voice surrounding him, looming.

It's nothing more than criticizing him for being obsessed with women.

But Melly doesn't accept the accusation.

Is he addicted to women?

I know it very well.

Sylvia is indeed living with him now, but the frequency of their sexual life is normal and far from exaggerated to the point that it can affect his training and competition.

In addition, his training content and mentality were exactly the same as before his relationship with Sylvia.

He will also practice extra at a fixed time, and will not give up extra practice and rush home early just because Sylvia is waiting for him at home. Nor was he late for training just because he wanted to be gentle with Sylvia.

So he knew very well that his poor condition had nothing to do with Sylvia.

"Don't pay attention to those voices on the Internet. They don't understand me or you. They are just talking nonsense." Melly comforted his girlfriend again to prevent her from overthinking.

He knew very well how much traffic he had, and Sylvia was an ordinary girl. Being his girlfriend would indeed bear tremendous pressure.

He can't change the pressure from the outside world. All he can do is give Sylvia confidence, comfort her, and make her less affected by outside pressure.

Sylvia nodded first after hearing this, and then hesitated, as if she had something to say.

The way she hesitated to speak caught Merry's eyes, so he said, "What's wrong?"

"Actually, I want to say, maybe... you can reduce your obsession with Hu? I always feel that during this period, you have been too focused on defeating Hu, which has affected your mood... Maybe you haven't noticed it yourself. Yes, but you have become much more serious now..." Sylvia carefully observed Melly's expression while saying what she had hidden in her heart for a long time.

Melly rubbed his face and murmured: "How can you laugh if you always fail?"

"But you once told me that playing football is what makes you happy. If you become unhappy now, doesn't it mean something is wrong?" Sylvia asked.

"Problem? The only problem is that I haven't defeated him yet..." Merry shook his head.

Sylvia stopped talking, she could feel the stubbornness in Melly's heart.

Melly seemed to be able to sense Sylvia's different emotions from her silence, and he comforted: "I know you are doing it for my own good, Sylvia. But in football, there is no way to defeat someone who is destined to win." Opponent, I have no way to move forward..."

Sylvia forced a smile:

"I believe you can succeed."

"Thank you, Sylvia." Melly held Sylvia's soft and warm hand.

Sylvia couldn't say anything, she just hugged Mellie.

She was completely useless in football, and could give Melly nothing but her own love.


"After losing the Madrid derby, the point difference between the Madrid Kings and the top two in the league has been widened to 12 points, and they are not dominant in the relationship between the two competitors. Basically, they can It can be regarded as an early farewell to the league championship. At the same time, if Real Catharon had not been tied by Turias at home, they might even be in danger of fourth place in the league...

"The King of Madrid should be grateful to their rivals in the same city for this. If it weren't for the last round of the league, Pirates beat the opponent at home and they still haven't come back to their senses. How could Real Catharon be defeated at home by the last place in the league?" What about a draw with Turias? And if Real Catajon beats Turias in this round, the point difference between them and the Kings of Madrid will be only seven points!

"The league championship is almost hopeless. For the current Madrid Kings, they only have the Copa del Rey and the Champions League left to compete for. According to an insider at the Kings Club, the club president Mr. Juan Benetto said to the head coach Tavares I am very dissatisfied and are considering a coaching change.

"It is said that the second leg of the Champions League quarter-finals against Vesuvius next week will be Tavares's 'last'. If he cannot lead the team to reverse Vesuvius, then he will be dismissed immediately. But in fact, even if He has passed through Vesuvius, but he cannot rest easy. Unless he leads the team to the Champions League final, otherwise he will be dismissed immediately as long as he is eliminated before the final..."


Shan Daosheng, Song Jiajia, and Yong Jun stood in the box of the Crown Stadium.

They gathered here to watch the game between the Kings of Madrid and Vesuvius because this game may be related to Wang Guangwei's transfer.

"Uncle Shan and Uncle Yong, do you think that if the King of Madrid succeeds in reversing the game and defeats Vesuvius, will it bring any changes to Wang Guangwei's transfer prospects?"

Before the game started, Song Jiajia asked the two agents a question.

Yong Jun and Shan Daosheng looked at each other. In the end, Shan Daosheng, who knew Italian football better, shook his head and said: "It depends on Cao's performance in this game. But I think unless there is a major mistake, he will be eliminated. , it is also difficult to change the result that Kaa wants to leave Vesuvius and other wealthy teams want to sign Kaa."

Yong Jun joked half-jokingly from the side: "Actually, the best thing is that the King of Madrid was eliminated. Cao performed well in the game and directly successfully promoted himself to the King. Ha!"

"Hey, don't tell me, it's really possible!" Song Jiajia laughed.


More than a hundred minutes later, Song Jiajia in the box spread her hands: "Yes. Vesuvius is about to be eliminated. Fortunately, Kaa behaved normally."

At this moment, it is the 89th minute of the game. Including injury time, it is less than five minutes before the end of the game.

The Kings of Madrid are leading Vesuvius 2:0 at home, with a total score of 3:2.

Moreover, the King of Madrid had one more person than Vesuvius, giving him all the advantages.

"It's hard to say. The king is only leading by one goal. What if Vesuvius is tied at the last moment?" Yong Jun did not dare to say too harshly.

"There is a possibility, but it is too low. Melli is in good shape in this game. If Vesuvius really attacks from all fronts, the most likely result is that Melli steals another ball." Shan Daosheng posted own opinions.

"Congratulations to Tavares for successfully extending his life. This is definitely good news for Hu Lai." Song Jiajia joked.

Now everyone thinks that the biggest weakness of the Madrid King is not the ups and downs of Melli, but the head coach Tavares.

As long as Tavares doesn't get out of class for a day, the Madrid Kings will not be able to have any impact on the Madrid Pirates' three consecutive league championships.

"Are you okay? They already fought."

"That's just the league. What if the Champions League happens again?"

Yong Jun grinned: "I don't want to watch it anymore. I feel that since Hu Lai arrived in La Liga, the Kings and Pirates have met too many times in the past two seasons... I'm tired of aesthetics!"

Shan Daosheng made a joke on his colleague: "Lao Yong, are you worried about the curse of defending the Champions League?"

So far, no team has been able to successfully defend the Champions League after the restructuring.

It is precisely for this reason that the Madrid Pirates are not the most promising team in terms of odds of winning the Champions League this season.

Yong Jun shook his head seriously and said: "No. Meili today is really not worthy of being Hu Lai's big boss. He has big problems this season."

"I heard it has something to do with him finding a girlfriend?"

"I don't know..." Yong Jun shook his head and said, "It's impossible for us to get under the bed of the young couple to find out. But based on my own observation, I think it may be more related to Hu Lai."

"What's going on?" Song Jiajia and Shan Daosheng both asked curiously.

"I found that as long as Hu Lai performed well, Meili's performance was unstable at about the same time. Sometimes it was very good, and sometimes it was very bad... Although I don't have any evidence, I think Hu Lai may have become Meli's 'Inner Demon'."

"It's normal..." Shan Daosheng also mused, "Anyone who plays in the Champions League final like last season will probably have inner demons."

Song Jiajia nodded in agreement: "Yes. That boy is really good at making people angry."

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