Fox in the Penalty Area

Let me say a few words about guessing the outcome.

There is one thing I have to say. I originally planned to talk about it after the update at 6pm, but there are too many words, so I will write a separate chapter.

My score predictions during the World Cup and European Cup are essentially for my own entertainment with the readers, which is just fun. If you guess correctly, everyone will shout "Lin Da is awesome", if you guess wrong, everyone will shout "Ming Deng is awesome", it doesn't matter.

Even professionals can't guess the outcome, let alone an unprofessional football YY writer like me.

Even if you have thoroughly studied the lineups of both sides, the recent status of the players, historical confrontation records, coaches' tactics, etc., it is still difficult to figure out the most important factor that determines the outcome of the game, and that is - randomness.

The greatest charm of football games lies in its unpredictable randomness.

To use a saying that everyone has heard, it is "football is round."

Take the game between Argentina and Saudi Arabia as an example. If you extrapolate from the post-match results, you can of course conclude that Saudi Arabia’s tactics were appropriate, the head coach’s on-the-spot command was excellent, and the players tried their best, so Saudi Arabia won.

But looking at the course of the game, if Argentina had so many offside goals in the first half, even if one of them was not offside, the goal would be valid.

Then the outcome of this game could have been very different.

The same goes for the match between Japan and Germany. After the game, the Japanese team won, and everyone praised the head coach Moriyasu Yiyi for being bold and daring to put the main force on the bench.

But if I lose, I’m afraid everyone will say something else.

The method is still the same, just because the results are different, everyone's opinions are different.

Do you want to say that Mori Yasuichi's tactical arrangements will definitely help the Japanese team defeat Germany?

That's not it either.

A slight accident during the game may change the result. Even Mori Yasuichi himself cannot guarantee that he will win according to his own tactical arrangements.

So you can definitely guess it because of your major?

Even their head coaches may not be as sure as you... Are they not professional enough?

It was just for fun, I guess, you guys are also having fun, it's pretty good.

I never encourage others to buy balls with this thing.

I never buy football myself.

Keep a good attitude, the World Cup is a festival for fans, not a carnival for dog gamblers.

The football game itself is much more interesting than guessing the outcome.

Also take the game between Argentina and Saudi Arabia as an example.

Although I guess Argentina will beat Saudi Arabia, when I saw the Saudi Arabian players trying their best to stop Argentina during the game, I couldn't help but cheer for them because their fighting spirit moved me.

And if the betting dogs are betting on Argentina to win, then in their eyes, the Saudi players who played until they were exhausted would be a heinous crime, because they would lose money. They will not feel the joy of football itself from the game, nor will they be moved by the courage and fighting spirit of the Saudi Arabian players.

In short, that's it. Guessing the outcome is just an entertainment activity. I have never asked, supported or encouraged everyone to buy football.

I am not a professional betting company. If you decide which side to buy based on my predictions and lose money, then all I can say is: you deserve it.

Cherish life and stay away from gambling.


PS, some people said that he was not betting on football, but just thought that I guessed wrong, and he was ashamed and embarrassed for me.

Then you are just meddling in other people's business. I am not ashamed or embarrassed myself, so what are you ashamed of? Are you so empathetic?

If you guess it right, I'm awesome, if you guess wrong, I'm still awesome. It's like Qin Shihuang touched the switch - he won.

I don’t know what I have to be ashamed of and embarrassed about.

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