Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 212 We are at the crossroads of history again

Chapter 1885 We have reached the crossroads of history again

When Madrid Pirates made history in the Champions League semi-finals, reversing and eliminating Ruerrhein, Hulay once again became the focus of media attention and traffic.

After the first leg of the semi-finals, Hulay encountered online violence, and many people ridiculed his performance of not scoring in two consecutive games.

Hu Lai made no response, as if he couldn't hear the sounds at all.

That period was simply the "darkest moment" for Hu Lai's supporters.

Because Hu Lai's performance during that period was really awkward, so even if they were being ridiculed for output, they could not respond.

If anyone dares to talk back... well, Hu Lai's fans and Hu Lai will be sprayed even more.

And never underestimate the creativity of netizens. They can definitely invent many jokes that you can't even think of, and their spread on the Internet is amazing.

But what is better about football than others is that no matter what the grudges are, they can always be resolved with football.

It's normal to be scolded if you don't perform well. As long as you perform well, you will be praised to the sky immediately.

It's so exciting, just like riding a roller coaster, there's absolutely no in-between.

Hu Lai fans were holding back their anger, and when they waited until the second round of the Champions League semi-finals, they finally found a breakthrough to vent their emotions.

Chinese fans are full of enthusiasm on the Chinese Internet, and foreign Hu Lai fans are no less generous.

And when they were killing people, the people who had ridiculed and scoffed at Hu Lai had no choice but to shut up.

Ordinary fans are fine, but it may not be easy for those celebrities who have criticized Hu Lai to shut up.

After all, Hulay's performance in the second leg of the Champions League semi-finals was a major event in European football, and they could not pretend to turn a blind eye.

They still have to comment on it, unless they don't want the traffic anymore.

As a result, a large number of Hu Lai's supporters flooded into their social media accounts, and they posted screenshots of celebrities' previous criticisms of Hu Lai in the comment area.

It's like "whipping a corpse".

Regarding Hu Lai's performance in the second round of the semi-finals, some celebrities only praised it and never mentioned other things. It's like nothing happened before.

Some people behave very neutrally, neither denying their previous criticism of Hu Lai nor belittling Hu Lai's current performance. Finally, they give themselves a bonus: Hu Lai behaves like this precisely because of himself. Objective and neutral critics continue to push him.

Others are die-hards who dismiss Hulay's performance in the Champions League semi-finals.

Keep standing up for your opinions. That is, "a pure shooter's historical status in world football can never be higher than that of a player with outstanding skills." In order to enhance their persuasion, they also pulled Caesar out and whipped his body.

It is said that before Hulay appeared, Caesar was the player who scored the most goals and was the best at scoring goals on the planet, setting a series of historical records. But so what? Hu Lai turned out to break a series of records of Caesar. Therefore, after Hu Lai, there will be a talented shooter who can score more goals than him, breaking all his records and becoming the person with the most goals.

What's so great about just scoring goals?

Only players with outstanding skills like former ball king Ferriojo Igovara who are good at dribbling can become eternal. Because the measure of Igovara's success is not the number of goals scored, but his own football skills and quality.

The goal record will always be surpassed. Only your own technical ability belongs to you and cannot be taken away by others or easily surpassed.

Having said so much, I still want to say that although Melli's performance this season is not as good as Hu Lai's, his future achievements will definitely be higher than Hu Lai's. This is determined by his type.

This kind of person is the most severely criticized by Hu Lai's fans and is the target of criticism.

In addition to such die-hards, most people still praised Hu Lai's performance. Even if you don't feel happy, you still have to hold your nose and praise.

Because Hu Lai's performance was truly in front of everyone.

Don’t talk about “future achievements”…

On the one hand, it is petty to use the level of future achievements to belittle Hu Lai's current achievements.

On the other hand, it’s also because who knows how high Hu Lai’s achievements will be in the future? It is always said that Hu Lai's player type determines that his upper limit is not high enough. But isn’t Hu Lai the best at slapping people in the face? How many years in his career has he already slapped many people in the face?

So what we say now about the future is just an act of self-deception by some people.


Whether it was the formal media or the Internet, everyone was once again shocked by Hu Lai's performance.

This also puts Madrid Pirates' next game in the spotlight.

May 12th, the final round of the 202 Spanish Primera Division.

Madrid Pirates host Samirspor.

This is a game that ultimately determines the league title.

But in fact, after seeing Hulay's performance in the second leg of the Champions League semi-finals, most people believed that the La Liga championship was no longer in suspense.

Madrid Pirates can win the league championship trophy for the third consecutive season as long as they defeat Samirspor at home.

As for whether they have the ability to beat Samir Sports... isn't that obvious?

Even if Samirspor wants to compete for the Europa League qualification for next season, compared with Madrid Pirates who want to compete for the league championship, which goal is more attractive?

As of the 37th round of the league, Samirspor has accumulated 57 points and is ranked fifth. It is four points behind the fourth place Biscay and is destined to miss the Champions League qualification.

But their qualification for the Europa League is not very safe, because they have 57 points with the sixth-place Real Catharon, and the seventh-place Sevilla Navigator has 54 points, which is three points less.

Because the winning-loss relationship between Samir Sports and Sevilla Navigator is not dominant, if Sevilla wins and Samir Sports loses, and the two teams have the same points, Samir Sports may be eliminated. To squeeze out - of course, Real Catajon must beat Atlético Oviedo away from home.

If Real Catajon loses to Sporting Oviedo away from home, Samirspor will not have to worry about losing their Europa League qualification.

The match between Madrid Pirates and Samirspor at home will not only determine the league championship, but also determine whether another record will be born - the La Liga single-season scoring record.

The current record is 60 goals, created by Hulay in the league last season.

At that time, many people felt that Hu Lai had set a record that he might not be able to break.

Unexpectedly, in just one season, Hu Lai might break his record again.

He has now scored 59 goals in the league, only one goal short of last season's record.

Score one goal and tie the record, score two goals and set a new record.

Judging from Hulay's performance in the second leg of the Champions League semi-finals, it shouldn't be difficult for him to score two goals...

A game that determines the championship, a game that determines the record... So Samir Sports came to the crossroads of history.

Just like the Royal Catharjon and Valentia before it.

However, the performance of Samir Sports, which is at a historical crossroads, is completely different from the previous two teams.

Samirspor head coach Igor Yost was asked about the record set by Hulay during an interview.

This is his answer:

"Record? I think it's almost 100 percent that he will set another record against us. If he does it, then I will give him a round of applause and congratulate him. He set an amazing record. Of course. , if he hadn’t done it, I would have congratulated him, because what he has done is amazing enough.”

The answer of Samir Sports head coach Youst received praise and respect from Hulay fans at home and abroad.

But some people think that Yost himself may not be telling the truth, he just has to say so.

After all, the last Real Catalon who faced off against Hulay is still dead - Royal Catalon was originally ranked fourth in the league, and was nine points ahead of fifth-placed Sevilla Navigator, with a clear advantage.

As a result, after the twenty-fifth round of away games, this team has been sliding all the way into the abyss, and it has not completely recovered until now. In the next twelve rounds of the league, it won two, drew three and lost seven...

Let everyone be very aware of the consequences of "dancing before the game".

With the "lessons learned from the Royal Catharoon", how could Samir Sports dare to provoke Hulay before the game?

When the media asked Yost questions about Hu Lai's record, they were actually digging a hole for him to jump into.

Yost is not stupid, so of course he will not be fooled.

As long as the media wants traffic and popularity, they will be the unlucky ones in the end.

But does Yost think that after saying this, he can prevent the media from succeeding?

He thinks too much.

After such a statement, the media reported:

"It's unbelievable, the coach of Samir Sports is timid before fighting!" 》

"Shock! Yost is willing to applaud enemy players! 》

"The Catalan United are working in vain, and the league championship has lost its suspense!" 》


PS, cherish life and stay away from gambling.

Guessing the outcome is just for fun and does not involve any monetary transactions.

My opinions are neither professional nor sophisticated, so please do not use them as reference.

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