Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 235 Let’s watch the World Cup together

Watch the World Cup 1st

Chu Yifan walked out of his office and came to the spacious office hall outside. He clapped his hands. After successfully attracting everyone's attention, he said loudly:

"I won't work overtime today. I'll get off work at that time. Everyone should go back early."

The people in the hall were stunned for a moment, then cheered.

During the cheers, someone asked Chu Yifan: "What's wrong, boss? Is there anything special happening today?"

Before Chu Yifan could answer, the colleague next to him said to him: "You are stupid, it's the World Cup!"

The other party was stunned: "World Cup? Isn't the World Cup on the 19th? Today is only on the 14th..."

"Oh, that was the match between China and Spain, today is the opening game! Portugal plays Norway!"

"Oh oh oh! I always thought the match between Spain and China was the opening match. Aren't they the host?"

"Although Spain is the host, they are in the last group. Their match with the Chinese team cannot be the opening game..." The colleague next to him patiently explained to this pseudo-fan colleague.

In the lively crowd, a balding middle-aged man raised his hand and went against everyone: "Boss, can I apply for overtime?"

Under everyone's surprised gazes, Chu Yifan asked: "Lao Li, don't you watch the World Cup?"

"Look..." Lao Li nodded.

"Then why do you work overtime?"

Lao Li frowned: "I can't watch it when I go home, my wife won't let me..."

There was a burst of laughter in the office area.

Chu Yifan also laughed: "You... there's no need. Just don't watch it today. Go home and spend time with your sister-in-law. I'll arrange overtime for you on the 19th."

Unexpectedly, Lao Li shook his head and rejected Chu Yifan's kindness: "I won't work overtime on the 19th. I have to go home and take my wife and children to watch the Chinese team's game."

"Hoo?" Chu Yifan didn't expect Lao Li's thoughts to be so clear.

"Cultivating fans has to start from childhood!"

Chu Yifan smiled: "That's fine, whatever you want."

Seeing that Chu Yifan agreed, a few more people suddenly raised their hands: "Boss, we also take the initiative to work overtime!"

Others followed suit and cheered: "Wow! It turns out there are so many 'ear-rakers' in our department!" (Note 1)


"Let's go!" As soon as the off-duty time came, Yan Yan stood up from his seat. Before other colleagues started packing their things,

He had slung his backpack over him.

It was obviously already prepared.

"Lao Yan, are you so positive?" Someone joked at the same time.

"Can you still be considered a true fan if you don't actively watch football?" Yan Yan answered him.

But when he was about to leave, he was stopped again.

"Brother Yan, who do you think will win the opening match?" a girl asked.

Yan Yan, who was about to go out, stopped and said to her: "I think Norway is going to win."

The girl was surprised: "Ah? Isn't Portugal the host?"

"Just because we are the host, the first game is very stressful."

"Ah, I see on Weibo that they are all saying that Lin Haitingtao, who writes football novels, is optimistic that the host Portugal will beat Norway with one goal..."

Yan Yan smiled: "Ha! What are you looking at him for? That's a big beacon!"

"Bright light?" The girl obviously doesn't pay attention to football, so she doesn't know much about football-related information.

"It means burning yourself to illuminate others. If the beacon is optimistic that Portugal will win, then Norway will basically win. And Norway is actually not weak. If they put down their burdens and fight, they can really beat the host." Yan Yan analyzed.

The girl nodded in realization, and then asked: "Brother Yan, how much did you buy from Norway?"

Yan Yan's answer surprised her: "I didn't buy it."

"Eh?" The girl's eyes widened.

As the World Cup approaches, the topics discussed by everyone in the company are all related to football, and football betting has naturally become a hot spot of attention.

Some people want to use money to express their support for their team, while others simply want to make a fortune by betting on football.

What about "Small gambling for pleasure", what about "Give it a try and your bicycle will turn into a motorcycle", what about "Reverse buying in a competition, the villa is close to the sea"...

The girl originally thought that as the most famous fan in the company, Yan Yan should participate in football betting activities frequently.

Unexpectedly, Yan Yan told her that he did not buy the ball.

"Eh? Why?" the girl asked in confusion.

"People who really like football don't bet on it."

Yan Yan shook his head and said to the girl with a smile, then turned and left.


When Tang Xiuyuan was walking in the community, a delivery boy carrying a plastic bag ran up to her. When he saw her, he asked anxiously: "Where is the unit in the third building?"

Tang Xiuyuan reflexively pointed in the direction in front of her. After the other party thanked her, she immediately turned around and ran away.

Only then did she realize - three buildings and one unit... isn't that the unit my family lives in?

Then she looked at the plastic bag the delivery boy was holding, and suddenly called him: "Wait a minute!"

When the other party stopped and turned to look at her, Tang Xiuyuan asked again: "Is it 1603?"

The delivery boy picked up the plastic bag, confirmed the order and nodded: "Yes."

Tang Xiuyuan laughed: "Then just give it to me directly. It belongs to our family."

"Can I tell you the last number on your mobile phone?"

Tang Xiuyuan reported the last four digits of Chu Yifan's mobile phone number. After the delivery boy confirmed it, he handed her the plastic bag and ran to the exit of the community with relief - his order almost timed out.


Chu Yifan opened the door and found that the person standing at the door holding a takeout bag was Tang Xiuyuan. He was surprised: "Why did you bring it up?"

"Hey, I happened to meet the delivery man when I was walking downstairs. He asked me how to get to the three buildings and one unit. I guess it was not such a coincidence? I asked a lot if it was 1. I saw that he was anxious. , let him give me the takeout."

After Tang Xiuyuan handed the takeaway to Chu Yifan, she changed her shoes while talking.

Then she turned her head and saw the dining table piled high with various takeaways, and exclaimed: "Why are there so many?!"

"Lao Yan and the others will be here soon," Chu Yifan explained.

"You can't eat so much..."

"Where's the excess? This needs to be eaten from night to midnight."

While the two were talking, the doorbell on the wall rang.

Chu Yifan leaned over and took a look. Two faces of Meng Xi and Mao Xiao appeared on the screen downstairs, as well as excited voices: "Captain Chu, open the door!"

"Good guys, you guys are here early enough..." After welcoming Meng Xi and Mao Xiao into the door, Chu Yifan complained while taking the beer from them.

"Hey, I missed work!" Meng Xi said.

Mao Xiaoze said: "I have a rest today."

Then the two of them greeted Tang Xiuyuan, who was setting dishes at the dining table: "Hello, sister-in-law!"

"Okay." After Tang Xiuyuan greeted them, she pointed to the sofa in the living room and said, "Sit anywhere you want."

"Don't worry, sister-in-law, we're not polite!"

Meng Xi and Mao Xiao put on their slippers and walked into the living room, and skillfully opened the game console Chu Yifan bought.

"While they don't come, let's play a few games first."

"I choose the Chinese team!"

"Which Chinese team to choose! Today's opening match, let's use a game to simulate the opening match!"

"Then I choose Portugal!"

"Guess guessing, whoever wins will choose the host!"


The coffee table in the living room is piled with various barbecues, braised vegetables and snacks, as well as beer cans.

The sofa was full of people, and there were people sitting on the armrests of the sofa. Some people simply sat cross-legged on the floor.

Everyone was watching the live broadcast on the projection screen intently.

The opening game of the World Cup has begun.

To be precise, it has just begun.

"Hey, who can win this game?" someone asked.

"I'm optimistic about Portugal. Barea is in really good form at Tramed this season." Meng Xi said.

Yan Yan said: "I think Norway can win, and Seth's performance in Ruerrhein was not bad either!"

Others followed and shouted: "The bar is on, the bar is on!"

While everyone was making a fuss, the commentator shouted during the broadcast: "Steal in the frontcourt! Opportunity!"

In an instant, everyone's attention was drawn to the live broadcast of the game.

I saw a player from the Norwegian team kicking a pass from the right rib!

The football drew an arc and went straight to the back of the Portuguese penalty area!

"Look at this ball!"

In the Portuguese defense, which hastily retreated, the Norwegian team's No. 10 John Set suddenly broke out, jumped high in the air without any defense, and shook his head to attack the goal!

He threw the football backwards!

Although Portugal goalkeeper Ze Correa tried his best to save, he still failed to save this tricky header!

"Sette!! The ball is scored!! Oh oh oh! The game only started for five minutes, and the Norwegian team took the lead! The host Portugal fell behind! This start is simply too dramatic!"

"What the fuck?!"

"Holy shit! What's going on?!"

"Good day!"

Everyone in the living room widened their eyes and vomited fragrance.

Only Yan Yan was laughing: "What did I say? What did I say?! Hahahaha!"


Note 1: Raking the ears means "wife control" in dialect. In fact, it is not the word "rak", but "fire". However, this word is not included in the computer font library, so it cannot be typed.

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