Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 236 Everything is possible in the World Cup

No. 1 Everything is possible

"Game over! Game over!"

Accompanied by the commentator's incredible exclamations, the Chinese team players in the hotel conference room behaved differently.

Some people were cheering, and some were still confused.

Luo Kai put his head in his hands, sat in his chair, and looked at the close-up shot of his friend Ricardo Barria crying on the projection screen.

In fact, even those who cheered for Norway never expected this ending before the game. The reason why they cheered for Norway was just because they admired and appreciated the tenacity shown by the Norwegian team in the game. It did not mean that they had expected this result from the beginning.

"Balia cried. He missed a chance to score a goal in this game. If the goal could be scored, Portugal would equalize the score and greatly boost the team's morale. But he didn't score. Nothing happened..."

During the broadcast, the Spanish commentator sounded a little sarcastic and teasing.

"Before this World Cup, Portugal, as one of the hosts, made bold statements that its goal was to win the World Cup. As a result, they were defeated by Norway, which was ranked 36th by FIFA in the first game. Now the Portuguese should not think about it. World champions, they should first consider how to qualify from the group!”

The commentator on Spanish TV is still giving Portugal a try: "Norway is a fourth-tier team in this group, and their ranking is even one place lower than Costa Rica... Now Portugal has lost, it is simply unbelievable! Portugal is very They obviously underestimated their opponent, and then conceded the ball at the beginning, which completely messed them up..."

This guest specifically compared Costa Rica with Norway, not because the two teams happened to be on the same footing in the FIFA rankings, but because Spain had just beaten Rica in the warm-up match before the World Cup.

Mentioning Costa Rica at this time simply kills two birds with one stone. On the one hand, it satirizes Portugal, and on the other hand, it highlights the power of Spain.

Jorge Dillon pressed the remote control and turned off the live broadcast, instead of letting the commentator continue to beat the losing Portugal.

As the live broadcast disappeared, the noisy conference room gradually became quiet.

Dillon was not in a hurry. After everyone fell silent, he said: "Norway's victory shows that anything is possible in the World Cup. So don't set limits for yourself in advance, thinking that this is impossible, and that is impossible." Maybe. As long as we dare to think and fight, we can also beat another host in the game. Don't scare yourself with the performance of opponent players in the league or the Champions League. National team games and club games are completely different. There is no reference value at all.”

As the first game of the World Cup approaches, public opinion is filled with various voices regarding this game.

Perhaps except for Chinese fans, people from other countries around the world are more optimistic about Spain winning.

Even in China, many people believe that if the Chinese team can draw with the Spanish team in their debut, it will be considered a victory.

In the "group qualifying roadmap" planned by Chinese fans and media for the Chinese team, the Chinese team drew with Spain in the first game and narrowly defeated Italy in the second game. This way, the Chinese team can accumulate four points. Spain also has four points after two group matches. Italy may have three points, or it may have two points.

In the final round of the group stage, Spain and Italy are locked in a slugfest. Regardless of the outcome, it will be beneficial to the Chinese team, which has already accumulated four points. As long as they don't lose to Nigeria, they can get a place in the group.

Drawing with Spain, in the eyes of many people, has become the Chinese team's highest goal in this game.

But Dillon didn't think that simply. His goal was definitely not just a draw with Spain.

"Of course, this game will also be a wake-up call for our opponents. They will definitely be alert and expect them to underestimate their opponents in the game with us. It is unlikely... but we should not have given up the hope of winning. Count on your opponent's underestimation.

"You are stronger now than you were four years ago. You can no longer have the weak mentality before, and you can't always hope to take advantage of your opponents' mistakes. If there are still people who are lucky, Norway's victory in this game will also give us our final retreat. It's blocked.

"In your country, there is a saying that goes, 'The brave will win when we meet on a narrow road.' We and the Spanish team are meeting on a narrow road. Whoever is braver and less afraid of death at this time will be able to survive until the end. And if in this kind of duel If you hesitate even a little bit, you will fall into the abyss.

"There are still four days left before our first game. During these four days, everyone must keep in mind the performance of the Norwegian players in this game and follow their example to prepare us and The game in Spain. That's all I have to say, now go back and rest and prepare for tomorrow's training."


Even after a night, the Spanish players still found it incredible when they talked about last night's game at breakfast.

"Who is there in Norway? The biggest star in their team is the midfielder John Sett of Ruerrhein, and the second biggest star is the center back Robestad who is currently playing for the Turin Bulls. Half of the starting lineup is Playing in their home league, a team like this actually beat Portugal..."

"Dani scored 25 goals for Navigators last season, why did he fail in the World Cup?"

"Barria can hit that ball high. It's more difficult not to score than to score it!"

Juan Ramirez interrupted the discussion of his teammates: "No need to make a fuss, this is the World Cup. Don't be superstitious about performance in the league, and don't use the club's experience to apply to the national team. Portugal gave us a suggestion Wake up, never underestimate the Chinese team."

As soon as he finished speaking, the team's right midfielder, Martin Losada, who plays for the Blue and White Munich, couldn't help shouting: "Juan, what you said is too nonsense! Who dares to underestimate the team with Hu ?!”

There was a burst of laughter in the restaurant.

In the whole world, except for the players of the Chinese team, it is probably the Spanish internationals who know more about Julay's power.

Except for the international players who played for Madrid Pirates, almost all of them were "victims".

Amid roars of laughter, national team assistant coach Alexis Moyano walked out of the restaurant. He looked at the door for a while, and then went straight to Juan Ramirez.

"Juan, Mr. Borja is looking for trouble."

As soon as these words came out, the previously lively restaurant suddenly became quiet, and everyone turned their attention to Juan Ramirez.

In the quiet atmosphere, Ramirez calmly wiped his mouth with a napkin, then stood up and followed Moyano.

After he walked out of the restaurant, the discussion started again:

"Why did the head coach look for Juan?"

"Why else? It should have something to do with whether he can play, right?"

"Honestly, I hope Juan can play, but judging from his recovery in training, I'm afraid it's not very optimistic to catch up with our game against the Chinese team..."

Ion Martinez saw Joaquin Vela, who was sitting at the same table with him, frowning and remaining silent, so he touched him and asked, "Why this expression?"

"I'm thinking, if the captain can't play, how can we limit the Chinese team's offense?"

Ion patted him: "Don't think so much. Although without Juan, our defensive hardness will be reduced, but we will use other ways to make up for this problem. Just like we did in the game against Costa Rica."

"Ion, don't you believe those nonsense from the media?" Joaquin Bella lowered his voice and almost leaned on the table to speak. "Are the situations in Costa Rica and the Chinese team the same? Are there beauties in Costa Rica?"


"That's it, they both scored two goals against us. So please think about it, how will our defense perform when it faces Hu?"

Ion was speechless. As Hu Lai's teammate in the club, he certainly knows how good Hu Lai is.

"The captain knows this and that's why he wants to be back in time for the first game."

Ion frowned and clicked his tongue: "Captain, if you want to catch up with the game against Hu... it's difficult!"


The head coach of the Spanish national team, Kily Borja, looked at Juan Ramirez in front of him and said slowly: "The opinion given by the medical team is not to recommend that you play in the first game. Your knee There is still some pain..."

"It's just a little painful, Mr. Borja," Ramirez said eagerly, "When I exert force when I'm healthy, I occasionally experience some pain in my knees. That's a normal physiological reaction!"

"I can understand your feelings, Juan. But we should be cautious. The game against China is only the first game of this World Cup. There are still two group matches. If you are in this first game The injury has worsened again, what should I do next?”

Borja advised.

"Taking a step back, even if we fail to win the first game against the Chinese team, we still have two group matches left. By then, if you can return with a healthy body, it will obviously help the team. It's bigger than if you force your debut in the first game. You are the captain and you have to consider the interests of the whole team."

Juan Ramirez's open mouth was blocked by the last words of coach Borja.

Yes, he is the captain and he cannot act willfully.

But he wanted to say to Borja:

Just because I am captain, I want to play against Hulay.

Seemingly reading his mind, Borja continued: "I know what you are worried about, but you have to believe in your teammates, Juan. Give them confidence and cheer for them in the stands."

Ramirez lowered his head and remained speechless.

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