Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 249 Dare to dream of victory

1st won

"The Chinese team's counterattack! Be careful!"

Spanish commentator Alvarez Sanchez started to exclaim when he saw Hulay passing the football to Xia Xiaoyu in the commentary box.

"Chen! He passed Tres deftly!"

At this time, there were loud boos in the stands. Obviously Spanish fans who know football well know what Chen Xingyi means.

They are starting to worry about their defense!

Chen Xingyi dribbled the ball forward, and the Chinese fans in the stands cheered louder and louder.

They saw the Chinese team killing five or six players in one breath, while the Spanish team had not had time to retreat.

In addition to the two center backs and the goalkeeper who were originally trailing behind, right back Martin Lozada is chasing back.

The midfield was almost empty - Rosas and Campuzano pounced too far forward and it was too late to return to defense.

Just Joaquin Vela chasing back as always. But he was too far away from the backcourt. Under the counterattack of the Chinese team's full sprint, the distant water could not save the near fire...

Every Chinese fan knows that this is the best chance for the Chinese team in the second half!

After Chen Xingyi discovered that there were only two Spanish center backs in the penalty area and no extra defensive players, he decisively made a pass!

When Zhou Zijing failed to head the ball, the Spanish fans in the stands did not feel relaxed at all.

Because when Zhou Zijing jumped up, they had already noticed Hu Lai behind!

Spanish fans know better than anyone that compared to Zhou Zijing, who is competing for the first spot, Hu Lai is more threatening at the back!

Sure enough, when the football flew over Zhou Zijing's head, the Spanish fans at the scene couldn't wait to exclaim.

"No!! No!!" Sanchez also screamed in the commentary box. "No no no no no! No-!"

After Hulay stopped the ball beautifully, shook Sequeiros away, and then sent the football into the goal with the instep of his outside foot, Sanchez leaned on the back of the chair in the commentary box and sighed: "Alas!"

Not far from him, Chinese commentators He Feng and Yan Kang went crazy:

"Hu Lai! Hu Lai! Hu Lai!! Ahahahaha! Hu Lai! Scored twice! 'Mr. Scored twice' scored twice! His goal helped the Chinese team lead Spain 3:0!"

"Viewers, can you believe it? The Chinese team is now three goals ahead of Spain! Yes! You heard it right! The score is 3:0! The Chinese team is in the lead! The one who is leading is indeed the defending champion Spain!"

But it’s definitely not just the Chinese commentators who are crazy.

The other commentators in the commentary box also went crazy.

"Unbelievable! Ladies and gentlemen! It's unbelievable! Hu Mei scored twice! The Chinese team leads Spain by three goals!"

"This is crazy! With a score of 3:0, the leader is not the host country, but the Chinese team!"

"After we lost 0:1 to Norway, the Spanish media once laughed at us! But no matter how bad Portugal was, they never fell behind their opponents by three goals at home!"

"Oh my God! Is this really the defending champion? Sorry, I can't see the shadow of the winning team four years ago! Did the Chinese team and the Spanish team exchange uniforms?!"

"Hu has continued his excellent form at the club this season! Facing the most familiar opponent, he is really not polite at all! I think no one understands the threat of Hu better than the players of the Spanish team, and now they seem to be reliving their old dreams ! But this old dream is... a nightmare!"

"It turns out that the one who was most affected by the loss of Cerrados was not the King of Madrid, but the Spanish national team!"

The TV broadcast actually gave a shot of Alexandra Cerrados in the VIP seat.

In the camera, the "King" Cerrados, who led Spain to win the championship four years ago, has a solemn expression on his face, looking at the stadium in silence.

"When he retired last year, Cerrados was asked about this year's World Cup. He said that he believed in his teammates in the national team and believed that the Spanish team, which is full of talents, can continue to operate normally without anyone. Now I don't know if he will Do you regret not playing another year?"


Amid everyone's cheers and exclamations, Hulay turned around and ran towards the corner flag area after scoring.

This time, he is finally going to do his signature celebration in this stadium.

Although this is not his first time at this stadium.

But this must be the most memorable one.

Because this is the World Cup!

When Hu Lai made his celebration in front of everyone, nearly 20,000 Chinese fans present shouted in unison:


In the stands, Mantores Alvared and his companions clenched their teeth and remained silent.

That thunder once came from their mouths, and it was in this stadium that they used this cry to cheer for Hu Lai countless times.

After shouting it’s time to laugh heartily.

But this time they couldn't laugh at all. With the same cheers, they became the victims...

In the end, someone next to Alvared still couldn't control his mouth and let out a long sigh.

The sound was like a ball deflating, and it broke the awkward silence in the stands.

Then someone asked: "We... aren't going to lose, are we?"

No one answered him.

No one wants to face this problem.

The defending champion fell behind the Chinese team 0:3 in the first round of the group stage.

There were about thirty minutes left in the game.

Can Spain score three goals in a row in thirty minutes?

To be honest, after watching the first 60 minutes of the game, even the most die-hard Spanish fans would not dare to daydream like this.

It's not that the Chinese team is strong - the Chinese team has Hu Lai, and Hu Lai is indeed very strong. But the rest of the Chinese team is not strong enough to make Spanish fans despair.

The key is that the current Spanish team players seem to have collectively forgotten their shooting boots.

They didn't have no chances in the first 60 minutes of the game. Salado, Alegria, Campuzano... all had shooting chances, but who scored?

No one got in!

In terms of technical statistics, the Spanish team currently has 11 shots, four of which were on target, and... zero goals.

What about the Chinese team? Seven shots were taken, four of which were on target, and three goals were scored.

"Cerados shouldn't have retired..." someone complained.

"He can even play for a team outside of Spain. He can definitely participate in this World Cup. But because the king wants to correct Melly, they don't renew his contract and force him to retire... Damn it! Melly. No matter how you say it, Leigh is an Argentinian! He is not a player from Spain!"

Although these people are fans of Madrid Pirates at the club level, they also support Hulay.

But at the national team level, facing the Chinese team with Hulay, they hope that Hulay can score, but they still hope that Spain will win the final victory.

Before the game, there was a saying in China: In this game, the Spanish fans who belong to the Madrid Pirates will switch sides and cheer for the Chinese team.

This news has been widely publicized by marketing accounts and self-media, and it seems to have become a fact.

The person who fabricated such rumors may hope to use this kind of story to reflect Hu Lai's awesomeness.

But this is an insult to Spanish fans.

After all, in front of the country and individuals, Spanish fans know what choice they should make.

Even the most die-hard Madrid Pirates fans will want Spain to win.


Also dejected in the stands was Juan Ramirez, the captain of the Spanish national team, who could only sit in the stands and watch the game due to injury.

When he saw Hu Lai kicking the football into the goal, he was no longer so shocked as he was with the first goal that he stood up from his seat.

He was sitting in his seat, holding the railing tightly with both hands, looking blankly in the direction of his home goal.

When the head coach decided not to let him play in this game, many images flashed through his mind.

He even thought that Spain might lose to the Chinese team.

But he definitely didn't expect to lose three goals!

3:0 Ah...

Put in any game, this score can be called a "complete victory"!

Although the game was not over yet, Ramirez could see that the team's morale was almost shattered.

It is very difficult to expect them to turn defeat into victory or draw.

This world champion, after only four years, seems to suddenly no longer know how to play football...

If I could play in this game, would the outcome be any different?

Ramirez didn't know.

At the very least, he was helpless when faced with Hu Lai's opening shot...

He can only hope that his injury will improve as soon as possible and that he can catch up with the remaining two group matches with a healthy body.

As long as Spain can defeat Nigeria and Italy, it can also qualify from this group.

As the defending champion and the host nation, they can't even qualify for the group stage, right?

There has never been such an embarrassing situation in the history of the World Cup where the defending champion failed to qualify from the group...

Ramirez collected himself and continued watching the game.

The game is not over yet. He hopes that Spain can at least get a goal back. After all, it is too embarrassing to have his head shaved by the Chinese team...


Hulay and his teammates returned to their own half after another wild celebration.

Along the way, he kept waving his arms to the Chinese fans in the stands, telling them to cheer louder and louder.

The Chinese fans were also very supportive. As he kept raising his arms, the cheers in the stands became louder.

Before the Spanish fans could recover, less than 20,000 Chinese fans turned the Crown Stadium into their home stadium.

He Feng and Yan Kang listened to the cheers from the Chinese fans, looked at each other, and then said excitedly:

"The Chinese team leads by three goals! There are thirty minutes left in the game! No one dares to say what the final result will be until the end of the game... Everything is possible, Spain still has a chance, but the Chinese team may also win the World Cup in history. ’s first victory!”

"We are still thirty minutes away from this victory! Come on, boys of the Chinese team! Withstand it! Even if you face the most violent storm next, you must withstand it! If you withstand it, you will put your own The name is written into the history of Chinese football! The history of Chinese sports!"

Four years later, the two Chinese commentators dared to dream about victory and were not afraid to talk about it.


PS, there will be two updates tomorrow, and a single update will start the day after tomorrow.

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