Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 250 How to be proud


Lin Zhiyuan stood there without moving, just turned his head and watched the football fly out of the baseline.

It looked like his expression was as steady as an old dog's, but in fact his heartbeat was already 150 per minute.

This ball... flew out against the outside of the goalpost!

Almost got through the door!

But he was completely unable to make a save.

But he still couldn't let people see his inner panic, so he calmly made a hand-down gesture to his teammates who were looking back: Hold on, don't panic!

"Raphael Herguez! His shot went out!!"

Forward Rafael Herguez, who came on as a substitute in the 77th minute, had just completed his first shot since coming on.

The quality of this shot was actually very high, otherwise it wouldn't have scared Lin Zhiyuan into a cold sweat.

But no matter how high-quality the shot is, as long as it does not score, it is equal to zero.

Head coach Kili Borja made adjustments to the lineup, replacing starting forward Pablo Alegría and replacing him with forward Rafael Hergues, who plays for Sevilla Navigators. Replaced Joaquin Vela and replaced center Matti Palacio, who played for Stan Park Rangers.

At this time, Borja no longer cared about the "tradition of Spanish football" and replaced two centers in an effort to make the game simpler and more direct.

During this period, Spain's offensive really picked up, almost attacking around the Chinese team's penalty area.

For the Chinese team, Dillon also made substitution adjustments.

Not long after Hu Lai's goal, he played right back Bai Di and replaced right wing back Luo Kai.

On the one hand, this is because Luo Kai has just returned from injury and is not in good physical condition. On the other hand, it is also because Bai Di is better at defense than Luo Kai. After all, the former is a full-time defender, not a guest player.

After Bai Di came on the court, the Chinese team scored 532.

Chen Xingyi is still on the left, basically the left back.

The reason why Chen Xingyi was not replaced and replaced with a dedicated left back was because Dillon considered the possibility of the Chinese team's counterattack and always wanted to keep a player with the speed to break through with the ball.

Although he is three goals ahead, he still does not want his team to completely lose its ability to counterattack.

If you squat down and hold your head to be beaten, if the opponent kicks you down and exposes a fatal position like the chest and abdomen, then you will be in trouble...

So even if you are defending, you have to hold the handle of the knife firmly.

"The game has reached the 80th minute.

There are still ten minutes left before the end of regular time, but the concept of net stoppage time is used for the first time in this World Cup. So in the end the injury time may be longer..."

Net stoppage time is a new rule introduced by FIFA in this World Cup. In the past, injury time was actually estimated. For example, when a substitution gave thirty seconds of stoppage time, when celebrating a goal or suspending the game due to injury, the specific time was all estimated.

In the end, three minutes of injury time is the norm, and five or six minutes of injury time is considered long.

Even if there is seven or eight minutes of added time, it will be on the news.

In this World Cup, as long as the game is suspended, whether it is for goal celebrations, VAR confirmation of penalties, substitutions, these times, the referee will stop the clock.

Then at the end of the game all the time consumed by these timeouts is taken into account.

This has also led to the fact that in this World Cup, the tactics of delaying the game time are almost extinct - because no matter how much you delay, it will be counted for you in the final injury time...

In this way, not to mention seven or eight minutes, even ten minutes of injury time are very common in this World Cup.

Currently, the longest stoppage time game in this World Cup comes from South Korea and England, with 13 minutes of stoppage time in the second half...

That's because the South Korean team played very rough, fouled frequently, the game was interrupted a lot, and a small conflict broke out between the two sides.

The game ended with record-breaking injury time.

In a normal game, unless both sides play very smoothly and the game has a lot of net time, injury time will basically start at least six minutes.

The match between the Chinese team and the Spanish team started smoothly in the second half. The Spanish team had the advantage in possession and the ball was always at their feet. The Chinese team could only defend and counterattack, so the game was rarely interrupted.

However, as the Chinese team took a three-goal lead, the Spanish players became more and more impatient, their movements became larger and larger, fouls gradually increased, and the game was interrupted more and more times.

In addition, this is Spain's home court, so the final stoppage time will take ten minutes no matter what.

Just count the ten minutes of injury time first, and there are still twenty minutes left before the end of the game.

Is twenty minutes enough for the Spanish national team to chase three goals in a row?

It cannot be said that it is absolutely impossible, but it can also be said that there is little hope...

Therefore, whether it is the Spanish players on the field or the Spanish fans off the field, in the remaining twenty minutes, the only wish has become "at least score one goal and cannot really lose to China 0:3" Team"……

For a world champion, such a goal can even be said to be "humble."

But now it seems that it may still be a bit unrealistic...

"Spain is laying siege to the Chinese team's goal. So far, it has shot 21 times, but has not scored a single goal..."

"It's unbelievable! The Spanish national team, which is full of talented people in attack, is weak at the front..."

"In fact, Spain's lack of scorers has been a problem before - in La Liga this season, none of the top five scorers in the league are Spanish players. The Spanish player with the most goals is playing for Sevilla Rafael Elgurez of Liya Navigator only scored eighteen goals... Despite this, Borja was not able to start Elgurez in this game. He still trusts the Catalan United players more. So Salado and Alegría started the game..."

"The Spanish team that won the championship four years ago had the World Cup Silver Boot Cerrados. Who among them this year can stand up at critical moments and attack the team? Salado? Rosas? Can Pusano? The three-dimensional firepower network constructed by Borja now looks like a three-dimensional network with no firepower..."

The TV broadcast focused on the Spanish coaching bench. Next to Borja stood the last Spanish player to be substituted, the young midfielder Albert Doncer.

Replacing a defensive midfielder when a goal is needed is certainly not because Borja gave up.

On the contrary, he was planning to make a desperate move.

He will replace starting right midfielder Kiley Tres with Donsel, and then push right back Martin Rosada to the offensive line. Donsel will serve as a defensive midfielder, dropping back to help the two central defenders when necessary. Defense.

Borja is really out of ideas.

In this 23-man roster, he only brought a total of four forwards.

Now these four forwards have all played, but still failed to score.

Of course, he can no longer put his hope of scoring goals on the forward.

Moreover, the Spanish national team’s tactics have never relied on forwards to score. Many times what forwards do is to help other players attract the defender’s attention, create space, and then allow midfielders to score goals.

Not long after Donser came on the field, the Chinese team also made substitutions.

The first is to replace Zhang Qinghuan with Guo Junfu.

Later, after the game entered injury time, Hu Lai was replaced by left back Zhao Yongwei.

At the same time, Chen Xingyi was pushed to the front line.

Dillon made two substitutions, certainly not to delay time, because when the substitutions were made, the game time was suspended, and this time would also be added to injury time.

The reason why he did this was so that Hu Lai could enjoy the treatment of a solo curtain call.

"In the 92nd minute, Hu Lai was substituted!"

"The Chinese team is making substitutions. No. 13 Yong Wei Zhao comes on and replaces No. 14 Hu Lai!"

"Hu is finally coming off the field. The Spanish team must have breathed a sigh of relief - at least they don't have to worry about being attacked by Hu again when they are attacking with all their strength. Although the game is not over yet, there is no suspense about the best of the game. .Except for Hu, there will be no one else! Without Hu’s goal at the kick-off, it would have been impossible for the Chinese team to lead Spain by three goals!”

"Although the World Cup has only been in one group stage, if I say that Hu will be a strong contender for the Golden Boot in this World Cup, I'm afraid no one will have any objections, right? He has brought his outstanding form in the club to the national team. , this is not easy..."


"Okay, guys. We're free..."

"Yeah, I finally don't have to worry anymore..."

"No, I mean we can finally stop worrying. Come on, guys, let's stand up and give Hu a round of applause!"

In the stands, Mantores Alvared raised his arms and waved to signal his companions to stand up.

People around him waved to fans further away.

Just like this, one by one, one by one, like a beacon lighted on a beacon tower, a large number of Spanish fans stood up one after another, and they were also fans of Madrid Pirates.

While the Chinese fans cheered and greeted Hu Lai as he walked off the field, their rival fans applauded Hu Lai with serious expressions.

Cheers and applause are intertwined, which is the wind and thunder over the Crown Stadium.

"Hu Lai was waving to the Chinese fans in the stands, and the Chinese fans responded to him with cheers and applause... Ah! It's not just the Chinese fans! There are also Spanish fans! They gave Hu Lai a collective standing ovation! What a touching scene! A great player can eliminate the barriers between ourselves and the enemy!"

"That's right, He Feng! I think today's scene will definitely become a classic scene in the history of the World Cup and will be played and mentioned repeatedly! This is the pride of Chinese football, and every one of us Chinese is proud of it!"

Hu Lai walked to the sidelines and hugged Zhao Yongwei.

Then he walked off the field and went straight to head coach Jorge Dillon, who was waiting there.

The old man stretched out his hand to shake his hand, but he pulled him into his arms.

Hu Lai gave Dillon a strong hug!

"Good boy! Good boy!" Dillon gently stroked Hu Lai's back and murmured repeatedly.

He knew why Hu Lai gave him such an exaggerated hug in front of so many people and cameras...

He had so many obsessions, unwillingness and resentment over his failure to coach the Spanish national team.

It all disappeared after today's game.


PS, there are two updates today, and I will start a single update tomorrow for a period of time. I will continue with three updates after the next game - if everything goes well...

I received a call from my mother last night. We took the children back to have dinner with them on Sunday. The children had a fever that night. As a result, my father also had a fever today.

He is seventy years old and has high blood pressure. To be honest, I am very worried.

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