Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 259 “The Great Emperor” Appears

1st appearance

The game on the field was going on normally, and players from both sides started fighting for the ball in the midfield.

Football is flying in the air, and it belongs neither to the Chinese team nor to Italy.

At this moment, a huge noise suddenly sounded at the scene.

It was cheers mixed with boos.

This left fans watching the live TV broadcast confused as to what was going on.

But soon they heard the excited voices of their respective commentators:

"Caesar got up from the bench and ran to warm up! It looks like he's going to come off the bench!"

The same goes for the Chinese commentator:

"Caviglia is going to replace Caesar. What does it mean? It means that the Italian team is not willing to accept a draw... This is also normal. They have to face the last-ditch host in the last round of the group stage. If this game is just to win a A draw means little to them. Only by winning against the Chinese team can they take more initiative..."

"This is actually good news for the Chinese team. Italy will definitely step up their offensive, so that there will be more space behind them, and the Chinese team can counterattack..."

Whether it was He Feng or Yan Kang, when they talked about Caesar's coming on the stage, they were full of excitement, looking forward to what would happen next.

It stands to reason that as Italy's legendary superstar, Caesar's appearance often means a nightmare for his opponents.

But that was before.

Now Caesar has long lost that kind of deterrence.

His appearance was seen as a loophole that could be exploited by his opponents...

It has to be said that after getting into this situation, even the most die-hard Kaiser fans would probably want their idol to simply retire to avoid further humiliation.

So when his companions congratulated Tang Yuan one after another and Caesar was about to appear, the expression on Tang Yuan's face was not happy.

He even said: "What are you doing here at this time? Are you here to take the blame?"


"Caesar is coming."

Qin Lin's tone was a little nervous.

Unlike those optimistic fans and commentators, he smelled danger from this substitution.

The outside world is now belittling Caesar, but Qin Lin has always felt that this kind of belittlement and ridicule would be fine if it stayed at the level of public opinion.

But if professional coaches also believe the jokes made up by fans, it might not be good...

Despite the last game against Nigeria,

Caesar missed several chances and was ineffective before being replaced.

But no matter what, this is a superstar who has created many miracles.

He should never be underestimated!

While Qin Lin was nervous about Caesar's warm-up, Dillon, who was not far away from him, had no time to pay attention to his former protégé.

His eyes were focused on Luo Kai, and his brows furrowed slightly.

After pondering for a while, he said to Qin Lin: "Qin, go and call Li back from the warm-up area."

Qin Lin took the order and left, while thinking in his mind what kind of substitution adjustments Dillon would make, who he would replace and why, what adjustments in tactics...etc.

But after he called Li Rong back, he discovered that Luo Kai might be injured!

Because Dillon was instructing the team doctor to make preparations.

So he leaned over and asked Yu Jintao in a low voice: "What's wrong with Luo Kai?"

"The old man said that Luo Kai's left ankle may have been overloaded to support his body when he was fighting with Cherry in the penalty area just now..."

"Ah?" Qin Lin was surprised. He didn't notice this at all. Judging from Luo Kai's running movements in the past few minutes of the game, everything seemed to be normal. "I didn't see anything..."

"The old man said that considering Luo Kai's character, even if he is a little uncomfortable, he will not take the initiative to express it, especially if he shows it, he may be replaced. If you see him running normally, then It shows that he is deliberately covering up. But when Luo Kai fought for it just now, his right leg obviously did not extend forward enough, so he did not touch the ball. In fact, at that distance, if Luo Kai was healthy, it was entirely possible for Luo Kai to hit the ball Hooked back..."

Yu Jintao also asked Dilong about this question just now, so he told Qin Lin exactly what Dilong told him.

"...Based on Luo Kai's recovery from his injury, the old man doesn't dare to take this risk."


While Caesar was still warming up, the Chinese team took the lead in making substitutions.

"Eh? Luo Kai is going down?" He Feng and Yan Kang were a little surprised.

After the two people were analyzing Caesar's appearance just now, the Chinese team can focus on fast offense.

And if you want to be fast enough, you need two wing players, Chen Xingyi and Luo Kai.

As a result, Dillon has been replaced by Luo Kai...

"Luo Kai played for 62 minutes in the last game and was replaced. This game lasted 74 minutes. Luo Kai's performance was still very diligent. He had two shots on target, but his luck in scoring in front of the goal was a bit bad. ...Maybe he was still affected by the injury and was unable to fully display his characteristics...Dilon was probably worried about Luo Kai's injury, so he replaced him early..."

The two people quickly guessed the reason why Dillon replaced Luo Kai.

Nine times out of ten, it was still related to his injury.

Since being injured in the Champions League semi-finals, Luo Kai has missed all remaining club games and almost missed the World Cup.

Even if he catches up now, the injury is actually not completely healed.

There is no way, if you really want to be quick, you probably have to wait until the World Cup is over.

If he really wanted to do this, Luo Kai would be the first to be unhappy. He worked hard for four years, from the Dutch second league to the Premier League, wasn't it just to participate in the World Cup? How is it possible for him not to participate in the World Cup?

Dillon is actually unwilling to kick Luo Kai off the World Cup roster. Because his tactics really need wing back players like Luo Kai.

So it doesn’t matter if the injury is not healed. Anyway, very few professional players are in an absolutely healthy state, and they are more or less injured. Most people fight with injuries, so they just need to arrange their playing time reasonably.

He Feng and Yan Kang thought Dillon was worried about Luo Kai's injury and did not dare to let him play the whole game.

But I didn't expect that Luo Kai's original injury might get worse...

Luo Kai, who was replaced, was actually disappointed, but he didn't show it on his face because he knew why he was replaced.

He had just finished handing over to Li Rong when head coach Dillon took the opportunity to pat him on the shoulder and said in his ear: "Let Master Feng help you check your ankle."

He knew that the head coach had seen through what he had just done...

So he hung his head and went to find the team doctor, Master Feng.

This team doctor, who has also participated in two World Cups, is a true expert in the Chinese sports medical field. After a simple examination, he concluded that Luo Kai's ankle injury was at risk of recurrence, and arranged ice application first.

At the same time, he also criticized Luo Kai: "What are you pretending to be? If the head coach hadn't replaced you in time, would you want to be like Ramirez? What's the point of playing a few more minutes in this game? In exchange for Are you happy that you won’t be able to play all the next World Cup games?”

Luo Kai was scolded so that he lowered his head and remained silent. He was unable to refute and did not dare to refute.

Qin Lin, who was observing the situation from the side, saw this scene and was convinced that Luo Kai was really injured.

He had to admire Dillon's vicious vision.

This may be the result of a seventy-year-old coach's many years of coaching experience.

In this regard, I really still have a lot to learn.

Not only professional knowledge such as techniques, tactics and training arrangements, but also a lot of "wisdom" as a coach.

Luo Kai's injury just now was caused by the simple "Dilon's eye poison"?

After thinking about it, Qin Lin felt that it was not that simple.

You can't tell it by just looking.

For example, after Cherry was kicked down by Luo Kai, his expression and movements when he got up were too deceptive.

But Dillon came to a conclusion based on Luo Kai's character and playing habits, which is much more reliable and advanced than just looking at it with his eyes.

Because external things can be disguised, but core things like personality and habits are particularly difficult to change.

However, this also requires the coach to know every player under his command and put a lot of effort into doing these things.

Qin Lin felt that he really couldn't do this now.

He still spends too much thought on studying techniques and tactics, and cannot focus on exploring the hearts of every player under his command.

This is not a problem, after all, he is still young, and it takes time to accumulate experience and experience.

Now he cannot be forced to develop skills like Dillon.

But this incident was still a reminder to Qin Lin, reminding him to consciously pay attention to improving his abilities in this area and not just think about techniques and tactics.

Otherwise, he might as well just be a coach, or at most an assistant coach, and what else would he be as a head coach?


Not long after Luo Kai was replaced, there was a huge noise again on the scene. It was still a mixture of boos and cheers, which fully demonstrated the complicated status of the old king Selius Caesar in people's minds. .

"Celius Caesar was standing on the sideline of the court. He was about to be substituted! There was a huge cheer from the whole audience!"

The commentator must be professional, and he can describe the sound as cheers, creating an atmosphere where all the fans are welcoming the "Emperor" to the stage.

Chinese fans may be really welcoming - when Caesar did not start, many people online said that Italy took the initiative to reduce the burden. Now that Caesar comes off the bench, according to this logic, wouldn't it be that Italy has gained weight for itself?

It’s hard to say how many Italian fans, or Italian fans around the world, welcome Caesar’s appearance.

Although the "Corriere dello Sport" poll before the game was their "one family's opinion", it did reflect the current "public opinion" in Italy - the vast majority of Italian fans really believed that the 38-year-old Serius It is difficult for Caesar to bring any help to the team anymore. He should step aside and step down from that throne, do a good job of handing over the team, and give everyone and himself a dignity.

Amid the huge commotion, Italy's starting forward Daniele Di Kunzo walked to the sidelines and gave Caesar a high-five and a hug.

The latter patted DiCunzo lightly on the back and ran onto the court.

He sprinted onto the court just like he had done countless times before.

After the first few steps, he slowed down and ran slowly toward his position with his head held high, as if he were a proud lion roaming on the African savannah.

“Seventy-six minutes into the game, ‘The Great’ appeared!”

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