Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 262 Am I not suitable to be the captain?

Is No. 1 suitable to be the captain?

After the Chinese team lost the match against the Italian team, they packed up hastily and returned to the hotel from the competition venue.

What awaited them was a sumptuous meal prepared by chef Fan and his apprentices.

Even though we lost, we still have to eat.

And because they lost the game, Master Fan and the others tried their best to make delicious and nutritious dishes and appease the national team players with delicious food.

But when the players returned to the hotel and sat around the round table, they showed little interest.

Many people didn't even take chopsticks and just sat on the chairs.

Not many people even took out their smartphones, which they never left their hands on.

As experienced Chinese players, they seem to have anticipated what the Internet will be like at this time...

No one likes to be scolded, and quitting the game after losing is the normal course of action. It's just that Chinese team players rarely do such things anymore, because the national team's performance in recent years is obvious to all, and they don't have to cut off the Internet to avoid scolding.

After defeating Spain 3-0 in the previous game, the hotel restaurant was filled with laughter and laughter. Coupled with the steaming and fragrant meals, it was almost like Chinese New Year.

The Chinese men's football team won its first victory in the history of the World Cup. This celebration banquet made Master Fan's team work hard.

Everyone’s feedback also made Master Fan’s efforts worthwhile.

Nothing makes him happier and more accomplished than smiling and watching the food he cooked being eaten by the players.

So when he looked at the people sitting around the dining table today but not using their chopsticks, his mood dropped.

This is what Qin Lin saw when he followed the coaching staff into the restaurant.

Qin Lin first glanced at Master Fan and the others behind the operating room, then at the players who were sitting silently and not eating, and then said loudly:

"What are you doing? Aren't you hungry? If not, why don't you go run a few more laps?"

Then he raised his voice and yelled: "Eat! If anything happens, let's talk about it after eating!"

After hearing this order, the players of the Chinese team became a little more active. They picked up the bowls and chopsticks in front of them and ate the "encouragement meal" specially prepared for them by Master Fan.

Seeing that all the players were starting to eat, Qin Lin and the other coaches took their seats.

Yu Jintao glanced at Qin Lin, which meant:

It has to be you,


Qin Lin whispered: "It's useless to talk to them so much. At this time, you have to scold them. Only after scolding them will they feel better..."

Yu Jintao shook his head gently: "It depends on who is going to scold me. I definitely can't do it..."

Although everyone started eating, the atmosphere did not get better.

Most people just pick up vegetables and plan rice silently and mechanically.

After eating, everyone said goodbye to the coaches and Master Fan in a formal manner, left the restaurant, and went back to their respective rooms.

In fact, it is not only the players who are in low mood, but also the coaches' mood in general.

Losing is a result that no one wants to see.

After all, they have made a lot of preparations for this game, and these preparations are not for losing.

The current failure proves that all their efforts were in vain. Who can feel better?

Finally, the coaches finished their meal and left.

In the restaurant, the staff began to clean up the leftovers and messy cups and plates on the table.

Master Fan and the others also began to clean up their operating tables.

While cleaning up, Kuan couldn't help complaining: "I thought about it, we lost to Italy 0:1, right?"

Everyone turned to look at him. Master Fan frowned and said in a bad tone, "What do you want to say?"

"No, Master... I just think it's not a shame to lose 0:1 to the last World Cup champion, right? Why are everyone so silent?" A Kuan looked at the dinner table and was swept into the trash by the waiter. Those leftovers are a bit heartbreaking.

Fan Fushun was also in a bad mood. He cursed: "You know nothing! That was before! In the past, when we lost to Italy 0:1, the fans celebrated, okay? Are we so easy to be satisfied now? In the World Cup, we lost Just lose, no matter who you lose to, if you lose you may go home, who wants to lose?"

A Kuan was scolded by his master and became silent.

Fan Fushun seemed to have not said enough. He continued to talk to himself:

"You should be lucky. After these players lose, they will be so sad that they can't eat. It shows that they still want to lose face. If you put it aside... is it really what you said, a small loss to Italy by one goal? They are laughing so hard. Is it? It can be said to be a 'glorious failure'! If you lose, you won't be able to eat... This team has hope..."

His last murmur sounded like he was comforting himself, but also like he was trying to convince himself.


"I made a big mistake."

After returning to the room and being silent for a while, Wang Guangwei suddenly said to Hu Lai.

"Are you talking about the missed ball? In fact, you have done a good job..." Hu Lai comforted.

"No. I'm not talking about the lost ball." Wang Guangwei shook his head and interrupted his comfort. "I'm saying I shouldn't have let you try to shoot straight from the circle on the kickoff."

"It's okay, I'm just giving it a try anyway. I don't expect that I can definitely get in..." Hu Lai didn't comfort Wang Guangwei, he really thought so.

"It's not a matter of whether we can score a goal." Wang Guangwei said seriously. "My mentality is wrong. This is the World Cup group stage, and the opponent is the world champion Italy. But what about me? But before the game, I asked you to try to score from the center circle again... I feel like I didn't take this game seriously at all. No matter what, I didn’t take Italy as my opponent seriously, and actually used this game as a testing ground for fun..."

Having said this, Wang Guangwei smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"They said you shouldn't be nervous during the World Cup, but I seemed to have relaxed too much... I was too nervous in the first World Cup, and too relaxed in the second... I thought I had played in Europe for four years and had seen the world, so there was nothing to be afraid of. Yes. I won so beautifully in the first game, but in the end... I lost."

"If I don't let you take the kick, I won't help Albertazzi get out of shape. Then he won't act like a cheater and can save any ball... I'm giving him a gift. A great assist. Hu Lai, do you think... am I not suitable to be the captain?"

Hu Lai shook his head when he heard this: "If you can tell whether you are suitable to be the captain, you are already more suitable to be the captain than 99.9% of people, Lao Wang. And this is not your problem alone. , I have the same problem. I didn’t take it too seriously, so as soon as you said it, I agreed. Because I wanted to try it myself, and I couldn’t help but score in two consecutive games. The temptation of the ball...I also drifted away."

Hearing Hu Lai say that he was also drifting, Wang Guangwei laughed for some reason: "The failure in this game is also a good thing for us. At least it is a wake-up call for everyone. The World Cup is not that easy to play... Tomorrow's training , I want to apologize to the whole team."

"I want it too, let's go together then!"

Wang Guangwei felt better. He patted Hu Lai on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Okay, let's do it together!"


On the training ground, the players and coaches of the Chinese national team stood still, looking at the two people opposite them with slight surprise.

"As the captain, I failed to keep my heart after the first game. I was complacent and did not take the next opponents and games seriously. I even encouraged Hu Lai to try another shot from the circle before the game. It was not at all formal. I did not set an example or take the lead... I would like to sincerely apologize to everyone for my poor performance before and during the last game!"

Wang Guangwei said seriously, and after finishing speaking, he really bowed to everyone.

Hu Lai also bowed with him.

This scene really caught the team members off guard.

Everyone just heard Wang Guangwei announce as the captain that he had something to say before the training started.

Unexpectedly, what was waiting for him was the captain's apology.

It's so formal, like a student coming to the podium to read a review in front of the whole class...

The formality made the person who accepted his apology feel a little uncomfortable.

I don’t know what to say, and I don’t know whether to applaud or to keep a straight face.

After Wang Guangwei "recited" his own examination, he straightened up and waited for Hu Lai next to him to "read the examination" like him.

This matter is over.

Unexpectedly, after he stood up, he didn't hear any sound from the people around him.

So he turned around and looked curiously, and saw Hu Lai still standing there with a straight face.

He thought Hu Lai had forgotten, so he poked the other party with his elbow.

Hu Lai, who was stabbed, turned to look at him: "What are you doing?"

"Speak!" Wang Guangwei reminded him in a low voice.

"Ci? What word?" Hu Lai was confused.

"Tsk, just what I just said..." Wang Guangwei frowned.

Hu Lai finally understood: "Oh oh oh..."

Then he cupped his hands and said, "Me too!"


"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Holy shit..."

Everyone present couldn't help laughing.

The atmosphere at the scene, which had been a bit awkward before, immediately eased.

Yu Jintao was translating to Dilong what Wang Guangwei just said.

Before the translation was completely finished, he heard Hu Lai's words, "Me too," and he laughed to himself.

Dilong no longer used Jin Tao to translate. Seeing this scene in front of him, how could he not know that it was Hu Lai who was playing tricks again?

He couldn't help but smile and shook his head.

He originally wanted to criticize the team's pride and underestimation of the enemy before the training started.

Unexpectedly, Wang Guangwei, as the captain, stood up and admitted his mistake first.

And Hu Lai was with him. He is obviously the best player on the team, but he has to apologize to everyone in person...

It shows that the team is aware of the existing problems.

Then there is actually no need for him to say any more harsh words.

"That's good." Dilong said to Jin Tao amid laughter, "There are people who can criticize and self-criticize mercilessly, and there are people who can control the atmosphere. That's good, that's good."

Everyone is still laughing, including the coaches.

Wang Guangwei was blaming Hu Lai: "Why on earth are you acting like a Taoyuan sworn brotherhood with me? You say your own words!"

Hu Lai apologized repeatedly, nodded and bowed: "I'm sorry, Captain Wang. I forgot about it when I was nervous, how about you say it again? This time I will definitely follow your words..."



"Climb for me!" Wang Guangwei flew up and kicked Hu Lai on the butt.

Everyone laughed even more.

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