Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 16 After I finish speaking, who agrees? Who objects?

Chapter 2013 After I finish speaking, who agrees? Who objects?

No matter how the Catalan Radio commentators and some Catalan United fans downplayed the impact of the missed penalty kick, it was reflected in the players on the field. What the audience saw was that they were indeed affected.

After Kabangka missed the penalty kick, including injury time, there were still seven or eight minutes left in the first half. Catalan United has slowed down its pace and no longer pursues goals.

The Madrid Pirates worked hard and launched two threatening attacks.

Once Vukovic missed a long shot, and once Hulay's shot was blocked by Catalan United goalkeeper Toney Schulman.

It was obvious that Hewel's save from Kabangka's penalty had a different impact on both players.

The morale of the Madrid Pirates players is visibly rising.

It's a pity that it's too close to the end of the first half.

As soon as the game started, the referee blew the whistle to end the first half.

"The first half is over." The Catalan Radio commentator tried his best to say in a calm tone, "Although Kabangka did not kick a penalty at the end of the first half, it seemed to give the Madrid Pirates a sense of their The illusion that they can make a comeback. But I believe that the fifteen-minute intermission is enough for them to calm down again and realize that there is an insurmountable chasm in front of them. Of course, the Catalan United players must also concentrate in the second half. To maintain the level of the first half, we can no longer let the players of Madrid Pirates see hope..."

Alvarez Sanchez also believes that it will be difficult for the Pirates to come back at home: "Kabonca missed the penalty kick. For the Madrid Pirates, it just changed from an immediate execution of the death penalty to a 45-minute delay..."

He Feng originally didn't think the Pirates could make a comeback, but what he saw after Hywell saved Kabangka's penalty kick made him doubt his previous knowledge.

Whether it was the Pirates players on the field or the Pirates substitute players and coaches off the field, they were all very excited after Seawell saved the penalty kick.

He looked so excited and didn't look like he had given up on the game.

He couldn't help but think of the classic games that Madrid Pirates had given to their fans before.

Could it be that this time...

He did not dare to think any more and just said: "The morale of the Madrid Pirates players has obviously been boosted. I hope they can make adjustments during the halftime break and continue their efforts in the second half to score goals. Even if they die, they have to Die standing!"

I didn't say it could be reversed, so this doesn't count...


"After the penalty kick was missed, you did the right thing. It was right to take the initiative to slow down the pace and shrink the formation. Remember,

We are ahead now, and by three goals. So there is no need for us to panic, it is them who should panic. "

Catalan United head coach Reilly Vicente praised the performance of his players.

"The second half will be played at the same pace as the first half, using what we do best to demoralize them. As long as we don't make mistakes or concede goals in the first fifteen minutes of the second half, Madrid Pirates will fall into chaos themselves. But if we lose the ball, don’t panic, it’s not unthinkable for the crazy Pirates to score at their home court. After all, they have tricks.”

Reilly Vicente did not come to the away game with contempt because his team was two goals ahead in the first leg.

Before going out, he still made his team fully prepared.

At the beginning of the second round, they encountered a crazy counterattack by the Madrid Pirates, who scored a goal within the first ten minutes. Then the Madrid Pirates' morale was boosted and they pursued the victory. Catalonia had to shrink their defense... Such a situation was also what they had imagined. .

Even to the extreme, Vicente also set up a situation for the team that was equalized by the Madrid Pirates in the first half, the game ended at 2:2, and a Catalan player was sent off with a red card.

Under such circumstances, Vicente's coaching staff has made plans for how Catalonia should respond.

And he told the players in the pre-game preparation meeting.

It was precisely because he was fully prepared that Vicente did not panic when faced with the unexpected failure to score a penalty kick.

When Hywell saved Kabonca's penalty kick, all the Pirates coaches in the coaching bench next door cheered and hugged as if they had scored a goal.

Vicente sat on the coach's chair, motionless and as steady as a rock.

What does it mean if a penalty kick is not scored?

We imagined that you would equalize the score if there was one less player.

Now the penalty kick has not been scored, but we are leading 3:0 with the total score. What is there to panic?

"But if Pirates thinks we will be affected by this penalty, especially you, Kabunka."

He said and named Kabangka.

The Brazilian midfielder smiled and said: "That's the best thing, let them think so."

The moment the penalty kick failed to score, he was indeed disappointed, but he quickly adjusted his mentality.

After all, this penalty kick is the "icing on the cake" type and does not determine life or death.

Of course, he also reflected in his heart, is it because this penalty kick is not that important that he was too relaxed when taking the penalty, resulting in that he did not do well enough in terms of strength or angle when kicking the ball?

This is something that deserves his vigilance.

After this game is over, he will have to reflect on it.

Hearing Kabangka's answer, the other Catalan United players in the locker room burst into laughter.

Yes, let's let those pirates think we are panicking!

We will give them a head-on attack in the second half!


Parotti finished some fine-tuning of his team's tactics, and there was still a lot of time left.

He was still standing in the middle of the locker room, lowering his head and scratching the back of his head with his hand. After thinking like this for a few seconds, he said:

"Forget what I said to you guys before the game, focus all your attention on the game itself. No matter what, the game is the most important thing. Everything that tries to add to the game is actually in the end It can be thrown away. So I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that to you before such an important game."

At this point, Parotti paused to show that his apology was not perfunctory.

Then he continued:

"With forty-five minutes left in the game, we were three goals behind. It looked dangerous, but in fact the situation may not be as bad as the outside world thought. After all, we have not encountered situations like this before. Remember when we scored What did the media say about us during our third consecutive Champions League? They said, 'Madrid Pirates is a team with reversal genes.' Because we have comebacks against the odds time and time again in important games.

“Our process of winning three Champions League titles has not been smooth sailing, so some people say that we are not dominant enough, and some people criticize that our championship honors are not convincing enough... But it is rare to be able to crush your opponents and win, especially in In a competition like the Champions League, where all the teams are strong, it is very rare to achieve an overwhelming victory.

"In the eyes of others, these are all shortcomings and our problems. But on the other hand, why do we have the last laugh despite the difficult process when facing strong teams? Doesn't this just mean that we are tenacious? Is it our advantage to be good at playing against the wind?

"So, with forty-five minutes left in the game and three goals behind, other teams can give up the game and concentrate on preparing for the league situation. But here, the game has just begun. We have proven time and time again Past this point, it will be the same today.”

Instead of being impassioned, he waved his arms vigorously and sprayed spit spray everywhere.

His tone was calm and his expression was not harsh or fierce.

Coupled with his chubby figure and face, what he said seemed unconvincing and even less likely to inspire people.

But every word in his words hit the hearts of the Madrid Pirates players accurately.

Especially the veterans who have won three consecutive Champions Leagues with him.

Because what he said was true, the old guys in the team knew very well that there was no exaggeration or bluff in his words.

Is there anything more powerful than the truth?

"Three goals in forty-five minutes, I think we can definitely do it, as long as we can focus on the game itself. I believe in you, just like I have believed countless times."

Parotti ended what he was doing at halftime with those words.

Then he backed away from the wall and gave the center of the locker room to the players.

If anyone wants to speak, they can go to the center themselves.

It is not limited to the captain.

Anyone who has something to say and wants to express can do it.

This has always been the tradition of the Madrid Pirates team, and it is also one of the important reasons why they have always remained united before.

Originally, Juan Ramirez wanted to stand up and say a few words as the captain to boost everyone's morale, so that everyone could temporarily put aside their differences and unite as one.

As a result, as soon as he raised his butt, someone had already walked from the seat to the middle of the locker room.

After seeing that the person coming out was Hulay, Ramirez sat back down again.

Hu Lai stood at the center of everyone's attention and said:

"Everyone knows that we have a little problem within the team...I don't want to judge who is right and who is wrong here. I just want to tell you that this is the last season for the coach to coach us. I want to send him a farewell The gift - the Champions League."

When he said this, there was an uproar in the locker room.

Everyone, whether they were newcomers or veterans, looked at Hu Lai with wide eyes.

Although the head coach has said that they will fight back in the second half, many of them also believe that they can fight back.

But even if we succeed in our counterattack and eliminate Catalonia United, we will only reach the semi-finals.

There are still three wins between the semi-finals and the championship!

Is this span a bit too big?

Even Parotti and his coaching staff looked at Hulay in surprise.

Hu Lai didn't care about everyone's doubtful and surprised looks. He continued: "I know this goal is difficult. But precisely because it is difficult, this gift is valuable... Anyway, let me put it here: I am ready to fight for this goal. I will try my best, no matter how difficult it is, I will try my best to achieve it. What about you?"

He looked around, his eyes scanning every teammate in the locker room, finally landing on the face of Nestor Farias.

"Does anyone disagree?"

Farias looked away, and the locker room fell silent.

"Very good." Hu Lai smiled, with sunshine on his face. "It seems that all of us have reached a consensus. That's it, the goal is to win the Champions League!"

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