Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 177 This is called

The TV broadcast gave a replay of the whole process of the corner kick just now.

People who thought they saw wrong just now can now confirm that there is nothing wrong with their eyes from different angles.

Zhang Qinghuan swept the football towards the penalty area, where there was a huge gap.

Hu Lai ran up to attract other players from the Poseidon team, but he missed the ball directly and passed the ball to Chen Xingyi.

Just when everyone thought that Chen Xingyi was going to shoot, he also missed the football to Waters behind him.

Waters is not the shooter that everyone thinks, he leaked the football to Qin Lin.

Qin Lin used a high-quality but unlucky shot to end Flash Star's corner kick.

"This tactic is really creative, ha!" He Feng came back to his senses and couldn't help laughing at it. "It is said that Hu Lai was famous for leading the players to make some very imaginative celebrations after scoring goals during the high school national competition. I suddenly felt that this set-piece tactic might be due to Hu Lai masterpiece……"

"Don't say it looks funny, but it really works. Wang Guangwei and Li Tielin seem useless. In fact, their positions in front of the goal have attracted all the defensive players of Poseidon. Hu Lai's continuous misses The ball created the conditions. Under the continuous swaying of missed balls, whether it was the Sea God's defenders or the goalkeeper Chen Faren, they were a little dizzy and didn't know how to defend. If it wasn't for Qin Lin's last kick that was a little high, now It should be Shining Star taking the lead!" Guest Yan Kang interpreted Shining Star's corner kick tactics from the perspective of hindsight.

"I'll go, this is okay?!" In the bar, the middle-aged man stared at the projection screen with wide eyes.

Yan Yan said firmly: "Uncle, let me tell you, this ghost idea must have been thought up by Hu Lai! It is 100% his idea! I think only his brain can come up with this kind of thing! So you know why I Are you sure Hu Lai will score a goal?"

The middle-aged man withdrew his gaze and looked at Yan Yan: "Let's not say that Qin Lin kicked the shot just now. I think this kind of creative free kick is mainly to catch the opponent by surprise. It takes surprise to get the miraculous effect. But now they His hole cards have been exposed, but he didn't score, why do I think it's Flash Star's loss?"

Yan Yan shook his head: "I don't worry that much. Uncle, you must know that this is definitely not the only weird idea in Hu Lai's mind."

"You mean Flashing Star has other tactics like this?" The uncle pointed at the screen with wide-eyed eyes.

"I don't know, and I have no evidence. I just believe in Hu Lai, uncle." Yan Yan said casually.


"Oh!" Lao Li, who was in the 407 four-person group in the stands, saw that the goal was not scored, and put his hands on his head in regret.

The other three people, including Chu Yifan, also sighed.

This time they are in the stands of the fans of the visiting team, and they can finally express their emotions unscrupulously.

Seeing Qin Lin's shot grazing the top of the crossbar and flying out of the baseline, their actions were not at all abrupt among the surrounding Flash Star fans.

"It's a pity, it would be great if this goal was scored too much!"

This is almost what all Flash Star fans think at this time.

After being pressed by the Poseidon team for more than 20 minutes, he finally got a chance to counterattack and created a corner kick.

Everyone can see that set kicks are very important to Shining Star.

That's why they hope that Flash Star can take this opportunity of a set kick to score.

It would be much easier to play this game after scoring a goal.

After all, with a one-goal lead in hand, he can hold his breath even more.

Even if the ball is still conceded, it will only change from a lead to a draw. Everyone can see that Shining Star hopes to drag the game into a penalty shootout. So even if the ball is lost, it will not affect Flash Star's tactical goals.

In this way, there will be no panic after losing the ball, fighting each other until the final collapse.


When Sun He saw Qin Lin shoot the football towards the goal from the rostrum,

Almost jumped out of his seat in shock.

Fortunately, he stabilized with great perseverance.

After seeing the football flying off the crossbar, he secretly let out a sigh of relief in his heart, and at the same time secretly rejoiced that he had not lost his composure just now, otherwise it would be too embarrassing.

Thinking of this, he quickly squeezed a smile on his face, for fear that if a camera swept over the rostrum, he would be framed when he took a picture of the president.

After the flash star failed to score, the game returned to the way it was before.

On the scene, the Poseidon team had the upper hand. At one point, the Flash Star couldn't even pass halftime.

Only then did Sun He's butt settle down on the rostrum seat.

Just one goal away.

Quickly score a goal...

Sun He prayed in his heart.

Although everyone knew that Sea God would definitely win, Sun He still felt that scoring a goal was safer.

Maybe he was a little nervous, he secretly looked at the other people on the rostrum, including Mr. Zhang, everyone was smiling, as if they were old gods.

On the contrary, the general manager of Xingxing who was sitting next to Mr. Zhang looked a little nervous, and he was completely different from Mr. Zhang who was calm and breezy!

After seeing this difference, Sun He stopped looking around, and at the same time tried his best to control the expression on his face, not to show the inner tension on his face, otherwise wouldn't he be at the same level as the middle class?

He imitated Mr. Zhang next to him, kept an inscrutable smile on his face, and looked towards the court.

Not to mention, when he did this, he immediately felt that his realm seemed to have improved accordingly. In addition, the seat on the rostrum was so high that he also seemed to have a feeling of superiority. The only side effect is that the face becomes stiff after laughing for a long time...


Zhao Kangming really knew Sea God very well, of course it wasn't because he had served in the Sea God Club for such a long time. In fact, this Poseidon first team is quite different from the Poseidon he was familiar with at the beginning. A new foreign coaching staff has been replaced to coach, and the playing style is also different from before.

Zhao Kangming's understanding of Poseidon is all after determining the opponents in the FA Cup semi-finals. He spent a lot of time and effort studying the results of all the video games of the Poseidon team this season.

By studying a large number of game videos, he knows that Poseidon's style of play is more delicate now. Although Dallas Matthews is an Englishman, it is obvious that Matthews is a follower of the continental style of football. He likes to emphasize keeping football in the The style of play at the feet, through various short passes to promote the attack.

The advantage of doing this is that Poseidon's football looks better, and they can often play some cooperation that doesn't look so "Chinese football".

Facing their change in style, other teams in the Chinese Super League are somewhat uncomfortable, so the ranking of Poseidon in the Chinese Super League this season is not bad.

But there is also a disadvantage of playing this way, that is, when the opponent puts the bus to defend, their delicate football is a bit powerless.

Facing the flashing star's bus tactics, Poseidon's offense can only keep falling on the outside more often, and when it really can't fall, it passes the football to the goal with a cross from the side, hoping for a header from the striker's center.

But the problem is, due to Matthews' tactical characteristics, the current Poseidon does not have the kind of center forward who is good at heading.

Now there are two starting forwards, one is marginal international Weng Guocai, and the other is Brazilian forward Pedro Junior. Both of them are strikers with excellent skills at their feet and comprehensive abilities except scoring.

They move flexibly, can create space for teammates, and can also pass the football to teammates in better positions, assisting teammates to score.

For example, Poseidon has a common offensive routine, that is, after the two forwards are separated, they pass the football to the midfielder who inserts in, and they score the goal. Generally, it is their attacking forward Enzo Tornatore, a 30-year-old Italian foreign aid with good long-range shooting ability, who is usually used as the offensive terminator.

But now this set is not easy to use in front of Flashing Star. Because they can't open the space in front of the flashing star's goal, just like no one can tear open a bus with bare hands, so naturally all your shots can only hit the body of the bus.

There is no space, and Enzo Tonatore's long-range shots are useless. He doesn't even have space to shoot in front of the penalty area-the players of the Flash Star have really done a good job of defending the long-range shots at the front of the penalty area. The degree to which the body is blocked...

Several of Tonatore's shots were directly bored on the body of the Flash Star player. You can know how powerful these shots are from the muffled noise.

Not to mention that almost every star player who was suffocated would lie on the ground for a while before recovering.

In the face of this kind of targeted defense, even if Sea God is sixth in the Chinese Super League, there is no good way.

The game time passed by every minute and every second, and there were only five or six minutes left before the end of the first half.

The score is still 0:0.

I don't know if it's because the end of the first half is approaching, and the Sea God players are a little numb to this situation of besieging but not scoring. Got another corner.

It was the Flash's second corner in the first half.

If we only look at technical statistics, Poseidon had an overwhelming advantage in the first half. If the football game only compares the pros and cons of statistics, then Sea God should be ahead of Flash Star with double-digit goals.

Too bad football isn't so boring.

Like the previous corner kick, Flash Star did not hoard a large number of troops to defend in the backcourt.

They are still normal masters, participating in the corner kick attack.

But unlike the first corner kick, the two central defenders Wang Guangwei and Li Tielin did not press into the goal this time.

They stood on the penalty spot, and then they were like magnets, attracting all the other star players.

Hu Lai, Chen Xingyi, Qin Lin and Waters lined up behind the two of them, not like a wall in a free kick defense, but like a chicken in a game of eagles and chickens chicken……

This made the Poseidon players back in front of the goal to defend once again collectively confused - how the hell should they defend? ! Really play eagle-chicken with them? Spread your arms out front and keep them from getting close to the goal? !

Crazy, who wants to play such a childish game in the restricted area? !


"Flash Star once again showed their... brain-opening set-piece tactics! All players lined up in the penalty area, and we saw that the Poseidon players seemed a little at a loss and didn't know how to deal with it ..."

The voice of the narrator He Feng holding back his laughter came from the audio system, and the middle-aged man stared at the scene on the projection screen in a daze.

Yan Yan next to him was already pounding on the table: "Haha! Uncle, look what I'm talking about? How could that kid Hu Lai have only one idea?! Maybe the Sea God's players thought they had seen it before. I was prepared, but I didn't expect... Hahaha!"

Amidst Yan Yan's laughter, the referee's whistle sounded, Zhang Qinghuan raised his left hand high, then started to run, and kicked the football towards the goal!

And almost at the same time as he was kicking the ball, the Shining Star players who were originally standing in a column suddenly scattered and ran towards the front, middle and back of the Sea God's goal!

It's like a celestial girl scattered flowers and exploded in Sea God's restricted area!

And they don't run directly to their own position, but there is a change in direction during the running process. For example, if they want to run to the front point, they will shake in the backward direction first.

Facing the sudden attack of the Shining Star players, the Seagod players didn't recover at all.

They were at a loss as if they were trying to unwrap candy but tried too hard, causing the chocolate beans to spill all over the floor...

Among them who were astonished, Liu Yan was the only Poseidon player who could still react. He saw Hu Lai in the crowd rushing forward, and immediately followed without thinking!

He didn't know if the ball would be passed to Hu Lai, but he knew that if this person was left alone in the penalty area, something big might happen!

Although the head coach Matthews showed them the game video of Shining Star before the game, he can guarantee that there is absolutely no one in this team who knows Hu Lai better than himself. After all, the two of them have been training and competing in the Olympic training team for a month...

In the process of rushing towards Hu Lai, he saw that Hu Lai had already taken off, so although he was still a little hasty, he also jumped towards Hu Lai.

Even if you can't hit the ball, you still have to interfere with him!

When Hu Lai took off at the front point, he didn't notice the situation behind him at all. At this moment, all he had in his eyes was the flying football.

Zhang Qinghuan kicked the football to the front point, and he has completed the task.

The other scattered teammates also completed the task, and they successfully paralyzed the Poseidon team's defense.

Then it's up to you to do it yourself - get the ball into the goal no matter what!

Sun thief looked, this ball is for you... slap in the face!

He faced the ball in the air and shook his head sideways!

Liu Yan saw a blur in front of his eyes, something flew past him, and the next moment he knew what it was, but he couldn't stop it...

"Hu Lai! The lion shakes his head! Beautiful---!!!" Anton Satellite TV's commentator roared, "The goal is scored!! The ball is scored! Hu Lai!! The front point shakes his head and hits the goal! The final word! It's so beautiful Already!!"

"!!!" He Feng exclaimed, "The goal has been scored! It's unbelievable! At the end of the first half, the China Super League's Poseidon was ahead! And it was at Poseidon's home court! Their home court! Using a weird corner kick to break the deadlock! This is their third shot in the first half! And Poseidon had as many as twenty-seven shots in the first half! Three to twenty-seven, the score was indeed 1:0! The Shining Stars in the away game are leading!"

Yan Kang next to him couldn't hold back his excitement and interrupted and shouted: "This is football! He Feng, this is football! Who said that the weak team will definitely lose? Who said that the strong team will definitely win?!"

After scoring the goal, Hu Lai originally wanted to run to the corner flag area, but he suddenly remembered something halfway through the run. He turned over the billboard behind the baseline with his hands, and then ran all the way to the stands where the fans of the visiting team gathered. to the bottom of that banner.

There he made his signature celebratory move.

He showed the number and name on his back to the Flash Star fans in the stands!

According to the agreement, he came to say hello to Team Chu and his roommates who came to visit him.


PS, the second update will be delivered, and the third update will be at 6 pm~

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