Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 178 It's not time to be happy yet

"Old Wang, after Brother Huan kicks the football out, you run straight to the middle of the goal, towards the goalkeeper, as if you want to compete with Poseidon's defenders in front of the goal...Brother Lin, you go Run back, but you can’t run directly back, you have to run in the middle first, and then make a sudden turn to the back halfway..."

"Captain Li, you and I will run to the front point together in a while, and we will complement each other. If you don't reach the point, there will be me, and if I don't reach the point, there will be you..."

"Brother Huan, make a gesture before kicking the corner to let us know whether you want to kick forward or backward. For example, if you want to kick forward, you raise your left hand, and when you kick back, raise your right hand... What? You want to kick in the middle What should I do? Then raise both hands!"

On the training ground of Anton Shining Star, Hu Lai assigned tasks to all his teammates, reminding them of what they need to pay attention to, and he even thought of details such as passwords.

Looks like he really is a competent coach.

When this scene gradually faded before Zhao Kangming's eyes, he returned to the crowded Nanshan Stadium.

He was being hugged by Chen Mo, who was about to bow down, as if he was about to lift himself up.

He yelled.

Chen Mo responded to him with a hearty laugh: "We are ahead! Old Zhao! That kid...they really did it!"

Only then did Zhao Kangming come back to his senses—yes, we seem to have scored a goal... and scored with that seemingly nonsense set-piece tactic!

Holly that boy...

Thinking of this, a smile bloomed on Zhao Kangming's face.

On the coach bench and bench beside him, there has long been a mess, everyone is cheering and roaring, and some people are waving everything that can be waved in their hands, even if it is a mineral water bottle without a lid... So water was splashed everywhere.

But no one cared, and some people even followed suit, making it look like Songkran on the Xingxing bench.

On the field, the Flash Star players have already jumped over the billboards and ran to the place where Hu Lai was, and waved with him to the Flash Star fans who were traveling with the team, and celebrated the goal with them.

This is a feast for the shining stars.

Elsewhere in the stadium, Poseidon fans stared in disbelief at the big screen, which clearly displayed the score at this moment.


Above the number "1" is the visiting team Anton Shining Star!

On the rostrum, the calm Mr. Zhang disappeared and was replaced by the dumbfounded Mr. Zhang.

Beside him, Dong Wen, the general manager of Shining Star who had been nervous all the time, jumped up and raised his arms and shouted: "Stand up!!"

Sun He huddled in his seat, looking at the court full of shock.

The last thing he wanted to see happened.

Shining Star took the lead in the game, and it was Hu Lai who scored the goal!

For Mr. Zhang, the outcome of this game may be critical.

But for him, the head of youth training, as long as Hu Lai scores a goal, he will be in danger.

The Poseidon fans and the Lingnan media will all delve into why such a young player who can score goals against our first team went to Flash Star for a mere transfer fee of 500,000 yuan...

If you go so deep into it, you might not be able to tell what happened to you back then...

Didn't the "Lingnan Evening News" already notice it?

When the time comes to use this excuse, what should they do if they turn over all the old accounts?

Sun He never imagined that one day that Hu Lai would reappear in front of him in such a way...

What a fuck!

Thinking of this, he retracted his body again and curled up on the seat. If it wasn't for the loud movement of getting up, he would even have thought of an excuse to go to the toilet and slip away...

Now, he only hopes that Mr. Zhang will never think of himself.


There was joy in the bar, everyone was a fan of Shining Star, and naturally hoped that Shining Star could achieve good results.

Although Flash Star lost to Heihe Polaris in the away game,

Many of them also scolded. But now that they have made the decision to do their best in the FA Cup semi-finals and cannot turn back, they certainly hope that Shining Star can beat Poseidon.

Of course, a large part of this may be due to the grievances between Hu Lai, Zhao Kangming and Sea God.

Especially after they knew before the game that Hu Lai had been kicked out by the Poseidon youth team, and that the youth training director had said such exaggerated things to him. Many Shining Star fans thanked Poseidon and cursed Poseidon at the same time.

The middle-aged man turned his head to look at Yan Yan in surprise, and then gave him a thumbs up: "I have taken it, I have taken it thoroughly, your mouth is poisonous!"

Yan Yan chuckled: "It's not my mouth that is poisonous, uncle, it's Hu Lai who is poisonous."


In front of the TV, Xie Lan jumped up from the sofa and cheered.

Hu Lixin opened his mouth slightly, staring at the TV screen in a daze.

It turned out... a real goal.

No... Really want to enter the finals?

When this idea popped out of his mind, he thought of the result of yesterday's semi-final.

That name appeared again from his memory...

He didn't know how he would face that game if such a scene really happened.

He closed his eyes.

All around my ears were the exclamation of the commentator on the TV and the cheers of my wife.


When Hu Lai rushed towards them to celebrate the goal, Chu Yifan and his roommates excitedly waved to Hu Lai and shouted: "Ah! Hu Lai!"

"Nice job, Holly!"

"Hu Lai is awesome!!"

And when the Flash Star players returned to the stadium after celebrating, they looked at the background of this group of people and said with emotion: "I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it... No matter how much I believe in Hu Lai, there will still be a little Doubt, doubt that he can't score against Poseidon..."

"The main reason is that we really couldn't imagine how they could score goals. In the first half, they were basically under pressure. There were only two corner kicks to attack, and the goal was scored..."

"I think the key is that our brains are not as big as Hu Lai's - I think this corner kick tactic must have been thought up by Hu Lai!"

"Okay, no matter what the final result of the game is, this bull is enough for me to brag about for the rest of my life!"

"This is a lifetime?" Chu Yifan smiled, "Have more confidence in Hu Lai, what if Shanxing wins the Sea God in the away game?"

The three roommates looked at Chu Yifan with complicated eyes.

Chu Yifan, who was in focus, asked them back, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Damn it!" Lao Li suddenly cursed, "Just now I really thought about the scene after Flashing Star eliminated Sea God... Then I found out, it's cool!"

Lao Zhao pushed his glasses and nodded in agreement: "I also thought about it, and I also feel very good."

"Then what else is there to say, god of the sea!" Old Wang jumped up.


Not long after Hu Lai scored, the first half of the game was over.

Liu Yan followed his teammates back to the locker room. He had a hunch that the head coach Matthews would definitely lose his temper during the intermission.

At the end of the first half of the game just now, he noticed that the front of the coach's bench was empty-the head coach seemed to have left early without waiting for the halftime whistle.

Seeing the black face of the head coach in the locker room now confirmed his guess even more.

Sure enough, after everyone arrived, Matthews closed the door of the locker room and yelled at his players: "What are you doing! What are you doing?! You played like a fucking dog in the first half Shit! We had twenty-nine shots and we didn't score a single goal...the other team took three shots and the fuck went in!"

Matthews fucks his own players in English.

His translator was trying to keep up with Matthews' speaking speed while thinking about how to translate the words. After all, he didn't dare to translate those long and long swear words directly. It would sound like his translator was scolding the players. like us...

So he can only say: "He said you played too badly!"

Liu Yan thought to himself: This is the meaning, but the words are not the same...

The translator is still quickly transcribing what Matthews said: "...He asked you not to care about how the opponent's corner kick was kicked. You should stand in your position and keep the goal. Don't be deceived by the opponent's tricks... In the second half we will not Blindly back and forth, but should suddenly change the rhythm in the pass, try to make some personal breakthroughs... In addition, continue to put pressure on the opponent's goal, forcing them to make mistakes... As the game progresses Proceed, the opponent's physical fitness will drop quickly, then it will be our chance, you must be patient, don't panic..."

Liu Yan lowered his head, listening to the interpreter's voice on one side, and all kinds of "FUCK" from the head coach on the other.

But he fully understands the coach's mood.

The situation is good, playing at home, but they bombarded indiscriminately and failed to score for 45 minutes. Instead, they let the opponent score one before the end of the first half. No one will have a good temper as a coach.

Liu Yan secretly swore in his heart that he would never let any of Hu Lai's schemes succeed in the second half.

Although he and Hu Lai cooperated happily in the Olympic training team, but now it is a game between clubs, and both sides have their own masters. He will never show mercy when facing Hu Lai.

At worst, when the Olympic team is training for the competition, why not invite him to dinner...

I don't know if Hu Lai and Wang Guangwei are very happy now, after all, they are the ones leading.

Liu Yan hopes that the players of Shining Star can celebrate to their heart's content, be more happy, and preferably get carried away... In this way, we Poseidon will have a chance in the second half...


"We have to make sure that leading by one goal just makes it easier for us to play the next game, but it does not mean that we can sit back and relax. We must know that our opponent is a team that ranks sixth in the Super League. And the most important Yes, our physical fitness will decline in the second half, and the opponent's advantage in physical confrontation will be now is not the time to relax. No matter who is in the second half, give me 200% of my energy! Always Remember, the referee does not blow the whistle, the game will not stop! Don't think that the opponent has fouled, and don't think that the opponent will kick the football out of the touchline - assume that these situations will not happen, just listen to the referee's whistle !"

In the shabby locker room of the visiting team, Zhao Kangming was speaking to his players, and every star player couldn't see the slightest expression of joy that they were the leader.

What's the point of popping champagne when you're only one goal ahead?

Some people think they should be happy for the goal lead, but their goal is to win this game, the game is not over, why happy?

Everyone nodded solemnly.


PS, tomorrow is still the third shift, so this game will be over.

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