The song written by the fans of "White Rose" for Hu Lai is indeed very topical. There are many live videos on the Internet, all of which were taken by the fans who watched the game at the Flanders Stadium with their mobile phones .

When the singing sound appeared, the photographer or the people around the photographer could clearly hear the laughter.

Regarding this song, it has attracted everyone's attention and discussion on the Internet, and there have been many secondary creations of this song.

Coupled with Leeds City's goal in the opening nine seconds, and that jaw-dropping collective charge offensive tactic.

It occupied a lot of media space for a while.

The well-known British football TV program "When the Season Goes" dedicated 30 minutes to tell about this game and the "stories" that happened in this game...

The show host Bobby Klein still twisted his body in front of the camera, shaking his hands, and sang the "Song of Hu".

It made the other two guests laugh.

There was a jovial air in the studio.


"'s what a GOAL!"

"HU! HU! HU! HU! HU!"

Accompanied by the live singing, there is also a canned laughter sound effect artificially added later.

"Hey, Merry, are you watching this too?" A brown-skinned bald man next to him glanced at the screen of the phone in Merry Banega's hand.

"Also?" Meli looked up at his teammate, "Dudu, have you seen it?"

Dudu Carlos, the name of the bald player, Meli's teammate in the King of Madrid. Transferred from the Bundesliga giants Ruhr Rhine this season to replace Louis Francis who retired at the end of last season, he is currently the core midfielder of the King of Madrid and the organizational midfielder of the Brazilian national team.

Hearing Mei Li's question, Du Du grinned and touched his bald head: "Of course I have seen it, it is very popular on the Internet. I have seen no less than three videos adapted from this song... At the beginning This video was recommended to me by Kendall."

The Kendor that Dudu said is Kendor Kabanka,

His teammate in the Brazilian national team is a young talent as famous as Meli, currently playing for the Premier League team Manchester Athletic.

Wen Yanmei smiled: "Ha, what a coincidence, this video of mine was also recommended to me by others."

"Who is it?" Dudu asked curiously.

"Cabanka's teammate at Athletic Manchester, Ramon."

After Du Du heard the name, he smiled and said: "It's a coincidence! Kendor said that this kid is currently the hottest star in the Premier League..."

He pointed to Hu Lai who appeared on the screen of Melly's phone and said.

Of course, Meli is very clear about this, because he has been following Hu Lai all the time. In fact, this video was not recommended to him by Cantero, but he took the initiative to look for it. The reason why he didn't tell the truth was because he didn't want to explain in detail why he wanted to pay attention to someone who was far away in the UK and seemed to have nothing to do with him... That would be a long story.

Meili thought it was troublesome, so he simply used the same reason as Dudu.

He has always known Hu Lai's performance in Leeds City. He has only played ten rounds in the league, but he has scored eleven goals and scored twice four times.

Such a performance really makes it hard to believe that this is a stat that a player who has only landed in European football for less than a year can play.

But it is what it is.

Ramon Cantero gritted his teeth when he talked about Holly to Merry, and Merry comforted his friend on the surface, but he was laughing in his heart.

When Hou Lai decided to go to a newly promoted polo team in the Premier League, he was worried that his opponent would eventually lose himself in Leeds City.

Unexpectedly, Hu Lai finally broke through the siege and thrived in the Premier League!

Melly was happy, he didn't have to worry that he didn't have a chance to beat this guy.

"Speaking of which, I heard that he almost joined the King of Madrid, but ended up going to the Premier League... What's going on?" Dudu, who just joined the team this summer, asked curiously.

But Mei Li quickly made a "shh" gesture at him: "Don't mention this, Dudu. Mr. Sanchez is in the car..."

He also looked towards the front of the bus.

The club's director of football, Javi Sanchez, and the team's head coach, Jimmy Roewe, sat at the front of the car.

"What does it have to do with Mr. Sanchez?" Du Du's eyes widened, not understanding.

"Cough...There are rumors on the Internet that the King of Madrid had hoped to win Hu, but because Mr. Sanchez was unwilling to raise the offer, Hu finally chose Leeds City. Now everyone is saying that Sanchez also has a wrong eye, and Hu is The one he missed..."

Dudu suddenly realized, and then shook his head to speak for Sanchez: "The rumors are rumors after all. No one can guarantee that the newly promoted polo team in the Premier League will play well, and the King of Madrid will also play well. The environment and tactics of the two teams are different. , cannot be compared so simply... I don’t think it’s a bad thing that he didn’t come to the King of Madrid.”

Merry nodded in agreement: "I think so too."

It's really not a bad thing that Hu Lai didn't come to the King of Madrid, otherwise how could he be his opponent?

Judging from the current performance of Leeds City, Meli hopes that they will be stable in this position at the end of the season. In this case, as the top four in the league, they will be able to qualify for the Champions League next season.

As long as Leeds City can participate in the Champions League, he will have a chance to meet Hu Lai in the European arena.

At that time, he could finally take revenge on Hu Lai for being eliminated from the Olympics.

Send him a knockout too!

Thinking of this, Meli suddenly became a little envious of his friend Ramon Cantero.

Because he doesn't have to wait until the Champions League to see Hu Lai, he only needs to wait another week. In the next weekend's league match, Athletic Manchester will face Leeds City at home.

Cantero has said to himself more than once that he wants to give Hou Lai some color in that game.

"How are you going to impress him, Ramon?" Meli asked him curiously at that time.

"He and I are both forwards, of course it's a goal!"

"But now in the Premier League scorer list, he has scored eleven goals, and you have only four goals...the gap is huge."

"Damn it, Melly. Who said you want to compete with him in the scorer list! What I mean by scoring goals is only referring to that game. As long as I can score more goals than him in that game, it means I won. Is it?" Cantero plausibly said. "After all, he played against other teams, and I don't care. For example, when I met an idiot like Wiggerston, he sent Hu a goal in the first nine seconds... If I compare the total number of goals with him, it is obviously unfair. Hu can score goals on those weak teams. I can't..."

Melly asked curiously: "Why can't you, Ramon?"

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while, and then Cantero's exasperated voice sounded: "Meli, which side are you on?!"

"Ah, I'm sorry, of course I'm on your side, Ramon. I support you in defeating Hu!" Meli said hastily.

Cantero's mood improved: "Do you have time then? You can watch the live broadcast of this game on TV, and then see how I help you teach that bastard!"

"I'll watch, Ramon. Come on!"


When Hu Lai saw those video clips on the Internet, he also smiled happily.

When he was still a nobody, he could only train alone in the secret base. In order to prevent the football he bought from being lost, he specially marked the football with this homophonic stalk.

For this reason, he also made up a particularly cold joke.

But now the meme has become a reality.

Dreams come true this way...

He feels fine.

Yong Jun told him something that made him happier:

"Hu Lai, you have already scored 22 goals for Leeds City, and you are still eight goals away from the 30-goal bonus clause in the contract."

"Eh? Is it so fast?" Hu Lai was a little surprised when he was happy.

"That's right. When Leeds City signed the contract with us, they probably thought it would take you several seasons to score 30 goals... They still don't know enough about your scoring ability." Yong Jun shook his head and laughed.

There was a bonus clause in Hu Lai's contract at the beginning, stipulating that if he scored 30 goals and assisted for Leeds City, he would receive a bonus of 2 million pounds.

You must know that the annual salary he signed with the club is only 2 million pounds.

Perhaps the club really thought that it would take several seasons for Hu Lai to achieve the goal of 30 goals, as Yong Jun had guessed, so the bonus was so high.

As a result, Hu Lai scored 11 goals in 15 league games last season, and this season he scored 11 goals in only 10 league rounds. The scoring efficiency has further improved. And he didn't even have an assist, all of them were goals, as many as 22 goals alone.

Hu Lai thought of the oolong he had when the boss Clark invited him to dinner at the end of last season, so he confirmed to Yong Jun: "Uncle Yong, is this a one-time clause, or can you get it every time you score 30 goals?"

Yong Jun guessed what he meant, and quickly said with a smile: "What good things are you thinking? Every time you score 30 are going to suck up all the wool of foreign capitalists!"

Hu Lai was a little disappointed after hearing the answer, and he asked again: "What about the golden boot bonus? Is it also a one-off?"

"The golden boot bonus is not... But if you can really get the golden boot, our contract with Leeds City will be re-signed. The current annual salary of two million is definitely not worthy of your performance. When the time comes, about various bonuses The specific terms and conditions will definitely be renegotiated..."

Hu Lai rolled his eyes, and suddenly came to inspiration, he said quickly: "Hey, Uncle Yong, I have an idea. Regarding my goal award, can we talk to the club like this..."

"How to talk about it?" Yong Jun also asked curiously seeing that Hu Lai was so interested in negotiating the specific terms of the contract.

"In this way, we don't want the fixed model of rewarding 50,000 pounds per goal. I don't want more. During the contract period, when I score the first goal, I will be rewarded with 1 pound..."

Yong Jun frowned and interrupted him: "One pound for one ball? When did you become so generous, Hu Lai?"

"Uncle Yong, listen to me..." Hu Lai continued, "The second ball rewards me with two pounds..."

Yong Jun began to have a bad feeling.

Hu Lai continued to say: "The third ball rewards me with four pounds, and the fourth ball rewards me with eight pounds... In short, each ball rewards me twice the reward of the previous ball. Uncle Yong, what do you think of my idea?" How about it?"

Yong Jun chuckled sneeringly: "Hu Lai, you are thinking of farting! Do you think the financial department of Leeds City is free? Don't use your brains all day long, just play football well, and I will help you with the contract matters. .”


PS, "It is known that Hu Lai scored 1 goal in Leeds City, and Leeds City rewarded him with 1 pound. Scored 2 goals, and rewarded him with 2 pounds. The amount of money rewarded for each goal is his last goal bonus Twice the number. Then when Hou Lai scored 30 goals in Leeds City, what was the total amount of bonuses he received?"

——Excerpt from the mathematics test paper of Dongchuan Middle School Examination.

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