Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 202: Goal shortage is gone

When Hou Lai lost his balance in the air and fell to the ground, there were already huge boos from the stands of the Flanders Stadium.

When they saw the referee decisively pointing his finger at the penalty spot, the Leeds City fans made a hairpin turn, and the boos suddenly turned into cheers.

"Penalty kick!" He Feng also shouted excitedly, "There is nothing wrong with this penalty kick! Menayer jumped towards Hu Lai when he couldn't reach the ball and knocked him down. There is no doubt that this is a foul !"

Cox should be a little more rigorous. After all, he is a British commentator. He has to face not only Leeds City fans but also North London Rangers fans. He cannot be too biased towards one side when commenting.

So he waited until he returned after watching the slow motion: "Menaye did foul, he knocked Hu. And if he didn't do it, Hu might have put the ball into the goal guarded by Lame! "

Menayer, like Kamara just now, ran to the referee and kept explaining to him: "He fell too exaggeratedly, sir! I don't have that much strength!"

The referee ignored Menayer, who was as strong as a bull, and just continued to stand on the penalty spot, signaling Leeds City to take a penalty kick.

Hu Lai was hugged by captain Lorenzo, celebrating the penalty, and more players rushed up to surround the two of them.

Kamara didn't go up, he stood outside and stared blankly at Hu Lai who was already submerged in the crowd of teammates.

He saw Hu Lai jumping up to fight for the top, and also saw Hu Lai being knocked down like a rag.

The whole process was very simple, nothing fancy, he didn't even bark.

But the referee gave a penalty without hesitation!

Kamara originally thought that after half a season of continuous hard training and careful consideration, he was ready to start in this regard.

Only now did I realize that I was still far from Hu Lai...

Players from North London Wanderers surrounded the referee, pointing at the Leeds City players who were celebrating: "He's a flop! A flop!"

The referee waved them away.

Is it a flop, can't I see it yet? I want you to tell me!

Besides, the VAR video referee team did not remind him through the headset, indicating that there was no problem with his penalty this time.

Menayer did hit Houlai, and he jumped towards Houlai-this is a very important evidence, enough to prove that Menayer subjectively wanted to prevent Houlai from scoring by fouling.

Football is not opposed to physical contact and confrontation, but there must be a limit, and it’s all here. If Hu Lai is a flop, is it true that the referee is blind?

※※ ※

The penalty was not changed, and players from both sides exited the penalty area.

Although this penalty was created by Hu Lai, he was not the one who took the penalty.

Captain Lorenzo Esposito, who is also the number one penalty shooter in the team, stood in front of the penalty spot with a football already placed under his feet.

The Flanders Stadium fell silent in an instant, and all the fans held their breaths and stared at the North London Wanderers' gate.

Sean Barnett off the court was also staring there, but unlike his teammates who expected Lorenzo not to score, he prayed to God in his heart and prayed that Leeds City could break the deadlock.

The crisp whistle broke the silence, Lorenzo started running amid all the attention, and then shot the football towards the goal!

Although Lorenzo's physical condition has declined with age this season, penalty kicks are not difficult for him, the number one penalty shooter in the team.

North London Wanderers' French goalkeeper Lame leaps to the right, but the football flies to the left!

"The goal is in!" Cox raised his arms and shouted, "The deadlock is finally broken! Lorenzo Esposito! He opened the scoring for Leeds City with a penalty kick! At the end of the first half, Leeds City Take the lead!"

After the goal, Lorenzo did not run wildly to celebrate, but turned around and found Hou Lai outside the penalty area, and hugged him.

This ball was earned by Hu Lai for him.

It's a pity that in the Premier League now, making a penalty kick is no longer an assist. Otherwise, Hu Lai will complete his first assist in the league this season.

※※ ※

Sean Barnett used a great deal of willpower to resist the urge to cheer on Leeds City's goal from the North London Wanderers bench.

I just waved my fist in my heart.

Leeds City are ahead!

He began to look forward to being called back from the pitch by the head coach at half-time, entrusting him with important tasks.

But this scene did not appear.

He warmed up outside with the rest of the bench at half-time until the start of the second half and was not called to the dressing room.

Coach Oman did not make substitution adjustments.

Sean Barnett, who was sitting on the bench, didn't think that one goal behind was not enough to remind the manager of himself.

Then he can only hope that Leeds City will score another goal...

If you fall behind by two goals, you will always have a chance to play, right?

※※ ※

It is difficult for the North London Wanderers, who are one goal behind, to continue the tactic of placing a bus in front of the goal in the first half, but their aggressive tactics have not changed in general, and they are even more aggressive than in the first half.

They put forward the pressing position and launched crazy interceptions in the midfield.

Hunt for Jay Adams and Pete Williams, two of Leeds' midfield playmakers.

This style of play is actually very risky, because once they are pulled out by Leeds City, there will be empty space behind them.

However, in the case of falling behind by one goal, there are not many tactics that the North London Wanderers can choose.

Orman decided to take a gamble anyway.

Bet Leeds will be scrambled by this North London Wanderers siege.

Bet on North London Wanderers being able to grab their limited chances to equalize.

Once the two sides return to the same starting line, he will naturally bring the team back to the state of the first half.

In fact, Oman's tactics were quite successful. In the first half, Leeds City's offensive was so fierce. In the end, it was Hu Lai's penalty kick earned in the penalty area that broke the deadlock.

Without that penalty, Leeds City would still have nothing to do with the North London Wanderers bus.

This gave Oman the confidence to play like this-as long as we can equalize the score, then with the style of Leeds City, they will definitely play more and more impatiently in the second half, and then it will be our chance!

Of course, there is a premise for such a kick, that is, the opponent cannot score before the score is equalized. Once the two goals are behind, it is over, and the basis for tactical execution will no longer exist.

※※ ※

Anyone with a discerning eye in North London Wanderers' tactics can see where the problem is, so Clark did not start to shrink the defense line because of the opponent's siege, but continued to maintain the offensive, hoping to break the opponent's siege with a sharp attack.

At this time, it is like two people fighting desperately. Defense is useless. If you curl up with your whole body, you are only delaying the time of being beaten to death, but cannot change the result of being beaten to death. It's better to fight back bravely, maybe you can give the opponent a fatal blow first.

Just as the best way to sneak in is to kill all the enemies, the best way to save your life is to kill the opponent one step ahead.

The best defense is offense.

In response to the siege tactics of the North London Wanderers, Leeds City's countermeasure is to make less transitions in the midfield, pass directly forward, and pass more adventurous through balls.

Although the success rate is lower, even if there is no attack, it will not have much impact on Leeds City's defense.

But once it is done... it will kill the homeless!

※※ ※

"North London Wanderers attack forward, but their forward pass is blocked by Adams, now it's Leeds' turn to fight back!"

Accompanied by the cheers that suddenly increased at the Flanders Stadium, Jay Adams, who successfully intercepted the ball, kicked the football to the right and gave it to Charlie Potter.

With his back to the attacking direction, Porter returned the football directly to Pete Williams who came up to meet him.

Williams looked up before receiving the ball and saw a huge opening down the left flank.

So he didn't stop the ball, and swung his foot to pass the ball passed by Charlie Potter!

The football flew close to the ground by him, and rushed to the space on the left at an extremely fast speed!

There, Kamara has advanced forward at high speed and ran into the space. If the power of Williams' pass is weak, Kamara may have run past...

But it's just right now!

"Opportunity in Leeds!"

Kamara raised his left foot on the sideline, stopped the football, and made a strong move forward!

It was like a gust of wind passed by North London Rangers right-back Hayes, and the opponent went up to block him. This time he really wanted to foul Kamara, but Kamara didn't give him this chance!

He missed it!

After Kamara rushed past Hayes to catch up with the football, he slanted the football directly into the penalty area. After drawing the North London defense all to him, he pushed the football sideways with his left foot!

The football is passed to the center.

Centre-back Rollin Menayer steps towards the football, intending to clear it.

At this time, he couldn't care less about observing the surrounding situation, because he didn't have that time!

And it doesn't matter what the surroundings are like, as long as he can kick the football out, it will be considered as a successful defense...

But when he stretched his feet towards the football, a leg suddenly appeared in front of his eyes!

Then he watched helplessly and kicked the football first!


Hu Lai's ghostly blow not only made Menayer unable to react, but also surprised Lame, the French goalkeeper of the North London Rangers. Regarding the shot that was close at hand, his subconscious movements were still half a beat slow...

The football flew into the goal!

The "goal shortage" of not scoring in three consecutive rounds of the league has been broken!

"—LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAI!!!" Cox roared after charging up, "Smart movement, decisive shot! Hu Lai finished the shot before Menayer! Beautiful! Leeds City took a two-goal lead! North London Wanderers are in the toughest situation for Oman! They are 2 goals away from home!"

※※ ※

PS, today is still a double change, ask for a monthly ticket during the double monthly ticket~~

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