Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 203 The Hero and the Clown

When Houlai kicked the football, Menayer's feet had not yet arrived.

When Menayer's foot arrived, the football had already flown into the goal, and he kicked empty!

With a tilt of his body, Menayer sat down on the goal area line, turned his head and looked at the ball again, and it had already flown into the team's goal.

Goalkeeper Lame rolled on the ground, rolled up grass clippings, and fell lonely.

He looked at Hu Lai again, and he had already rushed to the corner flag area.

Huge cheers erupted from the Flanders Stadium as the Leeds City fans waited excitedly for the moment to come.

He jumped high, turned around in the air, and waved his hands down, like a rock standing on the seashore, letting the sweeping waves hit his back, making a roar:


At this moment, Menayer lost his mind and sat on the ground without getting up.

Beside him, the goalkeeper Lame has turned over from the ground and stood up, kicked the football in the goal forcefully, and then cursed a French swear word.

Ludwig Aumann, head coach of North London Wanderers, was also swearing, using Swedish swear words.

In the 67th minute of the whole game, they were behind by two goals. This game was very difficult to play.

At the same time, it also means that the tactics he prepared for the team before have failed.

Two goals behind, how can this game be played?

That's why Oman has to swear.

All the north London Rovers players probably have curse words in their hearts, except for Sean Barnett.

He was so ecstatic that he was about to give Hu Lai a standing ovation:

Well done! Chinese boy!

Then it's time for me, Sean Barnett, to step in!

He set his fiery sights on head coach Oman.

Replace me, boss! I will definitely plunge the sword of vengeance into their hearts!


Oman did make substitutions after conceding the second goal, but he adjusted the midfield.

The effect of the previous set of tactics is actually not bad, but the physical requirements are relatively high.

So when the starting midfielder Jack Emmett showed physical weakness, Auman decisively made a substitution adjustment.

Substitute a midfielder for another midfielder.

Nothing about Sean Barnett.

Seven minutes later, North London Wanderers' offense still hadn't improved, the score was still 0:2, and they were behind away.

So Oman made another substitution adjustment.

This is his second substitution in this game, and this substitution is very critical.

Substitutions were made at the 74th minute of the game. The players who came on must have shouldered the expectations and heavy responsibilities of the head coach. It was a deliberate choice. This is nothing like the all-or-nothing substitutions in the final minutes of the game.

The substitution Oman finally made adjustments to the offensive line.

He removed a defender and added a striker.

Dutch teenager Jordi Teches goes into battle!

Still nothing Sean Barnett.


"Damn, why doesn't that guy Orman let Barnett play?"

In the North Stand, David Miller crossed his arms and cursed.

The partners around him also shouted and cursed in disappointment.

After Hou Lai scored, they happily sang, and the task of this game was mostly completed. There was only one task left, and that was to boo and fuck Sean Barnett.

As a result, the Leeds City fans who were waiting hard did not wait for Barnett to be replaced.

North London Wanderers made two substitutions, neither involving Sean Barnett.

This left the simmering anger and boos of the Leeds City fans with nowhere to vent.

They couldn't help but wonder if Orman knew what they were going to do to Barnett, so he didn't want to let Barnett play and get booed.

After all, that would be a direct waste of a replacement quota...

"Was it someone who got wind of it?" asked Levin.

John thought the question was stupid: "Who else needs to leak it? All England knows we're going to fuck that traitor at Barnett in Flanders!"

David Miller snorted: "I suspect that bitch Barnett must have asked Orman,

Tell Orman not to put him on the field... he's a coward, a coward! "

Everyone turned their angry eyes to Sean Barnett, who was sitting on the visiting team's bench, and could only greet the coward's family in their hearts.


Hu Lai was replaced by Clark in the 87th minute. This was the last substitution for Leeds City in this game.

The score was still 2:0.

Everyone can see that it is almost impossible for the North London Wanderers to comeback in an away game.

They've used up all three of their substitutions, and a desperate gamble still doesn't work, and now it's more like a death struggle.

Clarke's substitution in the 87th minute was not only the last substitution for Leeds City, but also the last substitution of the game.

He chose to replace Hu Lai at this time, not because he wanted to consolidate the victory, or to withstand the near-death counterattack of the North London Wanderers.

He just wants the team's top scorer to have a moment to enjoy the applause and cheers of the fans alone.

This moment belongs exclusively to Hu Lai.

"Hu Lai was replaced. He was replaced when there was not much time left in the game. In this game, Hou Lai earned a penalty for Leeds City and scored a goal himself. It can be said that Best of all!"

Although the game is not over yet, and the selection of the best of the audience has not yet been decided, the commentator He Feng has already given the answer very firmly.

And he is not afraid of being slapped in the face in the end.

Because no matter what the final result is, in his mind, in the minds of all Chinese fans, Hu Lai is the best in the game, and no refutation is accepted!

In the TV broadcast, Hu Lai walked to the sidelines. He didn't walk fast, and no North London Wanderers players came up to urge him-they also knew that the North London Wanderers had actually lost the game.

The only person who was in a hurry and didn't want to admit defeat was Sean Barnett, but he was still on the bench and not eligible to play, so it was useless for him to be anxious.

No one paid him any attention.

When Hu Lai walked off the field, the TV broadcast suddenly cut the scene to the stands.

And not just one side of the stands.

North Stand, South Stand, East Stand, West Stand.

Almost all the Leeds City fans in the stands were standing, with serious expressions on their faces, applauding towards the stadium!

The applause of 30,000 people was clearly transmitted to thousands of households through the TV broadcast signal.

You can hear it even as far away as China.

Ryan Hynes, the football commentator of Leeds Broadcasting, was silent until the applause gradually thinned out before saying: "Listener friends, what you heard just now was not the electrical noise of the broadcast signal, let alone the sound of rain or wind, but the noise from the The applause from the stands of the Flanders Stadium! This applause is all for one person, that is the young Chinese striker Hu-Lai!!"

"He is the hero of the Flanders stadium and the hero of the whole city!"

Ryan Haynes leaned forward and looked at the scene off the court and said in an excited voice.

Amid the applause, Hu Lai, who walked off the court, hugged coach Clark, raised his hand and waved his thanks to the fans in the surrounding stands.

It is not the first time he has enjoyed the treatment of being replaced early, but it is indeed the first time he has seen the fans standing up and applauding him after being replaced early.

Cheers and applause have different meanings.

He knows what that means.

Seeing this scene, Matt Dawn, who was guarding the shooting machine on the high platform, suddenly thought that when Hu Lai had just joined Leeds City, he saw the wall of a private house on the way to pick up Hu Lai from the hotel to the training base in a commercial vehicle. Large portrait of Lauren Galley. He told Hou Lai that one day Hou Lai would be painted on the outside wall of their house by Leeds City fans.

At that time, he was actually drawing a big cake for Hu Lai, and he didn't even know it in his own mind, it was more like a psychological suggestion of self-encouragement.

He didn't know how long that "someday" would be.

Anyway, he never expected that day to come so soon at that time - hearing the applause from the audience, Matt felt that it might not be long before he could see Hu Lai's giant graffiti on the streets of Leeds.

We will finally write our names in the history books of this city!

This time, Matt wasn't encouraging himself.


Amid the applause, Sean Barnett sat on the bench and looked around.

Auman had already used up all three substitutions, and he still failed to get the chance to prove himself.

He is not very painful about the fact that the team's defeat has been decided. Who told the head coach not to let him play?

Failure is none of my business.

Instead, he focused all his attention on the scene in front of him.

He used to be deeply loved in this stadium, until after leaving, when he came back here again, he could still hear the greetings from the fans.

But...even when he was playing in Leeds City, he never made all the Leeds City fans stand up and applaud him after being replaced early.

When the applause sounded, he felt that the traces of his existence in this city and the stadium were being quickly erased.

The city has a new hero.

And he's just a clown nobody cares about.


PS, there is a single chapter in the back, let me chat with you.

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