Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 214: A Pack of Hyenas

"Hu Lai——! Ah!!! What a pity!"

When the football flew towards the back of the Stan Park Rangers, He Feng shouted excitedly, and he almost stood up from his seat in the rear studio.

But he sighed regretfully when he saw the football flying off the pitch against the top edge of the crossbar.

Yan Kang next to him also yelled.

At Stan Park, the Rangers fans stared, exclaimed, and let out a sigh of relief.

"Leeds City's first attack after just conceding the ball is so threatening! This is really beyond the expectations of the Stan Park Rangers players... Kamara's cross is very beautiful! He let the ball pass successfully. The commanding heights in the restricted area, fell to the back point, and Hu appeared there in time... The only regret is that there are not many shooting angles left. This shot is really too difficult for Hu... But he still completed it very quickly Well, at least he managed to scare a lot of Stan Park Rangers fans!"

Cox said this lightly, and he wasn't worried about offending Stan Park Rangers fans. Because he has always been this commentary style, sometimes you think he is on your side, but sometimes what he said can make you hate it.

Someone once criticized Cox for just pretending to be neutral, using these extreme words and deeds to create an objective and fair persona, as if he really does not support any team. But how is it possible, how is it possible that there are men in the UK who don't support their favorite football team?

As long as he has it, he cannot claim to be objective and fair.

Of course, everyone knows now that Matthew Cox certainly has a team he supports and likes, and he is even a member of the fan club of this team, but the team he supports is currently in the sixth tier of England... …

So no matter how much he laughs and scolds in the Premier League commentary, it doesn't matter at all.

Stan Park Rangers fans were definitely freaked out.

They were still immersed in the joy of taking the lead again and didn't recover, when they suddenly saw Hu Lai appearing behind their goal, swinging his right leg to face the flying football...

Fortunately, the ball flew directly off the crossbar. If it hit the side net, the hearts of many fans of the Stan Park Rangers might stop beating-they would mistakenly think that the ball was scored...

Hu Lai, who failed to score a goal, looked very regretful. He put his head in his hands and yelled.

Of course, he didn't forget to give him a thumbs up for Kamara who passed the ball to him, and praised him for his good pass.

Kamara in the distance gave him a thumbs back, indicating that he also shot well.

Johnson Law, who was beside Kamara, stared at Kamara's back, thinking of the cross just now.

This person has really changed a lot now... He didn't choose to pass me, but passed me directly...


Although Hu Lai's shot missed, it gave the Leeds City players a lot of confidence on the field, which made them somewhat recover from the shock and frustration of just losing the ball.

Because they realize "We have a really good shooter here!"

With this in mind, Leeds City made a comeback two minutes later.

It was still Kamara, still facing Johnson Law. After making a fake move to break through, he kicked the cross again.

The football flew into the Stan Park Rangers penalty area from a forty-five-degree angle.

This time Jacobs won the header fight with Lorenzo, and he pushed the football out before Lorenzo!

However, due to Lorenzo's personal interference, he failed to push the football too far...

Jacobs, who was still in the air, followed the football with his eyes, wanting to see where he headed the ball, and whether his teammates protected the landing point at that place...

At this moment, he saw a familiar figure appearing at the landing point of the football!

Jacobs' eyes widened!

That is……

But then he saw his teammate Shepard rushing up from the side,

Fly to the football with your feet and get ready to block!

Jacobs felt relieved.


Hu Lai's eyes were fixed on the football in the air, and this seemed to be the only one in his field of vision. He swung his right leg as if to volley directly!

But when his right foot touched the football, he just flicked it lightly!

Shepard kicked a blank!

At the same time, Hu Lai leaned back and dodged Shepard!

Then he swung his right leg again, and this time he hit the football solidly!


The football flew straight to the top corner of the goal! In front of the door full of people, that is the only space!

Stan Park Rangers goalkeeper Lemos flew from behind the crowd!

His hand touched the football!

The football touched the inside of the post!

Then popped in...


"Ahhhhhhh!!! Incredible! Incredible! Simply unbelievable!! Just three minutes after Stan Park Rangers regained the lead, Leeds City equalized again! This time the still... !!!!"

"Hu Lai? Hu Lai! Hey! Hu Lai!!! Beautiful!! Beautiful!!! Hu Lai!! So beautiful!! Scored twice!" He Feng and Yan Kang in the studio shouted at the same time, Although you can't see their faces, you can feel their excitement just by hearing their voices.

They were really excited, after all, only three minutes had passed since Hu Lai conceded the ball!

Anyone who knows a little bit about football knows what it means to equalize the score so quickly...

It means giving the opponent's morale a blow, a heavy blow!

It means telling the opponent: Don't be rampant, I have the ability to fight back!

"Hu Lai's goal came too timely! It's so important! He stopped the morale of Leeds City's decline and stabilized the morale of the army! Facing those international players from the top European teams, Hu Lai was still able to score twice , is really amazing!"

"Yeah, He Feng! Each of these two goals is beautiful, let's not talk about the first one... The second one, the most important thing is Hu Lai's kick before the shot! What a stroke of magic! An ordinary striker He had already volleyed directly with his rounded legs, but he could think of another pick! It was so calm! It was so calm! And it was this pick that allowed him to avoid Shepard's interception... This pick It's the key to scoring goals!"


In the praise of the commentators, Hou Lai once again made his signature celebration in front of the Stan Park Rangers fans after scoring the goal!

For the latter, this is a new experience - Hou Lai has never scored a goal of the Stan Park Rangers before.

But this time, once you enter, you will be two!

Stan Park Rangers fans also got to see Houlay's signature celebration twice at once.

The Leeds City supporters in the away stands were cheering, though their voices seemed insignificant amid the din.

But they were still in the cramped visiting stands, cheering and pumping their fists with impunity, at the field and at the Stan Park Rangers fans in the next-door stands.

Home to the mighty Stan Park Rangers, home to the undefeated...

But so what?

Don't you try to throw us off!

"Ahhh! Fuck you f*cking rangers!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

On the court, Stan Park Rangers goalkeeper Lemos jumped up from the ground. He yelled at his teammates angrily: "What's going on?! How did he appear in that position!? Why didn't anyone go up? Stick to him!?"

He sent out the three questions of the soul, but no one could answer these three questions.

Nobody knew what happened, or how Holly got there, and when they saw him, he was already there.

It was as if...he was supposed to be there. It was as if he had always been there.

On the sidelines, Tony Clark and Randyll embraced each other excitedly.

In front of the coaching bench of the home team not far from them, Brooks frowned into a "thirty". Although he didn't lose his composure enough to kick the mineral water bottle away, he didn't have the composure he had before.

When he was equalized by Leeds City for the first time, he was still able to deal with it with a normal heart.

He knows that with Leeds City's madness against offense, it is difficult to completely prevent them from scoring. So if you concede a goal, you concede a goal. The important thing is that we can score more goals. This conceded goal is insignificant.

The next game also proved that Brooks is not blindly confident, his team does have such strength.

A goal was scored less than ten minutes after conceding the goal.

But now throwing the second ball, Brooks' mentality has changed.

Especially when the ball was conceded three minutes after they scored...

This feeling was like he thought he was just bitten by a mosquito at first, but now he realized where the mosquito was, it was bitten by a mad dog and wouldn't let go!

On the pitch, the Leeds City players ended their wild celebrations and ran back to their own half.

In Brooks' eyes, they have turned into hyenas on the African prairie, grinning, with shredded meat hanging between their teeth, sticky blood dripping down the fur around their mouths, and the wind on the prairie flows from them A strong smell of blood and rancidity came from the side...

Even the "king" lions of the savannah get nervous when they encounter such a pack of ugly hyenas.

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