Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 215 If you want to fight, then fight

After Hu Lai equalized the score for the second time, until the end of the first half, neither side scored again.

Although the singing over the Stan Park stadium has not diminished, everyone can see that the Rangers players are still affected by the ball.

The magic of the course seems to have diminished.

In fact, it was normal. Anyone who was equalized within three minutes would not be without fluctuations in his heart.

People have myths about the power of Stan Park before, as if playing here, the Rangers players can really be invulnerable, ghosts and gods are invincible.

After the game restarted, the Rangers' offensive pace became obviously messy, and they failed to suppress Leeds City's counterattack as they did when they lost the first ball.

The two sides fought fiercely in every corner of the court.

You have me I have you.

In this way, hyenas and lions chased and bitten on the African savannah, kicking up dust.

It was not until the whistle at the end of the half-time game that the two sides were separated.

But both sides have been bruised and bruised.

The image of the lion has changed drastically. Before the majestic and majestic "King of Beasts", a lot of the hair on the neck was bitten off, and red wounds can be seen everywhere on the torso... Maybe the injuries are not as serious as the hyenas, but because The contrast with the previous image is too great, so it seems that the injury is particularly serious.

But the hyenas are the worst. It's just that they are a group of wild dogs, and they usually look dirty. This image can't be more miserable-what kind of dirt do you expect from a person who often rolls in the mud?

Although they were embarrassed, the players of Leeds City were full of spirits. When they walked off the field in groups of three or four, they were all covering their mouths and saying something. Although they couldn't hear the sound and couldn't see the shape of their mouths, they could still feel their mood at this moment from their flying eyebrows—it was definitely not that kind of loss and depression anyway.

Tony Clark, who saw this scene off the court, said to Sam Landier next to him: "Sam, there is a door!"

"What's the point?" Randyll wondered.

Clark didn't answer him, but turned around and ran back to the locker room, leaving all the players who hadn't left the field behind.

Randall was at a loss, so he could only replace Clark and give high-fives to the off-field players as a sign of encouragement.

※※ ※

The players of Leeds City returned to the locker room and saw the head coach Clarke who had taken off his suit and only wore a shirt with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows.

And the whiteboard beside him has been filled with various arrows, numbers, circles, solid and dotted lines.

Every time a player came in, he waved at the opponent: "Sit down, sit down, take the time to sit down!"

He looked very anxious, as if he didn't want to delay for a second.

After everyone was seated, he went to close the door himself, then walked back, clapping his hands vigorously and shouting:

"Guys, it's time to show them off! You proved one thing in the first half - even in the 'undefeated home', the Stan Park Rangers are not invulnerable monsters! They make mistakes, they There will also be unstoppable balls! I know that in four years and eight months, no team can beat them in this stadium, but we don't have to think about it now, we just need to play our best, Leave the rest to God! Go out and grab it! Go for it! Fight for every ball! Play our best and have a great fight with the defending champion!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Kamala and tapped the whiteboard behind him with his hands:

"In the face of their high-position press, our deep play is effective. So in the second half, we have to stick to this tactic. Kamara, you have to charge forward as much as possible, you don't have to retreat to meet the ferryman, I will Let Quinn position himself to support you. You need to be up front so our players can kick the ball as far forward as possible, which not only increases our attacking threat,

Can still suppress Lao! "

Hearing the head coach's arrangement, Kamara nodded vigorously.

After half a season, his English level has improved. Although he cannot guarantee that he understands every sentence and every word the head coach said just now, he can still understand the general meaning:

The boss told him to rush forward to confuse the opposing defense and press the Rangers' left back Johnson Law.

Each of these is what he is best at and wants to do the most.

"Next is Hu." Clark pointed to Hu Lai, "You have to move around Lorenzo at all times. When Lorenzo competes for the first landing point, you have to pay attention to controlling the second landing point. Like your second ball. But if the opponent is close to you, then you withdraw from the box, if the opponent's defender follows, of course... if not, then you can try a long shot. "

"No problem, Boss." Hu Lai, who was resting barefoot, replied bluntly while rubbing his feet.

"Peter, when you and Jay are in the midfield, when one of them gets the ball, the other has to move forward quickly to act as a temporary fulcrum to attract the attention of the defense. You also have to move forward immediately after passing the ball, Go forward into the space behind the opponent's defender... until the penalty area is the same, if Hu and Lorenzo's movement creates a space in the penalty area, you will resolutely go in and shoot!"

On the whiteboard, Clark drew a schematic diagram of the two moving forward alternately.

After the explanation, he said to the players of the team: "Go forward, try to go forward. Don't make crosses and back passes. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. If the pass is missed, you can recover the defense. It's no big deal. It's just a little more energy. And the last thing we lack is physical fitness! Think about the pain you all endured in the physical training stage before the season, what is it for? Isn’t it just to run better than the opponent at this time?! So remember, we We have the ability to fight against them in the away game! Besides, our biggest goal of this season has been achieved, and we can completely let go of the burden... Don't you want to know how far you are from the defending Premier League champion?"

He looked around, exchanged glances with almost every Leeds City player, then clapped his hands together and spread them out:

"Then this is the best chance! It is also the last chance of this season!"

※※ ※

"I must stress again to you, gentlemen, to press high at all times in the game. Don't worry that the space behind us will be caught by Leeds City, because we will take their space before they have the space behind us. The defense line is battered!"

In the Stan Park Rangers locker room, head coach Scott Brooks said to his players with open hands.

"Compared with their sharp and crazy offense, Leeds City's defense is like shit. Tony Clark obviously knows this, so he almost gave up on the defensive arrangement and just attacked us blindly. Since they If you want to score goals, then satisfy them! Keeping high pressure, forcing their defense to make mistakes, and creating opportunities for us to counterattack on the spot, this is much more effective than thinking about how to withstand their offense in the defensive third zone ..."

※※ ※

"Friends of the audience, welcome back to Stan Park Stadium to witness this showdown between the Premier League's No. They didn't make any personnel adjustments during the break... Let's see if the two teams can continue their madness in the second half..."

When the referee blew the whistle to start the second half, the shouts at Stan Park suddenly increased, like the starting gun for a 100-meter race.

Although they failed to take the lead in the first half, after the 15-minute intermission adjustment, Stan Park Rangers fans are still full of expectations and confidence in their team's performance.

After all, this is their home court, and it's not like they haven't experienced games like today in this stadium. Those 90 unbeaten home games were not always a tailwind.

There were times when the Stan Park Rangers had to fight hard until the last minute to win games. There were also times when it was only luck that kept them from losing games at home.

So what have the fans here not seen?

A measly team of Leeds United can't make them nervous.

Leeds City's counterattack in the first half was indeed very powerful, but they also had a fatal flaw, that is, poor defense.

If it is simply a goal comparison, then what is there to be afraid of the Rangers playing at home?

After the whistle sounded, the two teams collided fiercely on the court again, fighting desperately amidst the deafening shouts of the fans.

"Palacio sweeps the ball in front of the goal! Law-! Ah! His shot was saved by van der Ven!"

"Hu Lai! Beautiful single-handedly - the goal is scored... Oh no! Offside! Hu Lai was offside first, and the goal was invalid! Well... it was indeed offside..."

"Both teams are playing very openly. This may be related to their situation-Stan Park Rangers currently leads the second place Leeds City in the standings by as much as 11 points, and Leeds City has also successfully avoided relegation in advance. So they can all be said to have no burden, and they don’t have to think about the consequences of winning or losing, so they can devote themselves to the game and show what they are best at... I suddenly have a hunch that this game may become the Premier League this season. representative work!"

In the fast-paced offensive and defensive transition between the two sides, Matthew Cox took the time to sigh with emotion.

In the case that most of the traditional BIG6 teams did not perform well enough this season, Leeds City has suddenly emerged. This young team has brought vitality and freshness to the league.

Let's not talk about where they can stand in the end this season, at least with their games, they will definitely not be boring.

Because you never know what's going to happen next minute in a Leeds game...

In the fifty-seventh minute, Stan Park Rangers took a corner kick and the football was pushed away in the melee.

Stan Park Rangers striker Mati Palacio grabbed the second spot and tried to walk away with the football. As a result, he collided with Leeds City defender Quinn, and he fell to the ground with a yell!

The whistle is ringing!

The referee standing just outside the penalty area line pointed to the penalty spot!

Stan Park Stadium thunderous cheers!

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