Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 258 Sweetness in Life

When Luo Kai walked into the locker room of the team's training base, he heard everyone discussing the same thing - not the next round of the Eredivisie, but the next Premier League.

As a satellite club of Tramed, it is normal for Veronica in the Netherlands to care about the Premier League.

After seeing Luo Kai coming in, someone waved at him: "Luo! Who do you support in the next round of the Premier League?"

From the perspective of Veronica's teammates, this must be a difficult choice for Luo Kai.

After all, on the one hand is his home team Tramed, and on the other hand is his teammates in the Chinese national team, his compatriots.

From an emotional point of view, asking him to choose between the two is almost as difficult to answer as "who do you save first when your mother and I fall into the water".

But what everyone didn't expect was that after hearing the question, Luo Kai said without any hesitation, "Of course I support Tramed."

His blunt answer surprised his teammates. The teammate who asked this question before stuttered: "Uh...but, but Luo, if Leeds City can beat Tramed, then Hu will become the number one. A Chinese player who won the Premier League title is also Chinese, wouldn't you be happy for him?"

There was a smile on the corner of Luo Kai's mouth: "Of course I am happy for him. But I am a player of Tramed. If Leeds City wants to win the championship, I hope they will not step on Tramed's body to the throne. "

"So that's how it is..." After everyone in the locker room suddenly realized, they all looked at Luo Kai with admiration. There is nothing to say about people's feelings for their employers, and it's no wonder Tramed values ​​them so much.

Although Veronica has been confirmed to be relegated, I believe that Tramed will definitely not give up such a genius. Next season, he will definitely be loaned by Tramed to a better team for training. When he saves enough, he can pass the labor certificate After applying for the number of national team appearances, it will return to Tramed.

He is completely different from those players who are just Tramed satellite clubs.

Although after coming to Veronica, the hesitant adaptation period has not been a bright spot, but in the last one or two months, everyone has finally seen Luo Kai's talent, and also know why he can be favored by Tramed .

This is indeed an amazingly talented player.

"But if you don't win Tramed, how can Leeds win the championship?" Another question came from other people in the locker room.

Luo Kai didn't answer this question, and everyone didn't have to ask Luo Kai to give an answer.

After all, this question is too difficult for him to answer...

If you don't want Leeds to beat Tramed, it means that it is impossible for Hu Lai to win the championship. After all, the chances of Stan Park Rangers losing to London Bridge at home are definitely smaller than Tramed's losing to Leeds at home.

So when Luo Kai decided to stand in Tramed, he actually knew very well in his heart that his compatriot Hu Lai's hard work for a season would fall short.

Seeing that Luo Kai was silent, some teammates comforted him: "Actually... being able to win the league runner-up is already a very remarkable achievement. You must know that they were still relegated last season..."

"Yes, yes, if we can win the runner-up, I will wake up laughing from my dreams!"

Luo Kai knew that his teammates said this to him on purpose, to make him feel better.

But he doesn't need to be comforted.


Yan Yan followed the crowd to the door of the elevator. There were black heads in front of them, and people behind them quickly filled up.

All of them are people who work in various companies in this building.

These "white-collar workers" in the eyes of others are also tired and helpless at this time, huddling together and waiting for the elevator to arrive.

During the rush hour, the six elevators in this building are running at the same time, but it still cannot relieve the immediate "congestion".

"...At 10:30pm on Saturday, May 2nd, Beijing time, the focus of the Premier League championship match will start at the Red Roof Stadium. Leeds City will challenge Tramed. Come and watch the live broadcast of the game on Gudong Video... At that time, hundreds of millions Chinese fans will share the same fate with Hu Lai, and witness Hu Lai's glory in Asia and create history. Gudong video has massive 4K resources..."

An advertising video of the mobile Gudong video appeared on the screen hanging on the wall of the elevator, attracting Yan Yan's attention.

And when he finished watching the ad and turned his eyes away from the screen, he realized that the dark crowd in front of him had already squeezed into the elevator, and even the people behind him squeezed in. Although the door of the elevator was not closed, Yan Yan knew that he must have to wait for the next trip when he saw the stuffed canned sardines inside.

The people inside looked at Yan Yan who was standing stupidly at the door, with a happy and relaxed expression on his face.

Looking at this scene, Yan Yan slightly shook his head. Then he stood in place and took out his mobile phone, and complained in the WeChat group of the Dongchuan Middle School football team's Jincheng team: "Damn! The screen in the elevator room always displays all kinds of silly advertisements. I didn't expect to show the Hu Lai game just now." The that I didn't even get the elevator up..."

"Pfft, Team Yan is going to be late?"

"Go to Hu Lai and ask him to give you a red envelope if you've been deducted your bonus!"



"It's the ad for the mobile Gudong video, right? I saw it too. Hu Lai shines in Asia and makes history, and it makes me feel goosebumps..."

The elevator door tried hard three times, and after the people in the elevator squeezed hard again, it finally closed. Accompanied by a crisp beep, it began to rise rapidly.

Outside the elevator, Yan Yan bowed his head and typed: "Let me tell you, I booked the luxurious private room for Saturday night yesterday, and I will push you away from everything, and none of you will let the pigeons go! Otherwise If you missed the history, don’t blame me for not reminding you! Even if Hu Lai can win more championships in the future, this will be his first time! People from all over the country will witness his first time together. This opportunity will never be seen again! "

Chu Yifan: "Yan Yan, why do you sound so awkward? What is the first time the people of the whole country have witnessed Hu Lai together? There is ambiguity in your words!"

"Hahaha! Team Chu, Team Yan means that!"

"I feel that Mobile Gudong should ask Team Yan to plan the advertisement. 'The whole country witnesses Hu Lai for the first time' is obviously more attractive than 'glory in Asia and create history'. If I am a person who does not watch football After seeing this ad, I would really like to see what happened to Hu Lai for the first time..."




Yan Yan raised his head to look at the several elevators in operation, followed the new crowd to the door of an elevator that seemed to arrive the fastest, and waited in line, then lowered his head and joked with the big guys in the group.

Someone beside him was holding a computer bag, with his head lowered, as if he was taking the time to close his eyes and rest his mind. There are also people who raise their wrists to look at their watches from time to time, with sweat dripping from their anxious foreheads. It seems that they are waiting for the elevator and can't catch up with the check-in time, and they are going to be late...

But more people, like Yan Yan, looked down at their phones and used them to pass the time. They don't talk, or rarely talk to those around them. Some people were wearing earphones, while others were using their mobile phone speakers as if no one else was there, attracting frequent glances from people around them.

This is a scene that will be repeated in the elevator room of this office building every morning during the rush hour. Day after day, it is unremarkable.

To be honest, when I was young, I always wanted to grow up quickly, thinking that when I grow up, I can do many things that adults were not allowed to do before.

But when I really grow up, I realize that the world is not as beautiful as I imagined when I was a child.

The life of social animals is boring, running around every day to feed themselves, even if they do their best, they may not be able to get what they want. It's a completely different experience than in high school or college.

After graduating from university and becoming an office worker, Yan Yan has fully realized what is meant by "there is no word 'easy' in the world of adults".

Indeed, starting from waking up early in the morning and going out, squeezing the bus, catching the subway to grab a seat, and finally getting to the downstairs of the company and taking the elevator, you have to do your best. How can it be "easy"?

But in the busy and tiring days, there are always some things worth looking forward to.

Just like now, when I think of being able to watch Hu Lai's game with everyone on the weekend, the busy and tense ordinary days seem not so difficult.

There is indeed no easy word in the world of adults. Fortunately, there is also the "sugar" brought to us by Hu Lai.

So Hu Lai come on! If you lose, I will have nothing but suffering at work next week!

The elevator door opened, Yan Yan grabbed the phone tightly, and squeezed in together with the people around him. Then he was squeezed to stand on tiptoe, he could only try his best to stretch his neck, raised his head, and waited silently for the elevator to start.

Just like packing and packing goods on the assembly line, they are distributed by elevators to work positions on different floors, and start their respective day's work of being busy or fishing.


Park Chun-tae, who finished training, was blocked by reporters. A reporter asked him a question in English: "Mr. Park Chun-tae. In the next round of the league, you will challenge the Stan Park Rangers away. If you can beat your opponent, you may in turn help Leeds City." Win the Premier League. And Hu Lai will also be the first Asian player to win the Premier League... What do you think about this? Will you be more involved in the game because of being an Asian player?"

When this question was asked, Park Chun-tae hadn’t answered it yet. Many South Korean reporters turned their heads and glared at the reporter who asked the question. The reporter had similar faces to them. Westerners might not be able to tell them apart, but they could tell at a glance. This man is a Chinese reporter!

Asiba! Why did Chinese journalists come here to interview Pu Chuntai? This is a naked provocation!

At this time, the South Korean reporters automatically blocked their memories of going to Hu Lai for an interview after Park Chuntae won the League Cup.

Facing this question, Park Chuntai said seriously: "I will go all out in the game, but not to help anyone. London Bridge has a reason to win, and it has nothing to do with others. But I also hope that Hu Lai can win the Premier League championship, because This is the pride of Asian football and I will be rooting for him."

After hearing this answer, the South Korean reporter applauded excitedly for Park Chun-tae, and at the same time kept glancing at the Chinese reporter who asked the question, hoping that the other party would feel ashamed in front of Park Chun-tae's broad mind.

But to their disappointment, the Chinese reporter who asked the question was smiling and showed no signs of embarrassment...

The Chinese are really shameless!

Many South Korean reporters scolded in their hearts.

Once again, they forgot how Hu Lai answered them when they went to find Hu Lai.

At the same time, they have already thought about it in their hearts, if Leeds City really won the Premier League championship because of London Bridge defeating Stan Park Rangers. Then when they report on the fact that an Asian player won the Premier League championship for the first time, they will definitely highlight the contribution of Park Chuntai in this championship, and let Chinese fans know that they will always owe us the kindness!


PS, on the last day of May, the monthly pass will expire and become invalid if you don’t vote again. Please ask for the monthly pass!


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