Matthew Miller came down from the bedroom on the second floor, just in time to see the back of his father, David Miller, who opened the door and walked out. He froze for a moment, and when he recovered, his father had already closed the door and left.

He had no choice but to ask his mother who was busy in the kitchen, "Where is Dad going?"

"Where else can I go? White Rose is looking for his old buddies." There was some dissatisfaction in her mother's tone, obviously complaining about her husband always going out to hang out with that group of people when he had nothing to do.

"Going to the game? But why is he watching so early?" Little Matthew stood in the living room and looked out the sunny window. It was noon and they had just had lunch. "Our game won't kick off until 3:30."

Mom took out the plate from the sink, shook the water and put it aside: "They made an appointment to watch the game between the Rangers and London Bridge first, and they said they were going to cheer for London Bridge."

Little Matthew grinned after hearing this reason. Although Leeds City had more room for maneuver after London Bridge defeated Stan Park Rangers, it was an away game. Although Stan Park Rangers lost to Leeds City at home After that, the undefeated record of four years and eight months at home has been broken, but it does not mean that Stan Park is a place where cats and dogs can show off their power at will.

After the Stan Park Rangers lost to Leeds City at home, they still remain unbeaten at home. They have only lost to Leeds City at home this season.

Counting on London Bridge to beat Stan Park Rangers away?

Little Matthew didn't dare to think of things so beautifully. If the performance of London Bridge is not satisfactory, wouldn't that be a problem for himself?

"Fucking London sissies! Cowards!"

"I knew these southerners couldn't be trusted!"

"I am so disappointed! If London Bridge is performing like this, it is better not to participate in the Europa League. Going to the Europa League is also an embarrassment to English football!"

In the "White Rose" bar, David Miller is pointing at the TV screen and yelling with his partners.

The reason for their anger is displayed in the upper left corner of the screen, where the live score of the game is displayed.


The Stan Park Rangers, who are playing at home, are leading London Bridge with a huge difference of three goals.

And the first half wasn't even over

No wonder the Leeds fans, who hoped that London Bridge would cause trouble for Stan Park Rangers, lost their composure.

Mind blown, okay? !

Lost 03 in the first half, this is going to help!

The Stan Park Rangers went crazy at their home court, and London Bridge, which was also 6, was rubbed against the ground by them.

Looking at the frustrated and painful expressions of the London Bridge players in the close-up of the TV broadcast, the Leeds City fans in front of the TV were more frustrated and painful than them.

Equally frustrated and miserable were the South Korean journalists in the press box at Stan Park.

Before the game, they fantasized about Park Chuntai's outstanding performance in the game. After helping London Bridge beat the Stan Park Rangers, they announced to the Chinese fans who they should thank for their league championship.

In fact, it cannot be said that the South Korean reporter was daydreaming. According to London Bridge's tactics, Park Sun-tae may really be the winner of this game.

London Bridge is already good at defense, and it is an away game, so the tactical choice must be to use defense to counterattack.

And our family, Pu Chuntai, is fast and has the best individual assault ability in Asia, and he is also a good counterattacker in the Premier League. Then Pu Chuntai will definitely be an important offensive weapon for London Bridge in the game.

If Park Chun-tae can use the counter-attack to score a goal or two, then London Bridge's hopes of winning the Stan Park Rangers away will be greatly improved.

The tactics of the actual game were indeed similar to what the South Korean reporters had imagined. London Bridge played a defensive counterattack.

But they didn't expect that their defense was completely unable to withstand the fierce offensive of the Stan Park Rangers from the first minute of the game.

In the opening 23 minutes, London Bridge's goal fell for the first time.

Twenty-eighth minutes after five minutes,

The London Bridge goal fell for the second time.

Then just now, in the 43rd minute, Palacio blasted the London Bridge goal and rewritten the score to 30.

The South Korean reporters in the media seats put their heads in their hands and almost knelt down at the performance

In the stands of the entire Stan Park stadium, there were cheers from the fans of the Stan Park Rangers.

The thirty-seventh round of the league is considered to be the round that is likely to determine the final league championship, because the opponents of Stan Park Rangers and Leeds City in this round are not easy to play:

Although the Stan Park Rangers have the advantage at home, London Bridge must go all out if they want to keep the Europa League. Moreover, they are also very good at defense and are not an easy opponent to deal with.

Leeds City challenged Tramed in an away game. Needless to say how difficult this game was.

In the last round of the league, Leeds City played at home against Northumbria, which has no desires and desires. It is not difficult to win. The Stan Park Rangers challenged the Highlanders away, and this opponent was not as strong as London Bridge.

Therefore, the result of the thirty-seventh round of the league may be the final result of the league.

Now Stan Park Rangers lead London Bridge by three goals at home. Although the first half is not over yet, almost everyone thinks that Stan Park Rangers will definitely win.

In this way, all the pressure is on Leeds City. If they can't beat Tramed in the away game, the Stan Park Rangers can regain the first place in the league and maintain this advantage until the end of the league.

At this moment, real-time points were displayed on the live TV screen.

The Stan Park Rangers, who played the first game, accumulated 91 points, surpassing Leeds City, which has not yet played the game, and temporarily ranked first in the league.

"At the critical moment of the league championship, at the critical moment of life and death, the Stan Park Rangers exploded with great energy! They finally made Stan Park Stadium terrifying again! Facing the fierce offensive of the Stan Park Rangers, London Bridge led The proud defense line is like paper, vulnerable! And the reason why the rich are the rich is because they can always be reborn from desperation at the most critical moment! Now they have regained the initiative in their own hands Now, they just need to watch the game between Leeds City and Tramed in a relaxed mood."

Don't watch the game, just listen to the commentator's words, it will definitely make people think that this is the commentator's concluding statement after the game is over.

But in fact this is just a staged summary at the end of the first half.

But no one thinks there is anything wrong with saying that. Stan Park Rangers lead their opponents by three goals at home. The lead is still London Bridge, which is good at defense but almost offensive. So the score in this half is rounded and it is approximately equal to Stan in the whole game. Park Rangers win London Bridge.

However, after a 15-minute half-time adjustment, there was a sudden change in the sky above the Stan Park Stadium in the second half.

The one who stood up this time is really Park Sun Tae!

"Pu!! His speed is so fast! It's amazing that a thirty-year-old Pu can still have such a speed!"

In the exclamation of the commentator, Park Chuntai used his speed to suddenly accelerate in front of the penalty area, throw off the defenders of the Stan Park Rangers, enter the penalty area, and then suddenly shot with his foot before being surrounded!

Stan Park Rangers goalkeeper Lemos fell to the ground, half a step late, and let the football slip past his fingertips and roll into the goal!

"Piao Chuntai!! London Bridge scored a goal!!"

The South Korean reporters in the media box may have shouted louder than the London Bridge fans who came with the team. When they saw the football flying into the goal, they all jumped up and shouted. That doesn't look like a reporter at all, but looks like an ordinary Korean fan pretending to be a reporter and sneaking into the media seats

"Come on, Park!"

"For your fellow Asians, come on!"

In the "White Rose" bar, Leeds City fans were also cheering for Park Chun-tae, who was running wildly and celebrating on the TV.

Just three minutes into the second half, London Bridge pulled a goal back, which rekindled their hopes.

Even if London Bridge can't win, but the second half has only just begun, chasing two more goals can always be done, right?

A draw at that time will be considered a favorable result for Leeds City.

But the Leeds City fans were not happy for long. In the 55th minute, Palacio of the Stan Park Rangers scored another goal and widened the point difference to three goals again.

Make Park Sun-tae's goal meaningless

The Stan Park Rangers players on TV are celebrating, while the background sound is thunderous cheers from the stands at Stan Park.

But in the "White Rose" bar, it was very quiet.

Everyone looked up at the TV, but there was no sound.

Obviously they recognized a reality. The Stan Park Rangers have a very strong belief in winning London Bridge at home, and it can even be said to be obsessive.

If the London Bridge crouched down with its head in its arms and didn't fight back, it would be fine. If you dare to fight back, you will definitely beat them "with peach blossoms all over your face".

Palacio's goal is the best proof. Less than ten minutes after Park Chun-tae's goal, the Stan Park Rangers quickly scored another one, which is simply a naked threat:

You try again? See if I can give you another one?

The fans of Leeds City realized that London Bridge was really hopeless in this game, and there was no suspense about the victory of the Stan Park Rangers.

If Leeds City wants to win the championship, they still have to take their fate into their own hands and beat Tramed away in the next game.

, It's June, I wish everyone a happy Children's Day, and ask for a guaranteed monthly ticket by the way!

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