Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 260 I understand you and believe in you

In fact, in the last 20 minutes of the game between Stan Park Rangers and London Bridge, there were goals. It's just that it doesn't matter anymore, and naturally no one pays attention to it.

Another goal from London Bridge and another from Stan Park Rangers.

So still nothing has changed.

London Bridge has done its best to keep its qualification for the Europa League next season, but Stan Park Rangers are desperate to keep the league championship.

Trying your best is definitely not enough.

So the score of the final game was fixed at 52, and London Bridge failed to stop the Stan Park Rangers in the away game.

After this game, everyone's eyes turned to another game that kicked off at 3:30 in the afternoon.

Leeds face Tramed away.

"I hope our players will not be affected by this game"

In the "White Rose" bar, fans who had just watched the Stan Park Rangers and London Bridge game gathered together, drinking and chatting.

"That's true, don't take the game between Rangers and London Bridge seriously, and concentrate on finishing the game!"

The reason why everyone cares so much about this issue is of course because in the last round, after the Stan Park Rangers were tied by Warship Harbor, the performance of the entire Leeds City team was abnormal. It was a terrible first half. If Hu Lai hadn't equalized the score at the last moment, it might have really lost.

So fans are now worried that Leeds City will repeat the same mistakes, and it is not unfounded.

Stan Park Rangers beat London Bridge at home, which means that the last obstacle to their title defense has been broken. There's absolutely no way the Highlanders could stop the Stan Park Rangers in the final round. So Leeds City must beat Tramed in this round of the league. As long as they think of this, even ordinary fans will feel huge pressure coming to their faces, making them breathless.

Not to mention how those players will react

"As you all know, Stan Park Rangers beat London Bridge at home, so we have to beat Tramed away to have a chance of winning. But it doesn't matter to us, because regardless of Stan Park Rangers We're all going to beat Tramed away. So the plan remains the same, lads."

In the visiting locker room at the Red Roof, head coach Tony Clark is mobilizing his players before the game.

As he walked around the locker room, he kept his eyes on the faces of a certain player or a few players from time to time, observing their expressions when they heard what he said.

The result of the game in another stadium has come out. In order to prevent the players from being shocked, he must speak up and let the players get rid of their nervousness.

What pleased him when he first arrived was that while he was saying this, he did not see any erratic eyes from the eyes of the Leeds City players. What does this mean?

It shows that it is different from the last game. This time, the players of Leeds City are in a good state of mind, and there is no emotional fluctuation due to the result of the Stan Park Rangers game.

That's a good sign ahead of the away game at Tramed.

"If you think about the game we played here last season, we played very well. If it weren't for the controversial penalty at the end, we could have at least got a draw. But at that time we felt that the draw was enough. Let us be satisfied, not now, we want three points, we want to win! Does anyone feel that it is a lot of pressure to win three points at the Red Roof Stadium?"

Clark asked the players in the locker room.

No one answered "yes" without long eyes, and everyone answered loudly, "no!"

Clarke nodded with satisfaction: "That's right! Last season we were able to drive them into a scramble here, and finally we had to rely on a controversial penalty to beat us, so this season we have become stronger, why can't we How about winning them? I know that many voices before the game think that this game is a severe test for us,

Because they think it is difficult for us to beat Tramed at home, so some people think that Stan Park Rangers beat London Bridge is a bad result. To put it bluntly, they don't know us enough and don't trust us enough. "

"But I know you guys and I believe in you! We're more than capable of beating Tramed in this stadium!"

What Clark said made the Leeds City players in the locker room sit up straight and feel hot. Before playing the game, a thin layer of sweat broke out on his body.

They were very touched by the last words of the head coach.

Because of the phrase "I know you and I believe in you".

This season has been going all the way, and at the end of the day, they are qualified to compete for the league championship with Stan Park Rangers Park. Who has contributed the most? Everyone knows that that is the head coach. It is he who has brought earth-shaking changes to the team and made the team qualified to stand in this position.

When he said he knew them, he was right and definitely not hypocritical.

He said he believed them, and they believed that he really believed them.

Although these Westerners don't know the saying "Scholars die for their confidants", they are willing to fight for the head coach who understands them and believes in them!

In the resplendent and resplendent corridor, from time to time, ghosts and wolves howling and singing could be heard from the opened private room doors.

Chu Yifan sideways moved away from a few people who were obviously drunk, and a sexy girl who walked towards him took a second look and winked at him.

But Chu Yifan turned a blind eye to this, pretending not to see, turned around, and pushed open a private room door.

What catches the eye is the huge private room space, the super-sized TV screen, and the live broadcast that is being played on the screen.

The game has not yet started, but the picture is already full of people in the stands of the red-roofed stadium.

"Wow, Team Chu! You're late! Three bottles of alcohol!"

Someone suddenly appeared in front of Chu Yifan with a bottle of beer, shouting excitedly.

"Where are you late? The game hasn't started yet!" Chu Yifan glanced at the person in front of him, "You're all starting to drink."

In the huge private room, dozens of beer bottles were neatly stacked on three huge coffee tables, and about twenty people were seated.

They all looked over collectively.

Yan Yan stood up from the crowd, took the microphone and said, "It's because you're late for drinking, not for watching the game! Come on, come on, Team Chu, punish yourself with three bottles!"

Chu Yifan shook his head with a helpless wry smile, and walked up to the densely packed beer bottles on the coffee table: "Take it easy, don't be so drunk, how can you cheer for Hu Lai in a while?"

"Team Chu, don't worry, we're just drinking for fun now, let's set off the atmosphere first!" Everyone raised the wine bottles in their hands.

Yan Yan continued to use the microphone to say: "How is it, Team Chu? How do I find this place? Is it better than a bar? There will be no interruptions at all, and the place is reserved! The key is to give us three dozen beers and group purchase coupons, which is comparable to going to The bar is much more cost-effective! I think we can watch the football here during the World Cup, and if we recharge, there will be a discount!"

Chu Yifan picked up an open bottle of beer and touched him: "Yes, I think it will work. Lao Yan, you can do things, I don't worry!"

"Come on, drink up, guys!"

In the "White Rose" bar, David Miller raised his beer glass high, stepped on a chair with one foot, and raised his voice to everyone present.

"Let's use this drink for Leeds City! May they beat Tramed!"



"Leeds must win!"

"Leeds must win!"

"The champion belongs to Leeds City!"

"The champion belongs to Leeds City!"

After the excitement, everyone put down their wine glasses and looked up at the TV.

The stands of the Red Roof Stadium are already packed.

This is a game that is related to whether Leeds City can win the championship, but it is actually not very important to Tramed.

After all, they have already qualified for the Champions League next season, and after Manchester Athletic defeated the Stan Park Rangers at home in the last round, it has become impossible for Tramed to overtake the rivals in the same city.

So in fact, for Tramed in this game, winning or losing does not affect the final result.

But many times in football, it is not just about the rankings.

At such a highly anticipated moment, if Tramed loses to Leeds City, it will make the opponent a great story in history, but it will also make him the best background board in history. Who can stand it?

So it is impossible for Tramed to allow himself to be a stepping stone for Leeds City to make history at home.

Instead, it became a game Tramed could not afford to lose.

In fact, every Leeds City fan knows this. After all, many people don’t even have the chance to go to the away game to cheer for their team this time, because the number of tickets allocated to the visiting team fans at the Red Roof Stadium is not even 1,000.

Fan organizations like the "White Rose" can only watch the game live on TV in the bar, but have no way to go to the scene to cheer for the team.

Because of this very clear, Leeds City fans not only hope that the team can beat Tramed, but also know how difficult it is to beat Tramed.

"If you want to compete for the championship, there is no easy game! This is the test we must stand, just like Stan Park Rangers can beat London Bridge at home 52. If we can't win Tramed, then It means we are not qualified to win the championship!"

David Miller looked up at the densely packed Tramed fans on the TV and said to himself.

It seems to be talking to the Leeds City players far away in Manchester, and it seems to be cheering for myself.

ps, June is here, I wish you all a happy Children's Day, by the way, please ask for a guaranteed monthly pass!

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