Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 266 There is only one way to go

Even Xie Lan has seen the hidden dangers of Leeds City, so this is not a secret at all.

After taking the lead, Leeds City cannot relax, because they are still facing a very severe situation. How can they maintain their lead until the end?

If the team taking the lead at this time is a team that is extremely good at defense like London Bridge, they will definitely shrink their defense and wait for the final whistle without saying a word.

But Leeds City is not London Bridge, they are not good at defense, and they have not made targeted arrangements.

Although they thought that Tramed's offensive was too fierce during the game, they shrunk to their own defensive third area and defended.

But that was only temporary, and Leeds City did not have to defend for too long before trying to get out.

And still rely on offense to regain the upper hand.

The performance of holding on for a few minutes temporarily cannot be used as evidence. It is believed that Leeds City can not hold on for more than 30 minutes.

Clark really didn't consider that he would stick to the bus after leading by one goal.

He kept the team in the usual rhythm and continued to deal with Tramed.

When attacking, the two full-backs actively advanced to increase the number of offensive players and create a greater threat, which was used to suppress Tramed's counterattack.

When defending, including Hu Lai, he must retreat to his own half to defend, even if he is not good at defending.

Everyone is doing their best.

Even with the excellent physical strength of Leeds City, at this point in a season, in fact, no matter how good the physical strength is, it is close to exhaustion. Not to mention that their style of play requires more physical support.

The huge pressure of the frontrunners seemed to materialize, buckling on their shoulders, making them a little breathless.

After the initial euphoria of the goal lead wore off, Leeds' performances began to slip.

Although they are still pursuing goals, after all, if they want to be completely safe, at least they have to lead by two goals to be safe.

But Tramed, who had been prepared for a long time, responded calmly, not only withstood their offensive, but also used the counterattack to beat Leeds City's defense line.

In it, Ricardo Balia, a young Portuguese player, made full use of his fast speed and good skills, and became a sharp knife for Tramed's counterattack, frequently stabbing the vital parts of Leeds City!

"Balia cuts in! Nice! He hits the goal! Oh, it's close! Sliding out!"

"Barea is so fast! He used his speed to force an overtake and sent a cross from the wing! The football was pushed by Grist, but it didn't go far! Van Delft shot from a long distance! Hit high under interference !"

Seeing the dangerous situation in front of the Leeds city gate on the sidelines, Randyll was a little anxious: "During this time, it is obvious that Tramed's offense is more threatening and more efficient. Tony, we must make a change, shrink the defense, Regardless of whether we are good at it or not, there is only one way to go now.”

Clark did not respond to the assistant coach's suggestion. He just looked at the court with a solemn expression, not knowing what was going on in his mind.

Seeing that Clark couldn't be persuaded, Randall had no choice but to step back and stand aside, watching the game with Clark.

He is just an assistant coach, and he can't overstep his role at any time, bypassing the head coach and directly giving orders to the players. Since the head coach has not made a decision, he is on standby.

Anyway, if it really loses in the end, it is also the responsibility of the head coach. But if he gives orders at will and causes the team to lose, then the cauldron will be on his head without any suspense

Clark was indeed hesitating, wondering if he should make up his mind to shrink the defense.

In the immediate situation, it is obvious that Tramed is gradually gaining the upper hand. If Leeds City does not shrink, it is really possible to lose the ball.

But if the defense shrinks, Clark doesn't know how long his team can withstand.

He always wants to be one goal ahead of the opponent before conceding the ball.

As long as he can score another goal, he will definitely order the recovery of the defense immediately without hesitation. This time he will definitely not think that a two-goal lead is not safe

But reason told him again,

If you continue to play like this, maybe you will lose the ball before Leeds City scores.

After thinking about it, Clark finally made a decision that went against his heart. He turned his head and said to Randyll, "Sam"

Randyll seemed to have always locked his listening object firmly on him, and immediately turned his head to look over when Clark just opened his mouth.

Clark opened his mouth to speak. But at this moment, his eyes saw that on the edge of the Leeds penalty area, the very active Portuguese genius Barea made a breakthrough with speed, waded the football to the bottom line and chased after him. He tried to make a pass, but he only feinted and caught the ball before it was about to roll off the bottom line. Leeds City right back Josh Lawler, who was defending him, lost his balance and slid out of the bottom line in order to prevent his cross.

Clark immediately shut up.

Randyll also looked back to the direction of Leeds City's penalty area amidst the huge cheers at the Red Roof Stadium.

After Barea rescued the football again, he didn't make any adjustments. Instead, when Leeds City's defense reacted, he directly passed the football to the goal with a flower arrangement!

Pap Bonet competed for the top at the front point, he and Grist got entangled, and neither of them could reach the ball.

The football flies to the middle.

Tramed's captain, Connor Kirk, came out and headed the goal!


The football was pushed firmly by Kirk and flew straight to the goal.

Leeds goalkeeper van der Ven could only raise his hand reflexively for the header that was close at hand, which was not an effective save at all.

The football hit the edge of his palm and jumped into the goal despite a change of line!

Randyll stared in the direction of the goal dumbfounded, and Clark's voice sounded next to him: "Sam, it seems that we have no other way to go but continue to attack."

"Beautiful!! Beautiful goal! Tramed equalized the score! In the 66th minute of the game, Connor Kirk scored with a header!! Sure enough! This is the championship we want to see Fight! Come on! Use whatever moves you have!"

Matthew Cox, a neutral commentator who doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement, laughed excitedly.

When Leeds City was gradually unable to do what it wanted, Tramed's ball was simply equivalent to a shot in the arm. If Leeds City still want to compete for the league title, then they must cheer up and go all out.

Although this is a bit of a torture for Leeds City, for all those who want to see a soul-stirring championship fight, it is indeed the key to their expectations.

If Leeds City were hit too hard after this conceded goal, they would be fatally hit by a direct blow, and there would be no more waves. That means that they are not qualified to win the championship, and accept the league runner-up with a smile and peace of mind. For their team, which was still "relegation" in the first half of the season, the runner-up is actually a very good result

But if Leeds City is not reconciled, it will do its best to fight Tramed to the last second in this game and entangle with Stan Park Rangers in the entire league until the last round.

Ears are full of cheers from the players of the Stan Park Rangers, and Brooks finally showed a little smile on his face this time.

He was not just because Tramed equalized the score, but also because he saw Leeds City's powerless performance in the game before Tramed equalized the score.

This made him realize that Leeds City may have run out of fuel and had reached an unsustainable point.

The league has played thirty-seven rounds, fighting with high intensity, and they are the team that runs the most distance in each game.

In this way, they can still fight until the end, which is actually quite remarkable.

But after all, the Leeds City team is made up of human beings, not machines, so their bodies will be fatigued and their spirits will be slack.

If this continues, it will collapse.

After seeing the possibility of his opponent's collapse, Scott Brooks' heart, which had been hanging up all the time, could finally be put down a little bit.

In the bar, David Miller and his partners held their heads in their hands and looked up at the picture on the TV screen.

The Tramed players, who were celebrating happily, seemed to be pulling their hearts, making them short of breath.

They don't have any thoughts in their minds at this moment, and they don't know what to say.

So I can only be silent, silently looking at the TV, but in fact, I can't see the picture on the screen clearly

Tears poured out of their eyes unknowingly, covering their eyes.

"Oh!" Lilith Laza sighed, and lay down on the sofa with her back. "It's over, it's troublesome now!"

After speaking, she sat up from the sofa again and turned her gaze to Li Qingqing, wanting to see how the girl would react.

She saw Li Qingqing stand up.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Go to the bathroom."

Under Lilith's gaze, Li Qingqing really walked into the toilet, and then closed the door, and there was a sound of locking it from inside.

I really need to go to the toilet

Are you so calm?

Lilith frowned and looked in the direction of the bathroom.

Li Qingqing stood in front of the sink in the bathroom, looked at herself in the mirror, frowned, and bit her teeth lightly.

She was worried about Hu Lai, but there was nothing she could do.

If she was the only one watching the game in the apartment like usual, she would definitely yell to vent her depression.

But now she didn't want to do that in front of Lilith.

Even if Lilith is already her best friend in Egerre in Paris, she is not willing.

So she could only lock herself in the toilet, trying to calm herself down.

She didn't know how long it had passed, until she heard a knock on the door outside: "Qingqing, are you okay?"

Only then did Li Qingqing wake up, and then looked in the mirror again to confirm that there was no problem with her appearance, and pressed the toilet flush button, pretending that she really went to the toilet just now.

Then he opened the door and came out: "It's okay, why do you ask that, Lilith?"

"Uh, I think you haven't come out for a while." Lilith said while carefully looking at Li Qingqing, as if she wanted to find some clues on her face.

Li Qingqing quickly glanced at the TV screen, and found that the game had restarted, and three minutes had passed since just now.

"It hasn't been long, I just don't want to watch Tramed celebrate."

"Are you worried about Hu?"

Li Qingqing nodded and hummed lightly.

Lilith patted her on the shoulder and comforted her: "Look out, Qingqing. In fact, it's pretty good to be the runner-up!"

Li Qingqing didn't answer, because she didn't think winning the runner-up was a very good thing.

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