Fox in the Penalty Area

Chapter 267 Time is running out

The game on the field has restarted, and Tramed, who scored a goal, has boosted his morale and continued to attack Leeds City's goal.

According to the thoughts of many Stan Park Rangers fans, Leeds City should have reached the edge of the cliff. As long as Tramed uses a little more force, he can push them off the cliff and into the abyss.

After all, before conceding the ball, Leeds City had already begun to show its exhaustion.

But when the game resumed, the situation did not develop in the direction expected by the Stan Park Rangers fans.

When these Rangers fans were frantically celebrating Tramed's goal just now, they didn't notice that Tony Clark stood on the sidelines immediately after losing the ball and shouted loudly.

After successfully attracting the attention of the Leeds City players on the field, he raised his thumb, index finger and middle finger, retracted his ring finger and little finger, and made a gesture of "I want three points".

His meaning is very simple, even if everyone is exhausted now, they still have to fight for me until the last minute, and they will not give up until they get three points!

So you don't need to think about anything except offense.

What? Is it possible to lose the ball on offense?

so what?

With our current score of 22, can we win the league championship?

If we attack, we may lose the game, but if we don't attack, we will also lose the championship.

It's death anyway, so fight with your life!

After every Leeds City player understood the meaning of the head coach, there was a surge of enthusiasm in his heart. They know that this is the last time to work hard for the goal of the league championship.

If this pizza cannot be won, the next round of the league will be meaningless.

And if we can win Tramed in the away game, what can we not win against Northumbria at home in the final round?

Either win the game, win the championship, or take it to the last minute and die!

Such pride rose in the chests of the players of Leeds City.

Dragging his tired body, he continued to attack Tramed.

For a while, Tramed slowed down his offensive because he was worried about the space behind him...

They retreated and were pushed back by Leeds' offensive.

This disappointed the Stan Park Rangers fans who expected Tramed to beat Leeds in one go.

Then I comforted myself: Even if Tramed failed to win this game, a draw can help our Stan Park Rangers reach the top...

"Whether Leeds City can win the championship this season or not, I think their performance is enough to win everyone's respect... Tony Clark is a crazy head coach, and his madness has created such a crazy Leeds City team. His madness has brought the team a reborn performance, and his madness has made him and Leeds City worthy of our respect. Leeds City is still attacking, they seem to only know how to attack. But because of this, they To have such a crazy season! The game is not over, they haven't given up, and I don't know if they will get what they want in the end, but I just want to wish them luck now..."

After seeing Leeds City's heroic fight back, Matthew Cox said with emotion.

He originally thought that a team like Leeds City, which lacks background and championship experience, should have collapsed after being hit by Tramed in the away game.

But no.

This team is as tenacious as weeds. As a grassroots team in the Premier League, they grow silently in an unnoticed corner. And when everyone noticed them, they realized that the ground was almost covered.

At this time, trying to exterminate these weeds is not as easy as it was at the beginning.

They are weeds that can be resurrected even after being burned.

They have suffered a lot, so what they have suffered at the Red Roof Stadium today may not be worth mentioning to them, far less terrible than the threat of relegation.

Seeing that this team is expected to break the monopoly of 6, Cox is actually a little relieved.

But if even such a crazy team can't do it, then perhaps in today's football, the rich are indeed kings, and the class has solidified.

Football started out as a working-class sport, but now it has become a capital game.

The rich, the very rich have a way around UEFA's Financial Fair Play sanctions by waving checks to attract top players and young talent.

So the strong will always be strong.

Small teams can beat them once in the league, but not the entire league.

Cox is not a conservative person. He knows that capital is indispensable and indispensable for the development of modern football. But under his "objective and neutral" standpoint, deep in his heart, there is still a "wishful wish", hoping that someone can really break this stagnant situation.

After all, when the capital is so huge that it is no longer willing to accept any constraints, they may destroy the sport of football instead of helping football develop and grow as it once did.

This can be seen from the European Super League that the wealthy clubs have been making noise in the past few years.

Although they want to bring fairness to football under the banner of overthrowing UEFA's ignorant and corrupt rule.

But in fact, they just want to seek fairness for the giants: everyone is fair, but we want to be fairer.

Later, the matter of the UEFA Super League was overthrown by strong opposition from all parties, but the giants never gave up the idea of ​​​​overthrowing the existing game rules and starting another game by themselves.

Under such circumstances, Cox is actually very happy to see a team like Leeds City slap those giants in the face!

After hearing Cox's words, the Leeds City fans in front of the TV muttered: "We don't want to be respected, we only want the championship..."

After winning the championship, it doesn't matter if you are scolded by thousands of people. Anyway, we've never been liked by so many people, so it doesn't matter if they hate us, but the champion is real!

Leeds City's fierce attack did not last long, because their physical fitness did have problems.

Although it's good to have a problem until the thirty-seventh round of the league, but the timing of the problem is really not good...

Clark replaced captain Lorenzo with midfielder Jose Vieira.

The captain's armband was worn on Pete Williams' arm.

He is also the youngest captain among the 20 teams in the Premier League.

Putting on a defensive midfielder but removing a center forward, Clark is definitely not giving up on offense. He did this to push both Williams and Jay Adams forward, leaving Vieira alone in the midfield to try and make a last-ditch effort.

But this substitution did not show any effect.

Instead, the slow Tramed suppressed Leeds City.

Tramed's offense became more threatening as the game went on.

It can be seen that Tramed really wants to beat Leeds City at home, and their dedication to winning has nothing to do with Stan Park Rangers. If they want to walk Stan Park Rangers to win the championship, they only need to draw with Leeds City at home , the task can be completed. Now that he is rushing and hitting like this, there is still a possibility that Leeds City will counterattack and steal a ball, which makes the fans of the Stan Park Rangers look frightened...

So Tramed just wants to win, it has nothing to do with who wants to win.

They simply did not accept that Leeds beat them at the Red Roof.

Besides, Leeds City performed so tenaciously in this game, how could it not arouse the competitiveness of Tramed players?

You are so tenacious, if we don't defeat you, wouldn't it be us who are ashamed?

Time passed by, although Tramed did not break the goal of Leeds City, but the time left for Leeds City was less and less, and they still did not score.

Hu Lai, who had scored 29 goals before the game, was only one goal away from 30 goals, but he has not scored yet.

Now most of the time, he even appeared in the back to defend, instead of attacking the city in the front.

It's not in line with his playing habits, and it's not something he's good at doing.

But there is no way, he is only one of the eleven players on the field, and he does not have the super ability to single-handedly challenge the opponent's eleven players with the ball, and then hit the football into the goal.

Even if it is turned on, sometimes it is still subject to the rules of football and the laws of physics.

Lilith took the time to turn her head to look at Li Qingqing beside her, and found that the plush doll in her arms had completely sunk in. From her tense muscles and white knuckles, it could be seen how hard she was exerting herself now. It means she is nervous.

Her friend, who almost made history, is now brutally brought back to reality...

Lilith also felt empathy.

She turned her gaze back to the TV.

The game is drawing to a close.

"The game is coming to an end. The 85th minute of the game is 5 minutes away from the end of the 90-minute game. There is less and less time left for Leeds City..." He Feng said weakly.

Yan Kang next to him was silent, thinking in his heart how to comfort the disappointed and painful Chinese fans.

He knew that runner-up in the league was actually a very good result, but at this moment, how can he say this?

In the luxurious private room, everyone was staring at the big screen. The coffee table in front of them was full of crooked beer bottles, but no one took them to drink, or even took a look at them.

They just watched the screen nervously, longing for a miracle to appear in their hearts.

It's just that as the game time passes by every minute and every second, the possibility of miracles is getting lower and lower, and it's getting less and less likely...

But no one sighed first, and no one uttered words of frustration first.

They just look at the screen.

From the speakers around the private room, the cheering and singing of Tramed fans came from the scene.

When the fourth official held up the stoppage time sign on the sidelines, many people realized that the five minutes were fleeting, and the 90-minute game time came to the end.

From the raised sign, everyone can see that the injury time of this game is four minutes.

Seeing this scene in the bar, Levin yelled: "Damn it! Why only four minutes of stoppage time? This is at the Red Roof Stadium! The Red Roof Stadium! How could the stoppage time at the Red Roof Stadium be less than seven minutes Of?! Do you fucking look down on Tramed’s devil home?!”

John glanced at his companion who had been driven mad by anger, and rarely quarreled with him.

He wasn't in that mood himself either.

In the past, Tramed had a record of winning the game with a goal in the last minute of stoppage time when the referee gave a long injury time when he fell behind in a home game. That's why there is such a red-roofed stadium in English football. The starting time of stoppage time is seven minutes, and there is no cap.

This is of course a joke used to satirize Tramed being taken care of by the referee, but now the fans of Leeds City hope that the referee can reproduce the previous "classic moment", at least seven minutes of stoppage time, and then not on the back cover , until they beat Tramed with a goal...

But just like jokes can only be jokes, the extravagant hopes of Leeds City fans can only be extravagant hopes.

"There are only four minutes left for Leeds to pursue the league title. Unless a miracle happens, it will be difficult for them to beat Tramed away..."

"The Stan Park Rangers are now only four minutes away from the number one throne in the league! But for the Stan Park Rangers, it is somewhat ironic that the Stan Park Rangers were able to regain the number one position with the help of their rivals in the league..." Matthew Kao Kex said sarcastically.

The Stan Park Rangers players in front of the TV didn't care about the ridicule from the commentator. No one of them could keep their sitting posture. They all stood up and stood shoulder to shoulder, with their hands on the shoulders of the people next to them.

Like on the sidelines of the game, all the players lined up, trying to suppress their excitement, waiting for the moment when the final whistle blows.

Even Brooks was not exempt, standing shoulder to shoulder with his colleagues in the coaching staff in a row. His heart was beating wildly, but the expression on his face was trying to keep calm.

The game is not over yet, don't get carried away!

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