Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 1046: Huge project

"It's very simple. Just use the Edward family's postal route. I'll arrange it later."

"Thank you, Miss Mia."

Xiao Yi and Mia said that at this moment, Mia was holding the phone in her hand, and she was still thinking of the thank you Xiao Yi just said. It was the first time she heard Xiao Yi say such a kind words, it was so uncomfortable.

"You saved me before. This is what you should do, but I want to remind you that weapons like weapons are not something you can touch casually, and you might get into trouble."

"You can rest assured of this. I naturally have my own arrangements and plans, but one thing can be assured. I will never do anything against morality."

What Mia said to Xiao Yi naturally felt relieved, and I believed that Xiao Yi was not carrying arms to do bullying.

"Well, that's the way it is, I will arrange it now, and you will continue to have your dreams."

Mia hung up the phone and Xiao Yi threw the phone on the bed. With Mia's phone call, Xiao Yi put on the agenda for the work of Shadow.

Lying on his back on the bed, one thing appeared in his mind, Xiao Yi now has no retreat. Only by constantly moving forward can he realize what he wants in his heart.

"His grandma, I don't want to. The one that should come will come after all. I am here to worry about what these do, and get a good night's sleep. This is the most important thing."

Throw away the messy thoughts in your mind first. The most important task now is to get a good night’s sleep. There is still more important work to do tomorrow.

Early in the morning of the next day, Xu Qiang also asked someone to buy breakfast, and after a few people had breakfast, they went to work on their own. Xiao Yi and Yuan Sheng drove to the East District. This is the area they are responsible for.

The reconstruction of the Eastern District has already been finalized. Today, the construction will officially start. After Xiao Yi and Yuan Sheng arrived, there are already many people and machinery, large construction vehicles, excavators and other equipment on site. It is a machine that can be used in engineering.

After Yuan Sheng arrived at the site, according to Xiao Yi’s previous design, he began to instruct the people on the site to start work, rectify the river, clear the silt, repair the road, and clean up the garbage on the site. More than 200 workers are like workers in an ant nest. Similarly, start construction as planned.

The east area is a large area of ​​wasteland. There is a river that flows through the east area. When the flood season comes, it will inundate the wasteland, and then after the flood season, a large area of ​​wasteland silt stalls will appear.

It has never been cultivated for many years, and many land has been severely salinized. This kind of soil is not suitable for planting. Even if it is planted with trees, it is difficult to survive here. So the first thing to do to transform the Eastern District is to clean up. River.

Ten excavators were put into the project, digging out the silt in the river, and then dumping the silt into the engineering vehicle. All the silt was poured on the saline-alkali soil, and then all were leveled with a bulldozer.

On the one hand, it is silt. On the other hand, ten engineering vehicles have brought sand and stones from the nearest place to build the river. Even if it encounters a flood season, the river will not flood the surrounding land. .

The amount of work is very large. During the period, it will be planned according to Xiao Yi's drawings. Some areas will be planted with flowers, some will be planted with trees, and some will be planted with saplings and some fruit trees. It is estimated that some results will be seen in one month.

Yuan Sheng is indeed a rare talent. Wearing a hard hat, he directs the work on the spot. The work on the spot is proceeding in an orderly manner. He leads so many workers. The leadership ability of Yuan Sheng is evident.

After this incident, Xiao Yi had an idea in his heart, that is, to find a way to dig Yuan Sheng over. If such a talent stayed on his side, it would be fine. Of course, Yuan Sheng at this moment does not know. , Xiao Yi shot his idea on him.

On the cement frame side, Xiao Yi waited for a while. This is an unfinished project. Naturally, the man who made this hero was Yuan Sheng. Yuan Sheng was born in a nearby village and made some investments here, but the effect should be seen. Come out, leaving behind such a useless concrete frame.

It takes only a few years to build, and there is no problem with the quality. If it is used to decorate into a company, it does not need to be in the H city, where the rent of the company is a large sum of money. Xiao Yi can save money.

Just when Xiao Yi was thinking about it, seven or eight cars in front drove towards this side. There were Jinbei vans and small trucks. On top of the trucks, some decoration materials were carried. After arriving, a Wuling car at the forefront walked down a man in his thirties.

"Hello, you should be Xiao Yi. My name is Lin Hai. Chairman Li asked me before and said that you have decoration needs."

Lin Hai was found by Li Zhengtian. Among the many decoration companies in H City, Lin Hai did a good job. So the people under Li Zhengtian found Lin Hai and talked to Lin Hai about Xiao Yi's needs.

"Hello Boss Lin, this is Xiao Yi. I thought it would take a few days for you to come here. I didn't expect to come here just now."

Xiao Yi stepped forward and shook hands with Lin Hai. Lin Hai gave people a very stable feeling. He first glanced at the place behind Xiao Yi. There were three floors in total. The decoration was indeed a huge project.

But they are all professional. Lin Hai has also experienced projects like this before. When he did this, he was familiar with it, said to Xiao Yi.

"In front of you, I don't dare to call it a boss. I heard that Xiao Yi has a tight schedule, so let's start now."

Lin Hai said, Xiao Yi nodded, his time is indeed very tight, and the fastest possible time to decorate the company is naturally the best.

Fortunately, today Xiao Yi did a job in advance, that is, to rebuild the wooden bridge here. It is covered with a thick steel plate, and the bottom is supported by steel pipes. This is just temporary use.

"Well, about the decoration, I beg you."

Xiao Yi said that Lin Hai let people drive through here first. Inside the car, the decoration materials, such as glass and floor tiles, are pulled. The rest, such as windows and glass doors, need to be measured and then made.

Lin Hai does not ask why Xiao Yi renovated such a house here. A wasteland has no future or any effect. His principle of doing things is that he never asks the employer what to do. He only needs to work according to the employer’s requirements. Just do it well.

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