Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 1047: Start at both ends

The people brought by Lin Hai were not at all ambiguous when they worked. They took tools to measure the data here, the length and width of the doors and windows, the area of ​​the floor, how many tiles are needed, how to arrange the lines here, and how to do it. Is the most time-saving.

Lin Hai held a blank book in his hand, and a pencil in the other hand. While walking back and forth here, his eyes were on the structure and space in the house. Every few steps, he would Write it down on the notebook, while using a pencil to draw on the notebook without knowing what to draw.

Xiao Yi didn't need to worry about this. As long as he understood a truth, the person Li Zhengtian was looking for must be professional.

After more than an hour, the measurement work was basically completed. The people brought by Lin Hai moved all the materials from the car. At this time, Lin Hai took the notebook and walked in front of Xiao Yi.

"I already know everything about the situation at the scene. This is a sketch I drew. You can take a look first."

Lin Hai took the notebook in his hand to Xiao Yi. This was what Xiao Yi saw. Lin Hai had been drawing with a pen before. It turned out to be these.

A sketch basically drew the scene of the company's decoration. The doors, windows, and exterior scenes were all designed. This was determined by Lin Hai according to the situation on the spot.

"Yes, Boss Lin is really professional, and Uncle Li didn't recommend the wrong person to me."

"Thank you, Xiao Yi, you are my customer. No matter who recommended it, you must be satisfied. Now I will purchase materials according to this plan. Now I am the person under my hand to lay the line."

Xiao Yi thought about it for a while. This kind of project requires a lot of money. It is estimated that one million will not be able to come down, so Xiao Yi asked here.

"Boss Lin, do I need Xiao Yi to pay part of the cost first?"

"There is no need for this. When the decoration work is completed, it will not be too late for you to pay again. I must do it until you are satisfied."

"Boss Lin is so relieved of me? Aren't you afraid that I won't admit it after I finish my work?"

Lin Hai smiled, the more people asked this kind of question, the more they explained that there was no need to worry about it, especially when Xiao Yi was recommended by Li Zhengtian. Naturally, Lin Hai would not be careful.

"Chairman Li is a well-known figure in City H, so he can find someone to visit, presumably you are not a villain, right?"

"Haha, you don't know how to answer. I will never interfere with the decoration. Boss Lin can just do it according to his own ideas."

Xiao Yi and Lin Hai said that Lin Hai is professional in decoration matters, and Xiao Yi still has his own things to do, so he can't always stare at things here.

Nowadays, Tenglong is not only developing vegetables, but also the tea plantation in S city. Zhang Bing this morning has set off from Beitang County and drove to S city. Han Bing on the other side of S city, etc. Take Zhang Bing to hand over work.

The person who passed Zhang Bing was Wang Sheng in the bar. The two of them had nothing to say at first, but when they opened the chatterbox, Zhang Bing discovered that the so-called mixed roads were just ordinary people, no different from himself. .

Wang Sheng was originally a person who talked a lot. Once the chat box was opened, Zhang Bing could have some experience along the way. There was a Wang Sheng who kept talking beside him. Zhang Bing only hoped to talk to S city soon.

"Wang Sheng, this time Xiao Yi said that there is a local force on the tea garden, which is the biggest trouble. After we arrive, we should be as low-key as possible. Don't do anything if you don't."

Zhang Bing talked to the front. People like Wang Sheng have a grumpy temper at first glance. When they arrive at the tea garden, they are not in the original Beitang County. People who do things in other places will naturally be wrong.

"Okay, Zhang Bing, you have told me several times about this matter, and I can recite it. Don't worry, I will not take the initiative to cause trouble. If the other party dares to do something unfavorable to us, I will treat them The eggs burst."

Wang Sheng and Zhang Bing said, Zhang Bing shook his head helplessly. It seemed that Wang Sheng didn’t listen to what Wang Sheng said to him, except that Zhang Bing couldn’t say more. If he continued, he felt a little annoying. Up.

This time, Wang Sheng brought a total of six people over. These six people are all good hands. Because he knew the troubles Xiao Yi said, it must be a bit difficult, so if you want to bring people, you must bring a few people with good knowledge.

After more than four hours' drive, Zhang Bing and the others finally arrived in S city. They were almost a little bit close to S city. The two decided to find a place to eat first, and after they had eaten, they came back on the next road.

Randomly found a restaurant and parked the car. Wang Sheng went inside to order food. Zhang Bing went outside, took out the phone and called Xiao Yi to inform Xiao Yi that they had now arrived in S City.

While driving, Xiao Yi received a call from Zhang Bing. The work on the tea plantation is about to begin. Zhang Bing will start work soon after he arrives in City S. The tea plantation has also become the focus of his work.

"Zhang Bing, you and Wang Sheng will wait for a while. I will ask a friend in City S to pick you up and take you to the tea garden."

"Understood, Xiao Yi, I am also a layman for growing tea. This work is a bit complicated."

Zhang Bing said that he had just figured out how to grow vegetables, but planting tea is really a new wife going to the sedan chair. This is the first time that Zhang Bing has no idea what to do.

Xiao Yi had considered this point a long time ago. Although it was not good at growing tea, Xiao Yi would naturally have his own solution on this point, and he told Zhang Bing here.

"Don't worry about this. There is an old tea farmer on the tea garden. He has grown tea all his life. If you don't understand, just ask, he will tell you."

"It turns out that you have already arranged it. I am just worrying about it here. With such an experienced old tea farmer, it is a lot easier to work. Xiao Yi is in the tea garden, should he follow the same rules as when he grows vegetables? , Get sprinkler irrigation equipment?"

Zhang Bing asked. Xiao Yi had talked with old tea farmers before, and he also had a little knowledge about the growth of tea trees. He talked to Zhang Bing here.

"Well, sprinkler irrigation equipment can be used, but one thing that needs to be noted is that there is a lot of precipitation in S City, and sprinkler irrigation cannot be controlled like we did before."

"Okay, I understand. I will arrange these later. Xiao Yi, you took someone to the new company. I don't know how the situation is now? Has the work been carried out?"

Holding the phone, Xiao Yi sighed deeply without knowing how to answer Zhang Bing's question.

"It's hard to say in one word!"

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