Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 1052: Which impotence

There was an urge to die in Yang Wei's heart. How could Xiao Yi be a human? He was a spoiler. How did Xiao Yi's mind grow, he would think of this kind of damage.

Ever since I met Xiao Yi, Yang Wei felt that what he did was never going smoothly. The second generation of the dignified generation had such a miserable life. Yang Wei felt that if Xiao Yi did not die, it would be the same in his life. Up.

"Xiao Yi, I mean to call you, I want to treat you to a meal, I don't know if you have time."

"If you have money to buy me dinner, you have no money to pay off the debt, right?"

Yang Wei is about to cry. Did this person die poor in his previous life? Money is nothing but money. He can't be interested in anything other than money. There are really all kinds of people in this world.

"Xiao Yi, my money is gone, and my pocket is clean. The reason why I can invite you to dinner is because I had a membership card here before, otherwise I can't afford it."

Xiao Yi guessed in his heart what Yang Wei meant. If you want to treat yourself to dinner, there is something in the rice, and the weasel gives the chicken a new year greeting.

It is estimated that Yang Wei had figured out another way to deal with himself. People like Yang Wei didn't wait to say anything, Xiao Yi knew what he was thinking.

"membership card?"

"Yes, I really don't have any money."

"Oh... is it possible to withdraw cash?"

Xiao Yi asked, Yang Wei, who was holding the phone, took a look at what was right around him, and let his head hit him. Talking to someone like Xiao Yi would make you angry in minutes.


The hands holding the phone were trembling, Yang Wei said two words, almost driving Xiao Yi crazy, Xiao Yi felt that Yang Wei was almost angry with him, and changed his words.

"Young Master Yang is kidding, you kindly invited me to dinner, of course I am going to go, what time do you say, as long as I have time, I will rush over."

Xiao Yi and Yang Wei said that when Yang Wei heard Xiao Yi agree, the plan was half done, so he hurriedly said to Xiao Yi on the phone.

"At night, how about half past seven in the evening?"

"No problem, Shao Yang doesn't know how much money is in your membership card, so he can't make you poor. In the end, there is no money to check out."

Xiao Yi said, Yang Wei thought that Xiao Yi was completely nonsense. Even if he is poor now, he still has money in various cards. Just take this card and there are more than 300,000 yuan in it. It's just a meal, how can I eat myself poorly.

Besides, the place where Xiao Yi was invited was not high-end. There wouldn't be tens of thousands of pieces of red wine in it. You can rest assured that he laughed.

"Xiao Yi, you are completely worrying about it. There is nothing wrong with asking you to have a meal. Don't worry."

"Really? Then I'm relieved. I will take a few people there, Master Yang won't mind?"

Xiao Yi and Yang Wei said that as long as Yang Wei can allow Xiao Yi to come over for dinner, he can agree to any conditions. It is nothing more than bringing people. You can afford Xiao Yi or others.

"Why would I mind this, don't hesitate to come, it's all on my body."

Hearing Yang Wei's magnificent words, Xiao Yi was really embarrassed to tell Yang Wei the facts and turned around and looked at it. More than two hundred workers were busy in full swing.

"Okay, I see, you will send me the address when you come back. I will be there on time."

Xiao Yi said, hung up Yang Wei's phone, and Li Feng beside Yang Wei over there could hear what was said on the phone, and knew that Xiao Yi had agreed to the meal request.

The two people discussed what they had previously discussed. Eating is only the first step. The next step is the highlight. If Xiao Yi doesn’t have any accidents, they can ask Xiao Yi for the money they had been cheated on before, and Xiao Yi will still be ruthless. Slaughter a fortune ruthlessly.

"I finally got this Xiao Yi done. I thought he wouldn't be able to come. If he doesn't come, the good show prepared for him tonight will not be staged."

Yang Wei heaved a sigh of relief, the previous iron cyan color returned to normal. If you talk to Xiao Yi with a small-minded person, you will definitely be angry.

"Now we're waiting for him to enter the trap himself, Young Master, you have everything you should prepare, so don't drop the chain at that time."

"Is this still required by you? Naturally, I am all prepared. The surname Xiao will cause us to live this way. This time let him know that we are not easy to mess with."

Yang Wei said fiercely, this time we must seize the opportunity to fix Xiao Yi, let Xiao Yi understand a truth, people in this circle are not people who can bully casually.

Although Xiao Yi at this moment does not know what Xiao Jiujiu is in Yang Wei's heart, but it can be understood that Yang Wei must not have a good fart in his heart. Now Xiao Yi is waiting for the evening time to come, personally When you see Yang Wei himself, you will understand the cause and effect.

"Boss Yuan, come here."

Xiao Yi called out to Yuan Sheng, who was directing the work on the spot. Yuan Sheng was wearing a hard hat. He also tanned a lot in three days.

In order to keep up with the progress of the construction period, Yuan Sheng must urge the workers at the scene to personally review every important link. In Yuan Sheng's hands, there should be no tofu project.

After hearing Xiao Yi’s voice, he put down the walkie-talkie in his hand, Yuan Sheng walked towards Xiao Yi’s side, and after taking off his safety helmet, Xiao Yi saw Yuan Sheng’s head venting as if it was cooked. same.

"Haha, Boss Yuan, you are really working hard. Looking at your current appearance, I think I am a little too leisurely."

Xiao Yi smiled. Yuan Sheng took the towel on his shoulders and wiped the sweat from his head. Except for the workers' heads, Yuan Sheng was no different from everyone else.

"I'm just weird. I'm also a human being. Why do you stand in the sun and be fine, you don't even have a bit of sweat? I'm like this. If I spend a few more days in the sun, I'm afraid my wife won't let me go at night. Go to bed."

Yuan Sheng looked at his current appearance, his skin turned dark, and Xiao Yi was also standing under the sun with no sweat at all, which was really strange.

Yuan Sheng didn't know here. The reason why Xiao Yi didn't sweat is because of Dao Qi. The flow of Dao Qi removes the heat from the body. Standing under the sun, naturally he won't feel the heat.

"Maybe I am a bit special. Boss Yuan waits for a while and don't leave after the workers get off work. Anyone who wants to go to dinner with me will stay."

Xiao Yi said, Yuan Sheng looked at Xiao Yi. The meaning of Xiao Yi's words was obviously a treat tonight.

"What? Xiao Yi, are you planning to invite them to dinner?"

"It wasn't me who asked, but there was a bully who was willing to pay for it. It was cheap for nothing, not for nothing."

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