Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 1053: Bring a company

Xiao Yi told Yuan Sheng that after the workers got off work, don't rush back. Then someone will have a treat and take everyone to have a good meal.

On the phone, Xiao Yi had already told Yang Wei that he would bring people there. Yang Wei did not ask how many people he would bring, so it was reasonable to bring a few workers.

Yuan Sheng wiped off his sweat. The weather was so sultry and hot. For a while, he didn't know how much sweat he shed. Yuan Sheng looked at Xiao Yi in confusion.

"Xiao Yi, are you planning to pay for yourself, invite everyone to eat?"

"How is this possible? I have already said that there is a big man who is willing to invite everyone to dinner. Everyone is working hard for the project. This is a treat."

Xiao Yi and Yuan Sheng said that although Yuan Sheng didn't know what Xiao Yi was thinking about, it was a good thing to entertain guests. If you talk to the workers, everyone will be happy to go.

"Okay, I will inform everyone now, let them stay after get off work, who want to eat with them."

Yuan Sheng said, since Xiao Yi said it, today's dinner description has settled. Yuan Sheng relayed the news according to what Xiao Yi said.

Originally, the people who came out to work were poor migrant workers. Hearing someone invited to eat, there would be no reason to refuse. Except for the few people who need to guard the machine on the spot, the rest of the 180th people all decided Follow Yuan Sheng to dinner after get off work.

Xiao Yi walked on this wasteland in the Eastern District, wandering around with his hands behind his back. Thinking about the anger in his stomach a few days ago, he was squeezed out by Meng Qi, and now he took a step back and felt that the world suddenly became wider.

If Xiao Yi had chosen to fight with Lan Hui at that time, it would be obvious that he couldn't compete with Lan Hui. If he failed, he would lose face. Now Xiao Yi felt that he had found an opportunity and found a suitable opportunity for Tamron to develop.

"Someone spends money to treat guests to dinner. This is really good. Shao Yang is a bit embarrassed. It cost you money tonight."

Of course Yang Wei didn't know at this moment. What Xiao Yi said about taking people over means taking the number one hundred and eighty to dinner. If he knew it, one hundred would not invite Xiao Yi.

At this moment, Yang Wei knew that Xiao Yi was coming to eat, so he and Li Feng had to arrange some arrangements in advance. After Xiao Yi arrived, they waited for Xiao Yi to come into the trap. ,

At 7:30 in the evening, Lingnan Fishing Village is a well-known restaurant here. It cooks first-hand local specialties at reasonable prices. In addition, it is located close to the city center, which is often overcrowded.

At this point in time, there are not many guests coming to eat. The peak period of general guests is after 8 o'clock. Outside the restaurant, there is a figure looking back and forth towards both sides of the road, looking for the goal in the heart.

But after several searches, nothing was found. Yang Wei started to have questions in his heart at this moment, thinking that Xiao Yi would release his pigeons at this time? You must know that this thing can really be done with Xiao Yi's nature.

At 7:40, a taxi stopped in front of Yang Wei. Xiao Yi and Yuan Sheng had already set off in front of them. It was just because the road was a bit jammed during the rush hour, and it was late. some.

Yuan Sheng settled the money for the taxi, then opened the door, and two people walked out of the car. When Yuan Sheng saw Yang Wei, they immediately recognized it.

"Young Master Yang? Why are you here?"

Yang Wei is a local second generation anyway, and his father Yang Wanxiong is also a character, so after Yuan Sheng saw Yang Wei, he naturally knew him.

Hearing someone calling out his name, Yang Wei was very proud of himself. He was not the ordinary people outside. Standing here represented the two words of identity. When he was about to speak, Xiao Yi stood out from behind Yuan Sheng. Tao.

"I said Shao Yang, next time you call me, it’s best to let me hear that you have money to pay me back. If it’s not for everyone’s recognition, I’m carrying the paint bucket, I have to be in your father’s company On his door is written the word debt repayment."

Xiao Yi said fiercely. Yang Wei heard this. Xiao Yi's words were like Yang Wei's reminder, for fear that Xiao Yi would really do such a thing.

"Brother have to wait for me for a few days. I always ask my dad for my pocket money once a month. I gave you all the money last time. I really have no money anymore. I started to sit when I went out. bus."

Yang Wei said pitifully, a well-known second generation in front of Xiao Yi turned out to be such a tragic situation, Yuan Sheng could hardly believe his ears, he must have heard hallucinations.

"Why? Young Shao, you are the one who Xiao Yi said you want to invite to dinner... ahem, is it Young Master Yang who wants to invite dinner?"

Yuan Sheng was surprised, and Yang Wei nodded from the side. Yuan Sheng was right. He was the one who was taken in by Xiao Yi.

"You should be Brother Xiao's friend, please come in first, let's talk if we have anything."

Yang Wei and Yuan Sheng said that Xiao Yi was aside and digs out his ears with his fingers. This restaurant is not high-end, but in a place like this, the consumption level will naturally not be low, so it is satisfactory for the time being.

"Young Master Yang, wait a while, I said that I will bring people over for dinner. How can I eat before people arrive."

Xiao Yi and Yang Wei said, Yang Wei looked at Yuan Sheng beside Xiao Yi, and wondered if this was not the person you were bringing? Why do you still have to say that people have not come, and there is an ominous premonition in Yang Wei's heart.

"What? Brother Xiao, your people haven't come yet?"

Xiao Yi glanced towards the side of the road. A bus drove towards this side, and then another bus came right behind him. He turned his head with a smile and patted Yang Wei on the shoulder.

"No one was here just now, now it has arrived."

Yang Wei looked at the taxi on the side again. There should be no one in the car, and there is no taxi at the moment, so he drove towards this side.

At this moment, with the sound of a whistle, the bus drove in front of Yang Wei, then turned around, and came to the parking lot on the side.

The ominous premonition in his heart became stronger and stronger. Suddenly, Yang Wei had an impulse to not entertain him. It was already now. He should go home and sleep instead of fighting against Xiao Yi.

"Brother Xiao... the one you shouldn't say is..."

"Young Master Yang, you are so smart, you can surely guess it. That's right, this is the person I want to bring."

Xiao Yi pointed to the bus lane. This time a total of five buses came, with a total of 146 people besides the driver. Several other people were temporarily unable to come.

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