Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 1074: Own arrangement

"When you say that, how come I feel like I'm a bad person, my whole person is completely broken."

Xiao Yi laughed a few times. Wang Sheng sat in the back of the car and didn't say anything along the way. He listened carefully to what Xiao Yi said and how he handled things.

The previous understanding of Xiao Yi was so one-sided. At this moment, Wang Sheng can be regarded as seeing. Some people use their brains instead of pure physical strength to stay by Xiao Yi's side even when fighting with others. Will learn a lot of useful things.

When he drove to the tea garden, Xiao Yi pulled the car over, then opened the door and got out of the car. A tea garden exuded a green light under the sun's rays. The old tea farmers in the tea garden were busy in the field.

Zhao San wears a certain straw hat. Although he is old now, he is used to wandering around the tea garden every day. The whole tea garden has become Zhao San's life. He has devoted all his life's hard work here.

In a part of the tea plantation, a slightly low-lying area was opened up and a flat ground was covered with rows of houses. The steel frame structure and the surrounding areas were reinforced and drained, even in the event of heavy rain. , The house will not have any problems.

The project was completed two days ago. When Zhang Bing came, he only needed to find a room to live in. There were daily necessities in it. Zhang Bing and Wang Sheng chose to live in the same house. What's the matter? You can discuss with each other.

"It's the young man Xiao Yi who came over. He looked a little uncomfortable when he was old, and he almost didn't notice it."

Zhao San walked in front of Xiao Yi, and greeted Xiao Yi at this moment. If Xiao Yi hadn't helped him last time, this tea garden would have been taken away by the Song family.

"Master, you can teach Zhang Bing the technique of growing tea. You are so old, so you can rest a little longer."

Xiao Yi told Zhao San at this moment, Zhao San is very old and often works in the ground. When he is old, his body is not flexible. If he falls, it will be a little troublesome.

Zhao San smiled honestly at Xiao and took off the straw hat in his hand. Xiao Yi's kindness Zhao San understood in his heart, but Zhao San had his own thoughts in his heart, and then Xiao Yi said.

"I am so old, and I have enough money to do everything. I walk around the tea garden every day and I am used to life. There is nothing serious about it."

"The old man takes care of his health first now. The work of the tea garden is left to Zhang Bing to take care of it. The old man can give advice and suggestions when he has time."

Xiao Yi and Zhang San said that an old man really shouldn't be busy here, the people under Xiao Yi's hands will naturally solve it.

Zhao San looked back at the tea garden. Maybe he was old. Some young people's things were really incomprehensible. What was it for?

"Young man Xiao Yi, what are you going to do with this tea garden? I think this young man from Zhang Bing has brought so many materials and so many pipes. What is this going to do?"

Xiao Yi then explained for the old tea farmers, telling the old tea farmers that the real function of these water pipes is to play the two characters of sprinkler irrigation. To put it bluntly, they are used for irrigation of the tea garden.

At exactly this time, the workers installed on the tea garden have already installed the sprinkler irrigation equipment. In the last few days, it has rarely rained here. Zhang Bing turned on the water pump and the sprinkler irrigation equipment began to operate. The source of water sprayed out of the water pipe.

The entire tea garden immediately turned into a mist of water. The old tea farmer was surprised to see this kind of thing for the first time. He looked back at Xiao Yi and sighed deeply.

"Hey... Sure enough, this world is the world of young people. It seems that I have found the right person by entrusting the tea garden to you."

The old tea farmer sighed. In today's society, there are many novelties. He is already eliminated by society and cannot keep up with the pace of this society.

"Good thing, this is really good thing. With this thing, there is no need to worry about drought in the future."

"Master, don't worry. If this tea garden is in my hands, I will definitely make the tea garden here famous. Zhang Bing, have you done what I told you earlier?"

Xiao Yi asked Zhang Bing. When Zhang Bing set out from here, Xiao Yi instructed Zhang Bing to dig the pits in advance at seven locations in the tea garden. These seven pits were determined before Xiao Yi Down.

The seven pits were the place where the formation was arranged. After Zhang Bing brought the people, the first thing was to find these seven locations according to Xiao Yi's instructions, and then prepare everything Xiao Yi said.

"Don't worry, I'm all ready. I have dug all the pits in the seven locations you previously marked with stones."

Zhang Bing has always been prudent in handling things. As long as it is something Xiao Yi ordered, he will arrange it as soon as possible, although he doesn't know why Xiao Yi did it.

"It's not dark at the moment. When it gets dark, Zhang Bing, you and I will go to do something."


What Xiao Yi was talking about, Zhang Bing knew clearly in his heart that he must put those jade stones in the pit and then bury them. I really couldn't guess what Xiao Yi did.

The old tea farmer looked at the tea garden and waited until the person who installed the sprinkler irrigation left. There were only a few people left in the huge tea garden. These people were definitely overwhelmed by the tea garden.

When he was planting this tea garden before, people around him would come to pick the tea anyway, and the old tea farmers would pay a certain amount of remuneration, but now Xiao Yi completely offended the Song family. Nowadays, there is no one who wants to use people in the tea garden. Dare to come.

"Young man Xiao Yi, this Song family is the overlord of the local family. If anyone offends them, he will definitely find a way to deal with you. Nowadays, even the workers in the tea garden can't be invited. This is all because of my business. You are in an embarrassing state."

Xiao Yi felt that this matter had nothing to do with Zhao San. If Xiao Yi hadn't taken any action in the first place, the tea garden would have already returned to the Song family.

"Master Zhao, don't worry, there will always be a solution to things. If I get stumped by such a small matter, I won't use this tea garden to grow it."

After saying this, Xiao Yi’s cell phone rang, took out her cell phone and saw that it was a call from Sister Wu. In the faint sense, Xiao Yi had a premonition in her heart. Sister Wu should have brought good news. .

"Hey, Sister Wu, how did those people respond?"

Xiao Yi asked Wu Lili. Wu Lili had discussed with these people before and asked about their opinions. After talking for more than ten minutes, Sister Wu called Xiao Yi to speak first.

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