Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 1075: Tea Garden Formation

"Xiao Yi really thanked you this time. People like them agreed to work in City S. They were just worried that they hadn't done tea picking before. They were afraid that they would do something wrong."

"Sister Wu don't have to worry about this. There will be someone here to teach them how to operate. As long as they are willing to come, everything is easy to say."

"Well, there are 14 people here who agree to work in S city. I will arrange to send these people back to your contracted tea garden."

Wu Lili said that if this matter is completed, Wu Lili will also solve work problems for these people. This is the best of both worlds.

On the phone, Xiao Yi told Wu Lili where he contracted the tea plantation, and then when the next day, there would be a bus to bring these people to the tea plantation in person.

After hanging up the phone, the stone in Xiao Yi's heart finally fell this time, looking back at Zhang Bing and said.

"Zhang Bing, it seems that the labor problem has been solved. When these people come over tomorrow, you can arrange it."

Xiao Yi and Zhang Bing said, Zhang Bing smiled excitedly. This time it was really nobles to help. With the arrangement of County Mayor Wu, the labor problem on the tea garden will be solved tomorrow.

At the tea garden that night, Xiao Yi, Zhang Bing, and Wang Sheng, the three big men, cooked a meal in person. Zhang Bing was a little more careful, but Wang Sheng was different. Wang Sheng was completely a big man. Old rough.

Xiao Yi asked Wang Sheng to bake something in the oven. When Wang Sheng finally took it out, it turned into a piece of coke. In desperation, Xiao Yi had to do it himself.

I fried three dishes and made a soup. The rice cooker was filled with rice. When it was placed on the table, the dishes on the table made Wang Sheng's eyes bright.

"Unexpectedly, Brother Xiao, you are the leader in fights, and the cooking skills are okay. Let me try first."

Wang Sheng can't wait. In the hospital these days, he eats a mess of things every day. He has long been thinking about when to leave the hospital, and then he can have a good meal.

"Hey, I really don't know how a person like Wang Sheng should survive if you are alone, Zhang Bing, don't be stunned. Father eat first."

Xiao Yi commanded that Wang Sheng was already hungry, and the wind was blowing when he was eating. If Xiao Yi interrupted Wang Sheng's swallowing several times, it is estimated that a few people would have only watched.

Zhao San didn't feel this way for a long time. The family sat down to have a meal. Although they were not a real family, it was quite happy to sit around a dining table and chat while eating.

"My Zhao San has a hard life in this life. My son left early and left a granddaughter. If I had a child like Xiao Yi, I would be satisfied even if I died."

"Isn't the old man my goddaughter? You can treat me like your own family. With my Xiao Yi here, you will never allow anyone to bully him."

Xiao Yi and Zhao San said that Song Ming bullied the old man before, as long as Xiao Yi is here, that kind of thing will not happen again.

Zhao San gave a gratified smile. Xiao Yi's words are enough. As for his words, he is now old enough to live.

After eating, Wang Sheng stayed to clean the pot, and then Xiao Yi and Zhang Bing left from the house, went to the trunk of the car, and took out the jade that Xiao Yi had prepared before.

These jade stones were all brought from Yuan Sheng. They took seven jade stones. Two of them disappeared into the dark night. According to Xiao Yi's instructions, Zhang Bing took three stones and put them in. Inside the pit dug earlier.

Xiao Yi found the remaining four pieces and put them into the pit. The seven places just covered the tea garden. After the jade was put in the pit, he restored the scene to the previous one. Look like.

The next step is Xiao Yilai's method of drawing formations. With the previous experience, Xiao Yi is familiar with drawing formations. After a while, the formations outlined with Dao Qi have already had a basic prototype. It's just a matter of finally connecting the Dao Qi together.

Sitting quietly on a high ground, looking at the scenery at the foot of the mountain, Xiao Yi took a deep breath, blending Dao Qi with both hands, slowly approaching the two palms, the distance between the palms getting closer and closer. Finally connected together. .

"It's done, it seems that the realm of the Xuantian Dao Fa, when it reaches the fifth level of the Azure Profound Realm, it is relatively easier to draw a magic formation."

This time, the outline of the formation is not as difficult as before. It has become a lot easier. Thanks to the Xuantian Taoism controlled by Xiao Yi, it can perfectly control the flow of Dao Qi, but one thing is that Xiao Yi now, It can only be easier to arrange this degree of formation.

After the formation is successfully outlined, the strands of Dao Qi between heaven and earth begin to flow regularly, converging from the surroundings, and covering the entire tea garden. The tea trees in the tea garden, under the nourishment of Dao Qi, are quietly moving. Changes are taking place.

Early the next morning, Xiao Yi woke up from his sleep, because he promised Wu Lili yesterday, and today Xiao Yi is thinking that if these people come over, he will have to come and prepare himself. He put on his clothes and walked from the room. Come out of it.

After walking around here, it is a little strange that Xiao Yi found that he was the only one and did not know where the other people had gone. He simply washed his face and walked to the tea garden to take a look.

"You guys are really busy. You are here in the tea garden early in the morning."

In the tea garden, the three old tea farmers Zhao San, Zhang Bing and Wang Sheng are all in the tea garden. The old tea farmer woke up a long time ago. The first thing after waking up was to stroll around in the tea garden. This almost became him. A habit of life.

When the old tea farmer wandered around the tea garden, he found a strange scene that made him a little bit more concerned. This was the wake of Zhang Bing. At the same time Zhang Bing woke up, Wang Sheng also woke up with them. Two people followed. The old tea farmer took a look and didn't know what happened.

"Old tea farmer, what do you mean is that the newly grown leaves weren't that big yesterday, but today they suddenly became so big, right?"

Zhang Bing was holding a piece of tea in his hand. This piece of tea was obviously different. The whole was a tender green, which looked very gratifying.

"Yeah, what the **** is going on? After the tea has been picked, it will take a while before it can be picked again. It has been a few days since I picked the tea last time. Grow out."

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