Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 1076: A new way to grow tea

The old tea farmer was very surprised. It seemed a little hard to understand. What happened in the tea garden one night, it turned out that some old tea trees began to sprout new leaves.

Zhang Bing didn’t think there was anything curious about it. This happened to the vegetable field. It was normal. Yesterday it seemed that the vegetables had not yet reached the harvest period. After a day or two, it doubled. This kind of thing is happening every day in the vegetable field.

"I thought you were talking about something, my lord. It couldn't be more normal. The vegetable fields that Xiao Yi grows are harvested by others in a month, but it only takes more than a week for Xiao Yi to grow vegetables. Come out. If you've seen Xiao Yi grow vegetables with your own eyes, old man, you will think this is not strange at all."

"Huh? Vegetables can be cultivated in more than a week. I really can't believe this. My understanding is clear. Now many people grow tea and use a lot of chemical fertilizers. This is not just unhealthy or unhealthy. In fact, it also affects the quality of tea. We must never do this."

The old tea farmer didn't think too much, but thought it was a bit weird. He thought of it a little bit. Many tea growers use a lot of chemical fertilizers in order to increase the growth rate of tea.

"The old man should be more relieved. You can see it in the tea garden. There is no trace of chemical fertilizer here. Xiao Yi grows vegetables in the same way. He has never used such things as chemical fertilizer."

Zhang Bing explained to the old tea farmers that if chemical fertilizers are used, chemical fertilizers can be found on the spot, but it can be seen that the tea gardens do not use chemical fertilizers.

Zhao San frowned and couldn't figure out what the **** was going on. It was the first time I saw tea grow so fast after growing tea for a lifetime.

"Yeah, what you said makes sense, but what is going on? This old tea tree grows too fast."

Xiao Yi just came over at this time, raised his head and took a look. Among the emerald green tea trees, a layer of tender green buds sprouted. These are the results of the growth of Dao Qi last night. .

The tea garden has been set up around the formation, so the growth rate of tea trees will be faster, this is something Xiao Yi's heart plans, if there is no change before and after, Xiao Yi would not come here to contract the tea garden.

"Master, don't you believe me, Xiao Yi? This is a nutrient solution that I researched by an expert. It can increase the growth rate of plants, but it doesn't do any harm."

"Nutrition solution? What is this, I have never heard of it."

Xiao Yi gave an explanation here for Zhao San, but it was all made up by himself, because the tea tree grows faster and has nothing to do with the nutrient solution.

Zhao San listened for a while, but only understood some. The others didn't know what Xiao Yi was talking about. In short, he understood a little. The tea planted in this way is absolutely green and environmentally friendly, and there will be no harm.

"This is also amazing, but I don't know if the so-called nutrient solution has any effect on the quality of tea."

The old tea farmer took off a newly grown sprout tip and tasted it in his mouth. When the tip of his tongue melted the taste of the sprout tip, the old tea farmer's eyes suddenly widened.

Xiao Yi had done experiments with Zhang Bing before, so there is no need to verify it now. After a while, Xiao Yi asked Zhao Sandao.

"How does the old man feel the taste? Has the quality declined?"

"Not at all... the taste of this tea is really amazing. When it first arrived in the mouth, it was slightly bitter. After a while, the whole mouth was filled with a fragrant smell. I couldn't believe it. , This is the tea I planted."

The old tea farmer sighed with emotion. The changes in the taste before and after did make him a little puzzled, especially when the taste of tea spreads in his mouth, his mouth is full of the aroma of this tea.

Xiao Yi laughed, let alone tea, even the air in the tea garden now has a strong tea fragrance, so the tea planted in this way will definitely look good.

"Master, I didn't lie to you? Whether it's growing tea or growing vegetables, there is a green concept that runs through me, and I will never use such things as spending and pesticides."

Zhao San didn't understand the truth, but through such a thing, he understood that he was really old, and he hadn't heard of some things, just like the tea that Xiao Yi has grown now.

"The taste of this tea is really good. At this growth rate, you can pick the tea tomorrow. Xiao Yi, I have a request. I want to make this batch of tea by hand. The taste is so good. The tea leaves will definitely be very popular."

"Haha... You are the only one who can fry tea here, Mr. Zhao. You can arrange what you will do when the time comes. I contracted the tea garden not only for planting tea, but also for the Chinese tea to be distributed all over the world, letting them know that there is only tea. The most authentic of China."

Xiao Yi said, Wang Sheng on the side heard what Zhao San said, he was also very curious, picked a piece of bud tip, put it in his mouth and tasted it. After feeling the fragrance of this tea, Wang Sheng ranked first. I was very interested in tea.

"It seems that I have to give up drinking. If there is this kind of tea, why drink."

After waiting for a while at the tea garden, a bus drove towards the tea garden. They were all the people Wu Lili had said before. After hearing about Xiao Yi's job, they were willing to come to Xiao Yi to try.

Called Xiao Yi in advance, and then Xiao Yi asked Zhang Bing to receive him. Since he came to S City, Xiao Yi stopped by to meet someone. He was a little hurried before and left before he could say hello to her. .

In a hotel in S city, Sophie sat on the bed boredly, holding a mobile phone in one hand and a magazine in the other, and glanced casually.

Then I found that I didn't have any interest in these things at all. I waved my hand and threw the book aside, stood up and walked a few steps in the room, and then sat down after a few steps. The whole person looked glum.

"What's wrong, Mayfair? What's the matter with you these past few days? It's in this state every day."

Sister An sees Sophie's state. Sophie is indeed a bit strange these days. She stays in the hotel all day and she has an unhappy expression on her face.

"Sister An, why do you think this is? Why is Xiao Yi not there? I don't feel like doing anything in my heart. My whole soul is lost."

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