Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 1102: First bowl of tea

"It seems that this ancient technique cannot be learned easily. Father, I will definitely try to learn this method of frying tea, and then pass it on from generation to generation."

Zhang Bing said that in today's Huaxia, many ancient techniques are slowly being lost. This is part of Huaxia's culture. It is a pity that it is lost in this way.

In mechanical civilization, there are also many jobs that machinery cannot replace. Zhao San devoted himself to the work in his hands. After more than an hour of frying, the tea in the pot gradually changed from a kind of green to green. A kind of azure, when the unfolded tea leaves became curled and turned into a small one, Zhao San shouted.

"Get out of the pot!"

The big pot of fried tea was lifted from the stove, then Zhang Bing and one person, two people carried the big pot, and poured the tea leaves in the pot into the large plaque prepared earlier.

In the room where the tea was fried, there was always a strong tea fragrance. When the tea leaves were fried, the smell of tea became more charming. Even people standing outside the house can smell it clearly. To this smell.

"Wow... this tea is a bit too fragrant, right?"

"Yeah, if it wasn't for me to work here, I really didn't know that tea would have such a fragrance. I was not interested in tea before, so I suddenly wanted to drink tea now."

Several people discussed here, Xiao Yi came from a room beside him, and was also attracted by the smell of tea. The air was full of the smell of tea. The aroma smelled like the air after rain, fresh and fresh. charming.

"It seems that the first batch of tea is ready."

Xiao Yi walked to the tea-fried tea room. In a large plaque, the fried tea leaves were still steaming. Zhao San had already started to fry the next pot of tea.

Zhang Bing came to Xiao Yi. The two people had talked about growing tea before, and now looking at the tea in the big plaque, it can be regarded as the realization of what the two people said.

"Xiao Yi, I really did what I said at the beginning. This is freshly fried tea. Would you like to brew a cup to taste it?"

Xiao Yi stepped forward and took a look. The newly fried tea looked very gratifying, and smelled the tea fragrance, Xiao Yi and Zhang Bing said.

"Why make a cup?"

"This...I want you to taste it first, Xiao Yi, don't you like tea?"

"I didn't mean that. There are so many people present. It's not enough to make a cup. Zhang Bing, take the teapot from your room. Let's make tea today."

There were so many people on the scene watching eagerly, whether a cup of tea is enough, even new tea is very precious, in Xiao Yi's eyes, this is something for people to drink.

Zhang Bing misunderstood what Xiao Yi meant, so he did what Xiao Yi said, and went back to his room. In Zhang Bing’s room, there was a big teapot. They weren’t gentle people, and they didn’t have so many. Pay attention to.

I found a small red clay stove and built a fire in it. Then I put the teapot on it and poured water from the well here. After the water boiled, Zhang Bing grabbed a handful of tea leaves from the big plaque and cautiously Put it in the teapot.

The fried tea leaves are put into boiling water. After the boiling water is boiled, they will slowly unfold in a short while and restore the shape of the previous leaves. After the leaves are fully expanded, the color of the boiling water inside will also be It became a pale green.

The people in the tea garden are all waiting here, wanting to taste what is special about this tea. After ten minutes, the tea inside is almost boiled. Zhang Bing lifted the teapot and took one. There are several bowls on the table, and Zhang Bing has become like a shopkeeper in ancient TV.

"Come on, don't be strong for one person and one bowl. Let's taste the taste of our first batch of tea."

Holding the teapot, Zhang Bing poured tea soup into each bowl one by one. The light green tea soup was poured from the mouth of the teapot, still braving the steaming heat, and a strong fragrance of tea rushed forward. The nose was sucked into the lungs.

Xiao Yi smelled the scent of tea, with a satisfied expression on his face. Without wasting his pains, he picked up the first bowl of tea and walked to Zhao San's side in the tea-fried tea room. Zhao San was busy at the moment. As he fry the next pot of tea, he feels like he has inexhaustible strength today.

"Master, the tea is ready, you are the first person most qualified to taste it."

Zhao San heard Xiao Yi talking, took a rag and wiped the sweat off his face. In such a sultry weather and in such an environment, among young people today, I am afraid that no one would be willing to do this. Kind of live.

"This...How embarrassed me, Xiao Yi, you are the contractor of the tea garden, and if you hadn't had you, my tea garden would have been snatched away by the Song family. This first bowl of tea should be for you. Correct."

Xiao Yi shook his head. Among the people at the first bowl of tea, no one except Zhao San was qualified to drink, Xiao Yiyu said earnestly.

"Master Zhao, please don't shirk it. This tea garden is your lifetime effort. I Xiao Yi came later. Without you, there would be no such tea garden. In the future, the management of the tea garden and the technical aspects of tea planting will depend on you. Come and help, I have nothing to express my gratitude. This first bowl of tea is my gratitude."

"Yeah, Mr. Zhao, don't shirk it. Look at us. We are all laymen who grow tea. We don't understand this at all. Without you here to steer us, we wouldn't even know how to do it. You deserve a bowl of tea."

Standing by Xiao Yi's side, Zhang Bing said to Zhao San that Xiao Yi did a lot. The first bowl of tea should be for Mr. Zhao to taste.

There was an expression of excitement on Zhao San's face, especially when he heard Xiao Yi and Zhang Bing say that, it was worthwhile to put on his old bones for this tea garden.

"Okay, then I'll have a taste. What is the taste of this first bowl of tea."

Holding the big bowl in Xiao Yi's hand, Zhao San drank it all in one breath. After entering his mouth with the rich tea-scented tea soup, Zhao San's eyes lit up. This feeling was like a dry land. Like the rain, the whole body is extremely comfortable, and the pores all over the body are stretched out.

"Okay... it's really good tea. I have never thought about it in my life, Zhao Sanyi, one day my tea garden will produce such top-quality tea. Thank you, Xiao Yi, I Zhao San will be worth living in this life. "

For Zhao San, the tea garden is all he has. He has poured all his hard work into this tea garden for a lifetime. When people are in their twilight years, they are lucky enough to taste such top-quality tea. There is nothing in this life. regret.

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