Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 1152: Prepare in advance

Xiao Yi sighed. Since he met Wang Rong, I don't know how many times I have said this. I also know that Wang Rong is nothing more than a joke.

"I just want to go out for a while, and it's not like I won't come back. As long as my problem is resolved, I will come back immediately."

"Let's talk... How many days are you going to leave this time?"

"I don't know yet. It is estimated that it will take about two or three days, so you can help me look at the company here. You don't need to contact me during the period."

Xiao Yi and Wang Rong said that Wang Rong himself did not know how to count. This was the first time Xiao Yi left the company, and it was several days after he left. The whole person seemed to be missing, without any movement at all. .

I don't know what Xiao Yi did during the period, even if it was for the company's business, it would not be impossible to contact people, so at this moment, Wang Rong asked curiously.

"I said that you guy, every time you go out, your whole person seems to be missing. There is no news at all in your whole person. If you don't answer the phone, there is no news at all. To be honest, I doubt you are still here. In the world, every whereabouts are mysterious, you tell me what you did."

"I go to maintain the peace of the earth, it depends on whether you believe it or not."

Xiao Yi said that if Wang Rong believes in Xiao Yi's nonsense reason, it is really a ghost. Xiao Yi doesn't tell the truth, Wang Rong has no way at all, so she has to go with Xiao Yi.

"To maintain the peace of the world, you think of yourself as a superman, run the train with your mouth full of words, forget it, don't tell me, I don't know it rarely.:

"Ahem, you may know it in the future."

Handling all the company's affairs to Wang Rong, Xiao Yi feels relieved that he doesn't need to worry about other aspects. The vegetable field has stabilized, and Zhang Bing's tea garden is also managed by someone.

As for the local Song family, nowadays, they would not do anything out of the ordinary. It had the reputation of the Han family. Even if Song Ren was unconvinced, he did not dare to provoke the Han family.

There was nothing to worry about, and then Xiao Yi simply packed up, put a bag on his back and left from here, and drove towards the northwest.

In the private villa of the Meng family, Meng Nana's behavior was uncharacteristic, and she agreed not to talk about her marriage to Chenguang. In recent days, Meng Nana did not show sadness, and the whole person looked much easier.

Even Meng Qi did not expect this. From Meng Nana's abnormal behavior, Meng Qi thought that Meng Nana had put Xiao Yi from her heart and chose to accept this kind of marriage arrangement. There was no need to persuade Meng Qi. It is also a good thing.

In the courtyard of the villa, under a plane tree, two ropes were tied to it, a wooden board hung on the rope, and Meng Nana was sitting on the wooden board leisurely swinging, humming an obscure tune. .

The engagement was immediately spread in City H. In order to prevent anything special from happening these days, especially for fear that Meng Nana would leave privately, I had to arrange more people around Meng Nana, Meng Nana. It doesn't matter what you do in the villa, but once you want to leave the villa, someone must follow behind you.

Xiao Yi just drove past the Meng’s villa. He didn’t notice it in his heart. But when Xiao Yi passed by the door of the Meng’s villa, he couldn’t help but take a look at this side. Such a luxuriously decorated villa is for one person. In other words, it's just like a cage.

Meng Nana, who was swinging in the yard, suddenly seemed to sense something. She raised her head and looked in a direction, then she stretched out a hand and touched her belly.

"Child, how do I feel that your father is watching us nearby."

Xiao Yi stayed outside the Meng’s villa for a while and drove along the road. Half an hour later, at another airport in City H, Xiao Yi passed the security check with his bag on his back and ordered a ticket to a city.

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, Xiao Yi left City H by plane. The plane needed to fly for more than five hours. During this period, Xiao Yi lay in his seat and took a nap. Taking advantage of this moment, he sat quietly in his seat, Xuantian Tao Fa practiced well several times.

When Xiao Yi entered the cultivation state, his mind was completely empty, like the air flowing in an airplane. Everything was so natural and peaceful. In Xiao Yi's Dantian, the green Dao Qi was in the air. Slowly flowing, nourishing the meridians of Xiao Yi's body.

By the time Xiao Yi recovered from the state of cultivation, the sky outside was already dark, and the time to look at it was already more than eight o'clock in the evening, and in about half an hour, the plane would land at Xiao Yi's reservation. In the city.

At around nine o'clock in the evening, a plane landed in a city in another country. Xiao Yi got off the plane with a bag on his back. After getting off the plane, he clearly felt a chill. In Beitang County, the lowest temperature at night was also over 30. When it comes to this side, even in the daytime, the highest temperature is more than 20 degrees, and the temperature will drop at night. The short sunshine time is the most important reason.

With a temperature of six degrees above zero and a little wind, Xiao Yi saw this scene when he got off the plane. Some people did not prepare in advance, wearing thin clothes. In the weather here, the cold nose kept running. Of going out.

Going straight across a street, at around nine o'clock in the evening, I went to the agreed place now. It was a bit late. Let me rest here for one night, and wait until tomorrow to arrange the next thing.

The main source of income for people living in this city is the timber industry, and the fishery. A large river runs through the entire country, leaving many lakes in the country. Whenever there is a corresponding season, there are groups The group of people fished from the lake.

When a foreigner came here, the first thing he felt was that he was a little uncomfortable. Fortunately, Xiao Yi's physique was strong. These had no effect on him. He walked across a street with his schoolbag on his back. Found a place to stay nearby.

The ancient streets smelled of the vicissitudes of history. Xiao Yi entered the hotel with a dim light in it. A middle-aged man in his forties asked Xiao Yi what he needed. Xiao Yi just needed one. Just come to rest in a room, and the middle-aged man found a room for Xiao Yi.

After getting the key to the door, Xiao Yi stepped on the stairs to the third floor and found his room. After opening the door, first turn on the light in the room. The temperature in the room was very warm, not as cold as outside. In the room, there is a bed, a chair, a desk, and a circular carpet on the wooden floor.

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