Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 1153: No return required

On the side of the desk is a lamp. Xiao Yi closed the door, then took off his shoes and replaced them with the unique shoes here. The materials of the shoes are made of animal fur. The clothes are particularly comfortable and warm. Xiao Yi walked to the desk. On the side, you can receive emails via your mobile phone.

The email showed the latest movement of the Griffon. There was no movement in the position of the Griffon. At the same time, Xiao Yi knew very well that this kind of person must also know that someone had accepted the task of offering a reward and would be prepared in advance.

"The elite of the Royal Special Forces, I would like to see how good you are."

After writing down the information, Xiao Yi first took a rest for the night, and waited until tomorrow to consider the rest. He took a shower in the room before going to sleep.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, Xiao Yi's door was quietly pushed open, and a person's shadow walked in. After this person entered Xiao Yi's room, he quickly came to Xiao Yi's bed and threw his legs on him.

From the moment the other party opened the door, Xiao Yi heard a movement, but didn't pay attention to it. After waiting for the other party's appearance, Xiao Yi smelled the smell of perfume and stretched out a hand against the other party's neck.

"If you don't sleep well at night, just run into someone else's room. Is this the living habit of the local people?"

Xiao Yi sneered and turned on the light beside the bed. After the light turned on, Xiao Yi could see clearly that there was a woman riding on his body.

This woman was naked, with shedding clothes on the floor. At this moment, she was facing Xiao Yi like this. If this woman was a little bit murderous just now, she was already a corpse.

"I don't have any malice, please don't embarrass me."

The moment the woman just now, when Xiao Yi put her hand on her neck, she felt that death was so close to her, Xiao Yi could kill her at any time, and her face turned pale with fright.

"Ahem... this posture is so strange, you get off my body first, I don't like being ridden."

Xiao Yi said to the woman that the woman was slowly getting off Xiao Yi. Because of the fright, she didn't dare to wear clothes at this moment, but stood stupidly in front of Xiao Yi.

The woman is very tall, about 1.7 meters tall, she has a slender figure, and she has long golden hair. She looks very plump in appearance. It's a pity that Xiao Yi now has no thoughts in this regard.

"Let's talk about it, what the **** is going on? Why are you in my room?"

Xiao Yi asked, the woman is slowly explaining to Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi just said it was right, this is indeed a habit of the locals.

Hotels and hotels in this city, for consumption occasions like this, will bring certain **** services. The boss will leave the key in the room with a seniority in advance. If anyone wants to use this method, come and live here. Guests can come to the boss at any time if they have a relationship to gain benefits.

Once you get the key to the guest room, you can enter and leave the room at will, and then take the initiative to spend the night with the people who live in the room. Of course, most of the people who come here know this, and after the end, they will take it out. Some money, as previous expenses.

"Hi... there really is such a thing."

After hearing what the woman said, Xiao Yi now understood why this woman appeared in his room. Xiao Yi had a headache right now.

"I thought you knew the habits here. This is the first time I did this. If you don't like it, please forgive me."

The woman and Xiao Yi said, Xiao Yi sighed, and walked to the woman's side. The woman's mood had progressed to the extreme, for fear that it would make Xiao Yi angry and there would be any terrible consequences.

As a result, Xiao Yi walked aside, picked up the clothes that the woman had taken off before, and put them in the hands of the woman. Xiao Yi admitted that he liked beautiful women, but it was another thing to like this kind of scumbag.

"Well, I won't be embarrassed by you. Put on your clothes quickly. You are making me admire you for free. If you have anything to say, I will put on your clothes."

The woman breathed a sigh of relief, took the clothes that Xiao Yi handed over, put the clothes on her body one by one, then adjusted her hair and turned to face Xiao Yi.

"It's really because of difficulties in my family that I had to choose to do this, sorry for interrupting your rest."

As the woman turned around to leave, Xiao Yi sighed helplessly. Since this happened by himself, he couldn't just watch it.

"Wait, wait a minute."

"Yes...Are there any requirements?"

Xiao Yishou took a bit in his pocket and took out dozens of banknotes. This little money is not too small here, and he walked to the woman and said.

"You use the money first. A good girl, you shouldn't choose to go this way."

"No, I can't ask for your money casually. The money is equivalent to our family's expenditure for half a year, and I haven't done anything here."

The woman hurriedly said that Xiao Yi didn't need the other party to do anything. If it was the cause, it could only be sympathy.

"Okay, take it, do you think this kind of thing is easy to do? Right now, you should be young, and you need to use money to go this way, what about getting married in the future? As far as I know the men here, If you are not a virgin before marriage, you will be punished."

Xiao Yi said to the woman, the woman bit her lip tightly. What Xiao Yi said is correct. If she rejects Xiao Yi today, she will still make money like this. Apart from this method, there is no other way to solve the family in a short time. Difficulties.

"Take it, this little money is nothing to me, and it can be regarded as accumulating some virtue for me in the next life."

"Thank you...what is your name, I will definitely repay you."

"There is no need to repay, just stay alive. For this country, I am just a passerby."

Xiao Yi said to the woman that he was only staying in this country for a few days, and after the matter was settled, he would naturally leave from here. The next time he came here, he might not know when.

After taking the money from Xiao Yi, the woman left the hotel. Xiao Yi looked out the window and sighed. No matter where she went in this world, she would meet some people who gave up because of their lives.

"Maybe I am the same as you now. All actions are supported by revenge."

Early in the morning of the next day, after Xiao Yi woke up, he packed his bags and went downstairs to leave the room. When he came here, transportation was more important.

"Boss, I don't know where to sell cars."

“If you buy a new car, there are very few here. On the roads here, most of the vehicles are modified. Although these vehicles are a bit ugly, they perform fairly well.”

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