Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 1244: Abnormal normal

He pecked on Xiao Yi's face sideways, quickly opened the door, and got out of the car, Han Bing said with a smile on his face, facing Xiao Yi.

"Remember, I am waiting for you to marry me!"

Xiao Yi stretched out his hand and touched the spot where Han Bing had kissed before, his fingers stained with lipstick.

Judging from the current situation, Han Bing must have fallen in love with him. Xiao Yi has a good impression of Han Bing. If he ignores his identity, he really wants to be with Han Bing. A good talk, even if Han Batian objected, it would not help.

"Do you want me to make this woman's belly bigger first, and when I turn back to the Han family, even if Han Batian doesn't want to admit that my son-in-law is not a success?"

I thought so in my heart at the moment, but immediately Zhou Hao shook his head and denied the crazy thoughts in his mind. He knew very well what kind of temper a military commander had. Even if raw rice was cooked into cooked rice, Xiao Yi would still be dead , And will only die worse.

After stopping the thoughts in his heart, Xiao Yi drove towards the tea plantation, thinking about what happened today, the good days, let the two killers break the peace, Xiao Yi at the moment, Jock appeared on his face Face.

"I didn't pay attention to you, but you are here to provoke me. If this is the case, don't blame me for being rude!"

Xiao Yixin had a plan in his heart. He always felt that it was not the right time. Now that he encountered such a situation, he was afraid that he wanted to advance the plan.

When they returned to the tea garden, Zhang Bing and Wang Sheng had already fallen asleep. Xiao Yi sat on a stool outside and poured a glass of water by himself while holding a thermos. The night was very peaceful.

When sitting on a chair, some of the past is constantly replayed in my mind. Scenes, scenes, scenes, and events in Xiao Yi's mind will be remembered in his mind, but only one day, I find that I have fragments. time.

That was the time with Meng Nana. When I was in danger, I inhaled all the purple Dao Qi contained in a 300-year-old ginseng into my body. The feeling was too strong. It almost burst Xiao Yi.

Later, some memories seemed to have been stolen in his mind. When Xiao Yi woke up, the Meng Nana and some scenes in front of him still remembered in his heart, but now that I think about it, I didn't pay attention to it.

"Hey...why do I always want to go to Meng Nana's shadow when I am idle, do I still care about her in my heart?"

In Meng Nana's room, Meng Nana was lying on the bed at the moment, using the program on the phone to calculate the time she was pregnant. Now the baby in her belly is more than two months old.

The strong pregnancy reaction finally ended. During this period, the nanny inside the family took care of Meng Nana. This was the fact that the outsiders did not realize that Meng Nana was already pregnant.

However, as time continues to pass, Meng Nana’s belly will grow bigger and bigger. It was not obvious at all before, but when the real child grows up, even if she wants to hide it, she can’t hide it. .

The time shows on July 4th. There are only twelve days left until the time of marriage. For Meng Nana, it is the last period of time to stay in this house, and it is also necessary to spend these ten days. In two days, come and prepare carefully.

"Child...your father is outside and will be here soon. When that day comes, my mother will take you out of this home."

Meng Nana's heart was like stagnant water, and she was like a bird imprisoned in Meng's house. She was still unable to leave Meng Qi's control. This time she made up her mind to make the last struggle.

"Is she really unresponsive?"

In Meng Qi's room, at this moment Meng Qi was asking about the people who had arranged for Meng Nana.

Although Meng Nana agreed to the marriage, Meng Qi also knows that this time the matter is very important, and we must make preparations. If Meng Nana escapes privately, it will be embarrassing. At home.

The other thing is to guard against Meng Nana and Xiao Yi’s contact. This is what Meng Qi is most worried about, so I arranged some eyeliners beside Meng Nana, and always pay attention to Meng Nana’s actions. What's unusual , And report with him.

"The chairman of the board, we did not find any abnormalities. The lady usually stays at home and rarely goes out. Even if she goes out, she is just to buy some daily necessities."

"Have she been to a bank or something?"

"Absolutely not!"

Meng Qi frowned. According to what he thought in his heart, his daughter's behavior was too calm, calm and a little abnormal. I really don't know what Meng Nana is thinking at this moment.

Not only monitoring Meng Nana's behavior, but also paying attention to Meng Nana's use of bank cards. From the bank card, no abnormalities were found. It was just some fragmentary consumption, which was not the point.

"Okay, let's go down. Starting from today, the surveillance on her will be appropriately reduced. The wedding period is about to come. We can't let the Wu family see that I treat my daughter like this."

"I know the chairman."

After the people around him left, Meng Qi thought about it again, and found no difference. Presumably, this time her daughter really cut contact with Xiao Yi, otherwise the last time Xiao Yi visited the house, she would not He would say something that made Xiao Yi sad.

"Nana... you know, it's all for your own good."

Early the next morning, Xiao Yi had breakfast at the tea garden. The breakfast was cooked in the cafeteria here. The taste was very light. Xiao Yi was not the kind of person who wanted to be particular about it.

As long as some people have money, their life will be different. They start to pay attention to things like eating, drinking and wearing. Even the toilet in the toilet must be different from ordinary people. It is just a **** thing, even if it is perfume every day. , It is still used for putting on the ass.

In the morning, I received a call from Han Bing. Han Bing told Xiao Yi that she had contacted the person who built the cable car and was a foreman. After giving the contact information to Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi only needed to tell the other party to ask.

The speed of the Korean style of the Han family is fast. Xiao Yi called the other party. The other party was a college student whose surname was Yang, who had returned from studying abroad, and he had been doing engineering in this line for many years.

He had always been working on the high-voltage transmission side before. In the past few years, his work needs changed. He returned to S city and was also an expert in cable cars. After Xiao Yi called, he passed After half an hour, the other party came to the tea garden.

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