Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 1245: Hidden dangers in tea gardens

Yang Gang first drove a commercial vehicle with two people under his hands. The first thing to do was to conduct a field survey and clear the surrounding terrain before determining the next step. He brought two people in work clothes. , The man in the helmet, got out of the car.

Xiao Yi stepped forward and greeted Yang Gang. Yang Gang was a 35-six-year-old man. He wore a pair of black framed glasses. He was slightly fatter. He was tanned because of working outside.

"You are Xiao Yi? Miss Han has already introduced me to me, but I didn't expect you to be so young."

"Han Bing told me that you are an expert in the cable car, and I will be responsible for all the work on my side."

Xiao Yi shook hands with Yang Gang. There was a smile on Yang Gang's face. It was obvious that this kind of person had a very cheerful personality, and would not do the kind of calculations of others. The first impression he gave Xiao Yi was very good.

This time Yang Gang was found by Lao He, so professionalism is not a problem. After getting off the bus, several people walked to the location where Xiao Yi had contracted a 20-acre tea garden. Yang Gang said after taking a look.

"You have a good vision. Building a cable car is indeed the most cost-effective and safest way. There is constant precipitation here in City S, and that location is a mountain col. If there is heavy rain, it is even repaired. If the road is gone, it will be washed away by the flood when you look back. Such a road is very safe."

"Yes, but I will solve this problem later. It has become a natural reservoir. If it rains heavily, the rainwater will gather here. If it is not solved, if it takes a long time, it will definitely be. There is a problem."

Xiao Yi said, there is a big pit below the tea garden. A lot of rainwater has accumulated in the big pit. When it encounters rainy weather, it will be full. If it takes a long time, I am afraid it will threaten the surrounding environment. .

"You are very thoughtful in doing things. No wonder you will do big things, and you will pay me the construction of the cable car. Knowing that your time is very tight, I will try to use the fastest time to build the cable car."

"I don't know in half a month, can you finish it?"

"Haha... half a month? It's not needed at all. It only takes seven days. Of course, it doesn't rain. If it rains, it will be delayed. I have three or four hundred workers under my hand to build such a project. , Of course it is a trivial matter."

Yang Gang smiled. It is estimated that Xiao Yi saw the two people around him, thinking that he didn't have many people under his hand, but in fact, there were a lot of workers beside Yang Gang.

If you change other people's things, Yang Gang may not be so concerned, but this time is different. Standing behind Xiao Yi, the Han family in S City, is fortunate to do things for the Han family. This is an important opportunity.

"Then trouble you, I want to start the work on the tea garden as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, Miss Han has told me, so I will speed up the progress of the project, and at the same time, I must ensure that you are satisfied."

With Yang Gang's words, Xiao Yi was very satisfied, and then handed over the work here to Yang Gang. He took Zhang Bing and had another thing to do.

"Zhang Bing, come here."

The two walked to the big pit under the tea garden. At this moment, Yang Gang, with people, began to take measurements on the spot. After reaching the side of the big pit, Xiao Yi picked up a stone and threw it into the big pit.

The stone splashed a big bubble on the water, and then it sank into the water. Xiao Yi took a visual inspection. The depth of the water almost reached more than two meters. Such a deep water level, once it rains, I'm afraid it will grow.

In the event of heavy rain, once the opening of the big pit collapses, a flood will be unavoidable. The downside will definitely suffer, and the surrounding terrain may also be damaged.

"Xiao Yi, what do you think?"

Zhang Bing knew what Xiao Yi was thinking now, so he first asked Xiao Yi's thoughts. After encountering things, Xiao Yi's thoughts were often different from those of normal people.

"There are three methods in total. The first is to reinforce the surrounding areas, especially the location over there, and build a small dam to prevent heavy rains and collapse. The second is to add in the puddle. The pump pumps water, and then the sprinkler irrigation in the tea garden is to use the water inside, including another tea garden that you contracted. This is also considered resource utilization."

Xiao Yi had already thought of a solution, but the problem could not be solved in a short period of time, because the current puddle, when it rains, will continue to change.

"The third point is that in nearby places, transplant tea trees that can plant tea trees, and those that cannot plant tea trees, sow grass seeds, let the grass grow, and firmly grasp the ground here, so that even if it rains heavily , It will not be easily washed away."

"Okay...Xiao Yi, I will do as you said right away, but such an investment requires a lot of cost..."

"The cost doesn't matter. Here, there is a village. In case of an accident, all the houses will be washed away. People will be life-threatening. Compared with these, the money does not matter."

Xiao Yi said that money is dead and people are alive. This problem must be solved, and it is a matter of urgency.

Before Song Ren let the people under his hands dug a big hole, it was already washed out a trace. The local geology was originally relatively fragile, and Xiao Yi had to think about it beforehand.

"You are right. Since we are growing tea here, we are also a member of this side, so we should do something for this."

Zhang Bing nodded and wrote down what Xiao Yi had said, and when he turned around, he would do what Xiao Yi said, and resolve the threat here.

On the one hand, Yang Gang and others took the personnel to build the cable car. On the other hand, Xiao Yi took advantage of the time at night to arrange the tea garden's circle properly. After these were completed, it was an important time, that is, the relief of recruitment. .

The workers introduced by Sister Wu earlier, after familiarizing themselves with the work of the tea garden, can temporarily reduce it and replace them with five people, but five people are obviously not enough to manage a 20-acre tea garden, and they must recruit workers. Go out.

With the experience of the last failure, recruitment has indeed become a problem here, but this time, what seemed to be very troublesome, was finally solved easily. After the recruitment message was sent out, I was immediately on the tea garden. There were more than 20 people who came to look for work.

Wang Sheng was really wondering what was going on. When he was recruiting workers before, he broke his throat. These people didn't respond. They didn't send much information this time. So many people came all at once.

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