Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3063: Wake up from nightmare

This is not a place to stay, Han Bing is seriously injured and needs a quiet place to cultivate.

Next, Xiao Yi hugged Han Bing and walked down the mountain. In order to avoid bumps in Han Bing's body, Xiao Yi kept his mind focused at all times.

Going back to the small courtyard where I used to live with my grandfather, only when I return here can I feel at home.

"Binger, we are back home, don't worry, you will be fine. I will be by your side."

Xiao Yi put Han Bing on a clean bed, and a purple and gold bell was placed on Han Bing's chest.

Just after a battle, Xiao Yi was already exhausted. As soon as he sat down, his eyes could not be opened.

"Xiao Yi, you can sleep for a while. Here I will help you watch. I won't leave until you wake up."

Liu Han saw that Xiao Yi was already exhausted, and it was the first time she saw a battle of the previous level.

Xiao Yi was able to explode with such a powerful strength, and the old man of the Xiao family, Xiao Yi's grandfather, was simply terrifying.

No wonder even the elders of the clan have said that the strength of the Xiao family is unfathomable, so don't provoke it.

"Then...thank you!"

The strength of the whole body was already drained, and Xiao Yi had been supporting himself with will.

At this moment, he finally couldn't hold on, his eyes went black and fell to the side, falling into a coma.

During Xiao Yi's rest, Zi Xu closed his eyes in Xiao Yi's body, restoring the power of this remnant soul.

In order to save Han Bing, he used all his strength to urge Lingbiyu's bracelet to dissolve the aura contained in the bracelet.

It was also because the spiritual energy contained in the Lingbi Jade penetrated into Han Bing's body and quickly restored the source of life. This was the only way to save this life.

"The killing aura in the disciple's body is getting heavier and heavier, especially after experiencing this battle, as long as he is provoked in the future, he will easily fall into a state of rampage."

"In the runaway state, although his strength has skyrocketed several times, he will eventually run out of blood in his body and die. You must find a way to dissolve this killing energy."

Zi Xu had a hunch that Xiao Yi would enter this state in the future.

It is impossible to be lucky every time, someone can wake up the runaway state, Xiao Yi's suppressed reason.

Xiao Yi himself is very dangerous now, let alone facing the enemy and opponents, Zi Xu fell into deep thought for this.

"Since the girl from Liu Han belongs to that clan, there must be a way to dissolve the spirit of murder."

"Now it seems that whether it can be resolved depends on the apprentice's chances."

The sleepy Xiao Yi sank into a dream.

In the dream, Xiao Yi once again entered the sea of ​​blood, the endless sea of ​​blood, and the tumbling waves of blood slapped on him.

There was a trace of black air in the sea of ​​blood, as if it could sense the existence of Dao Xiao Yi.

The black energy condenses from the sea of ​​blood and entangles Xiao Yi's body. No matter how hard Xiao Yi struggles, he can't avoid it.


Not being able to choose from Xiao Yi, the black energy pierced through Xiao Yi's skin and penetrated into Xiao Yi's body extremely domineeringly.

As the black qi continued to penetrate into the body, Xiao Yi's whole body consciousness began to blur.


Xiao Yi completely lost himself.


Suddenly sitting up, Xiao Yi burst into cold sweat.

His clothes were soaked in cold sweat, and he clenched his fists and gasped for breath.

Sweat ran down his cheeks and dripped onto the quilt, realizing that this was a dream, Xiao Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

"What's wrong with me……"

Xiao Yi wiped the sweat from his forehead, and he glanced out the window.

Unknowingly, during the time he was sleeping, it was already night, and it was dark outside.

The humming of insects shattered Xiao Yi's previous dreams and dragged him back to reality.

"Is it night already?"

Xiao Yi lifted the quilt on his body. He didn't know anything when he fell asleep. It should be Liu Han who helped him to the bed.

The head still feels groggy, and the sequelae from the previous runaway are still there at this time.

The body had lost part of his blood, and he hadn't recovered at this moment, Xiao Yi supported him out of bed.

He picked up a stick on the side, temporarily acting as a cane, and walked towards the other room.

Han Bing was seriously injured before. He put Han Bing in his grandfather's room to rest. He didn't know what was going on now.

Xiao Yi walked to grandpa's room, but saw that the bed was empty, and Xiao Yi was flustered for a while.

"What's the matter? How about her?"

Without seeing Han Bing's figure, Xiao Yi's heart tightened. What happened during his sleep.

A sound in the yard interrupted Xiao Yi's thoughts, and Xiao Yi walked out with a stick.

At this moment, Xiao Yi showed a smile on his face.

Han Bing had already woke up three hours ago, and she did not expect that she would still be alive.

The soul calming bell and the bracelet of Lingbiyu, plus the pill that Liu Han swallowed for Han Bing, the pill is not a dawn.

This is the Guiyuan Pill refined by the elders among their people. After taking it, it can quickly restore a person's vitality.

Speed ​​up the healing of the wound. When Han Bing woke up, there were no traces of the wound on his chest.

Liu Han and Han Bing explained the reason, and seeing that Han Bing was all right, she took back the calming soul bell and left here first.

"Xiao Yi, are you hungry? I'm cooking for you. I'll be fine in a while."

Han Bing was in front of the stove alone, busy making dinner for Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi threw away the stick in his hand, walked up to Han Bing with support, spread his hands and hugged Han Bing deeply in his arms.

This hug was almost the difference between Yin and Yang. Xiao Yi was really scared this time. He held Han Bing deeply and did not let go.

For fear of letting go, the person in front of him would leave. Han Bing put his arms around Xiao Yi's waist.

"Xiao Yi thank you."

"Don't say anything, it's really great. If you are not by my side, I don't know how to live."

"As long as you live, I will be content."

Han Bing didn't regret blocking a sword for Xiao Yi before, even if she encountered that situation again, she would not hesitate to rush forward.

After she woke up, she saw that Xiao Yi was still asleep, and Xiao Yi had exhausted her energy during the previous battle.

As Xiao Yi's wife, she was going to prepare dinner for Xiao Yi at this time, waiting for Xiao Yi to wake up.

Looking at each other affectionately, Han Bing stood on tiptoe at this moment.

Xiao Yi's palm was against Han Bing's back, and Han Bing's vermilion lips were extremely domineering.

The lips are pressed together, not forever, but for stability at this moment.

No one disturbed them. At first, Han Bing was still a bit jerky, and a shyness appeared on his small face.

After adapting, she took the initiative. At this time, the two people were completely fused together.

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