Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3064: Show mercy

"Xiao Yi, your beard hurts me."

Han Bing wiped his small mouth and said, the feeling of kissing is indeed good.

It's just why men grow beards, and the stubble hurts.

Xiao Yi laughed. He sniffed here and smelled a strange smell.

"What smell?"

"Yeah! It's not good!"

Han Bing hurriedly turned around and rushed to the stove.

I saw a casserole on the stovetop with chicken soup stewed in the casserole.

Han Bing bought this chicken specially from the villagers. The villagers insisted on giving it to Han Bing. Of course, Han Bing would not take other people's things for nothing.

A casserole is smoking right now, uh... it is indeed smoking.

Where Han Bing cooks, the only thing he can cook is probably instant noodles.

She stepped forward and was about to lift the casserole with her hand, Xiao Yi grabbed her hand in time and said.

"Don't you want to burn your little hands so much?"

The bottom of this casserole was burnt red, and the contents of the pot would not be eaten without looking at it.

"It's over... I worked hard and prepared for more than two hours, and that's it."

"Once you have this intention, I am satisfied. As for the cooking, I will do it."

Xiao Yi took Han Bing's little hand and let Han Bing sit and watch. She had just experienced a life and death disaster.

Although the body has recovered, it is better to take more rest for the time being. Xiao Yi is good at cooking.

A pair of tongs removed the casserole, and the casserole was already beyond the workload.

After being removed from the fire, it cracked, and the chicken nuggets that were originally used to stew the soup had already become the color of black charcoal.

It is not suitable to eat greasy food after a serious illness, Han Bing has no idea about cooking.

Xiao Yi looked for it in the house. There are many local specialties and some mountain products from the mountains.

In addition to Han Bing's cooking, the remaining vegetables are enough. Xiao Yi rolled up his sleeves, picked up a kitchen knife, and was skillfully cutting vegetables.

Han Bing sat at a table in the yard with one hand resting his chin, just watching Xiao Yi cooking.

If there is no so-called struggle, and no hatred, how good it would be for two people to live here peacefully.

It's just that what he thought in his heart and what he actually thought was completely opposite, and Han Bing couldn't persuade Xiao Yi.

This time, even Xiao Yi's grandfather was a killer to Xiao Yi, not to mention that Xiao Yi's father and enemy in the Xiao family could not tolerate Xiao Yi's existence in his eyes.

After experiencing this incident, it will only make Xiao Yi hate the Xiao family even more, and Xiao Qian's original intention is to resolve the conflict of hatred.

The final result was completely the opposite. Now Xiao Yi is even more disappointed in the Xiao family. A family war is just the beginning.

Xiao Qian didn't expect that the final result would be like this. His original intention was to let Xiao Yi know the difficulties and retreat.

Give up the idea of ​​revenge, if that way, Xiao Qian can take Xiao Yi back to Xiao's house and keep Xiao Yi's thoroughness.

With his old man in Xiao's family, no one would ever want to touch Xiao Yi with a finger. This was the best he could do.

He never thought that his actions aroused the suppressed murderous aura hidden in Xiao Yi's body.

A battle broke out between the grandfather and grandson. In the end, he killed Han Bing by mistake. This would only completely anger Xiao Yi.

The original intention and the final outcome have become completely opposite situations, this time even Xiao Qian has also miscalculated.

"Hey... it's fine, maybe this is arranged by God, he is the nemesis of my Xiao family, born for revenge."

Above the vast sea, Xiao Qian sighed, and then his whole body began to float.

The clouds are flying in the fog, and the sky is too empty. Xiao Qian has not yet reached this state.

However, restrictions were set up here, and outsiders would never be able to enter the territory of the Xiao family.

This is why, the Xiao family has continued to develop for hundreds of years, but few outsiders know the reason for the existence of the Xiao family.

I went out in person, but ended up with no success and even messed up things.

Perhaps what Xiao Huaixin said before was correct. As the head of the family, Xiao Qian did a good job.

But if you look at him from the perspective of a father, Xiao Qian is not qualified at all.

A simple dinner, millet porridge and Xiao Yi fried two vegetarian dishes.

Finally, a soup was stewed, wild mushrooms, and Han Bing made chicken soup, and the remaining half of the chicken.

The villagers are very enthusiastic, and Han Bing doesn't look like a cook and cook, so they have already done the dirty work.

The chicken was processed in advance, the internal organs were cleaned and given to Han Bing, and Xiao Yi used the remaining half of the chicken to make a chicken soup.

"How about coming to taste it?"

Xiao Yi borrowed a casserole, originally there were three stew casseroles at home.

One was accidentally broken by Han Bing, and the other was set on the fire after she forgot to add water, and it burned.

The last one, of course, died gloriously in the hands of Han Bing, so the current woman is really a kitchen killer.

In the future, even if you get married, cherish life and keep women away from the kitchen, maybe a fire will light the kitchen for you.

Xiao Yi personally fed Han Bing and drank a sip of chicken soup into his mouth. The taste was absolutely amazing.

Local mountain products, coupled with this farm-raised chicken, these two flavors are perfectly integrated under Xiao Yi's cooking skills.

"It's so fresh, Xiao Yi, your cooking skills, if I can learn half of it, it would be good."

"Speak to me if you want to eat, and you won't bother you to cook, so you don't have to make a fire alarm to help you get the time."

"Okay! You are hurting me by what you said, so that's it, you will cover everything about cooking in the future."

Xiao Yi naturally wouldn't refuse, as long as the woman around him is safe, he can do anything.

Han Bing was very satisfied with a meal. After experiencing life and death, Han Bing seemed to understand a lot.

Holding the chopsticks, she was in a daze, motionless, Xiao Yi asked a few times without responding.

"What's wrong? What are you thinking about?"

Xiao Yi nodded Han Bing's forehead, and Han Bing came back to his senses, barely smiling.

"It's nothing, it's just that after this time, I thought of something."

"Are you worried about my safety?"


Han Bing nodded, talked to Xiao Yi, and he was straightforward.

Han Bing has always felt that Xiao Yi's strength is very strong, and he has not met anyone who can be Xiao Yi's opponent.

No matter what happened, Xiao Yi stood in front of him. In Han Bing's eyes, Xiao Yi was like a big mountain.

But this time... it was beyond her expectation.

"I didn't know the Xiao family before. Your grandfather appeared so suddenly. I didn't expect that his strength was so terrible."

"This shows that there must be many masters in the Xiao family, and their strength will certainly not be weaker than yours."

This is an indisputable fact, the Xiao family can stand for a hundred years without falling down, it must have its own strength and means.

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