Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3077: The law of compromise

Seeing his companion was killed, the other person didn't have any ability to resist. He could only look at Dr. Madman with horror.

Dr. Madman aimed his gun at him, as long as he pulled the trigger, his fate was the same.

No matter what Dr. Madman does here, they will not defy his orders. This life is already under their control.

"Forget your life, don't hurry up and call someone, come over and dispose of the corpse, it feels disgusting to watch!"

"Yes... I will do it right away!"

Those who are alive are glad that they are still alive, and those who are dead are too late to say something.

Soon the door opened again, and several people came in from outside, putting the dead on the ground in a plastic bag.

The end was thrown into the sea to feed the sharks, and the blood on the floor was quickly cleaned up.

Apart from the smell of blood permeating the scene, no one knew what had happened before.

Dr. Chen's complexion gradually returned to normal, and Dr. Madman treated his own people mercilessly.

This seems to be a warning to Dr. Chen. If Dr. Chen is not obedient, it may end in the same way.

"Are you threatening me?"

"Threat? It's not necessary."

Dr. Madman put away his gun, he thought of a way to deal with Dr. Chen.

Dr. Chen is different from him. With good intentions, he always focuses on saving people. As long as he grasps this, he can control Dr. Chen.

"Don't take my idea. Even if you kill me, I won't give my research results to someone like you."

"Hey... you reject me like this, making me very heartbroken."

Dr. Madman turned on a monitor in the room, and Dr. Chen saw that a picture appeared on the monitor.

In the picture, a dozen children are locked in a room. They don't yet know what their fate will be next.

"These kids are currently on board. Since you don't agree, then I can only do the experiment by myself."


"It's just that I don't know the results of your research. I don't know how many people will die this time."

Dr. Chen clenched his fists and wanted to punch this man again, but he also knew that even another punch would be of no use.

This kind of person is already frantic, threatening him and surrendering the results of scientific research, otherwise the children will become his experiment.

"What is the difference between you and the butcher now?"

"You have to know that telling me this has no effect. If you agree, I won't use them to experiment."

"damn it!"

This is what Dr. Madman wants. Dr. Chen must agree to his conditions if he wants these children to live.

Otherwise, all of these people will become guinea pigs, and at that time I don't know how many people will die.

"Whether you agree or refuse, I'm waiting for your reply. If you don't make a statement in one minute, I will personally come to do it."

Dr. Crazy smiled evilly, Dr. Chen was contradictory in his heart, not wanting to watch, so many children died in the hands of such executioners.

But my own research results can never be taught to such a person. It is difficult to decide what to do.

He thought of China at this time, and perhaps he was already sending someone to rescue him. At this time, he thought of a way to get the best of both worlds.

He promised this lunatic, he delayed time during the experiment and waited for Huaxia's rescue.

In this way, his own research results will not fall into the hands of the lunatic doctor, and those innocent children can also be saved.

"Time is up! It seems that you are going to let me do it. Then I can only let these children be my experiment."

"No! I promise you."

As soon as Dr. Madman turned around, Dr. Chen said loudly.

At this moment, Dr. Madman showed a smile on his face, knowing that Dr. Chen would agree.

At the same time, he had already thought that Dr. Chen might use this as an excuse to delay the experiment.

"Very well, before midnight today, I want to get the sample of the experiment, otherwise the children will have to die!"

"What? Time is too short, I can't finish it at all. You know the experiment process requires training."

"These have nothing to do with me. You can figure it out by yourself. I only want the final result."

Doctor Madman would not give Dr. Chen extra time. He also knew that Dr. Chen was kidnapped. This was a very important incident.

I believe that China has already taken action at this time and sent people to rescue Dr. Chen. Those people may be on the way.

"Chen Jie, follow me. I will take you to visit my laboratory. As long as you are willing to cooperate, you can join us."

"My humanity is still there, at least not as crazy as you."

Dr. Chen reluctantly followed Dr. Madman, left the room and went outside.

In the outer cabin, there are nearly 20 people guarding it, and there should be more than these people on this ship.

Some were still in the dark, and Dr. Chen glanced around, then came to a door of a room.

This is a specially modified ship with a laboratory set up in the cabin, specially prepared for Dr. Chen.

Dr. Madman came to the door and stretched out his finger to stick a piece of film. The electronic device sensed the fingerprint information on it, and the door opened automatically.

Inside is the so-called laboratory, where advanced equipment and equipment for various experiments are available. Dr. Madman turned on the lights.

The entire laboratory became bright, as if it were during the day, and it was spotlessly clean.

As a researcher, this is a rigorous attitude, and Dr. Chen put on a set of clothes.

"I have prepared everything you need, so let's start now."

"No... it's still the same."

"You said what's worse, I'll find it for you right away."

Dr. Chen pointed to lunatics. Since they wanted their own scientific research results, then Dr. Chen took the lead at this time.

"When I was experimenting, I didn't like the thoughts of people around me disturbing me."

"What? You mean, do I have to go out?"

"If you want me to finish it quickly, just do what I said. Didn't you say, let me finish the experiment quickly?"

Dr. Madman can't help but he can't refuse Dr. Chen's request.

I had to leave the laboratory first and hand it over to Dr. Chen to deal with it, so that Dr. Chen didn't have to make excuses.

After Dr. Madman left, there was only Dr. Chen left. Dr. Chen could do his best to delay time according to his own ideas.

He can complete the experiment within three hours at the earliest. I hope that during this period of time, China’s rescue can arrive in time.

Dr. Madman left the laboratory, but Dr. Chen was able to control everything he did in the laboratory.

There are no blind spots in the laboratory, and monitoring is installed, so Dr. Chen should not even think about playing tricks in the laboratory.

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