Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3078: Stay alert

"Teacher, it seems that you have already done that Dr. Chen."

In the room of Dr. Madman in the cabin, besides him, there was another person staying in the room.

This person was the internal response of this operation. It was he who sent the message to deceive Dr. Chen to leave China.

He was originally a student of Dr. Chen, but before that, he knew Dr. Madman. Through some special methods, Dr. Madman became his new teacher.

"It is still very easy to deal with him. He has entered the laboratory, and soon we will get what we want."

"Then I would like to congratulate the teacher in advance. This time I can definitely improve the experimental works and achieve my goals."

"Hehe...I know all these things. If you didn't lie to him for me, things wouldn't go so smoothly."

Dr. Madman is very satisfied. The student in front of him has similar hobbies to him.

Two people can come together. Although this person is young, the things in his mind are no longer simple.

He can complete many complicated experiments alone, and he has his own unique insights in many places.

This young man has shown a keen interest in experiments to transform people. This is what Dr. Madman values ​​most.

"As long as you can help the teacher, it doesn't matter what you ask me to do."

He didn't have a real name, he just told Dr. Madman a code name.

This code name is called the lurker, and I don't know what this code name has.

Dr. Madman never cared about these. People who are close to him must have their own goals without thinking about it.

Most of this purpose came from his experiments. Obviously, this young man has the same purpose as others.

"You helped me complete the experiment, and then I can share the results of this experiment with you."

"Teacher, you are wrong. My purpose of helping you is not to get the results of your experiment."

"Oh? Are you different from others?"

Codenamed lurker, this young man always seemed to have a mysterious smile.

Dr. Madman couldn't see through, what he was thinking deep down in his heart, a young person, so profound.

"Like the teacher, I have my own ideas, and I am also very curious about what the teacher's experiment will look like if it were perfect."

"I don't know what other people think. I just want to see the final result. I will be satisfied if I see it."

The lurker was very sincere, and Dr. Madman believed what he said for a while.

Apart from other things, this student's performance still made Dr. Madman very satisfied.

In this person, he found the shadow of his youth, that is, persistence and madness, unscrupulous in order to achieve the goal.

At this moment, I felt a sense of sympathy, Dr. Madman said.

"You may be different from those people. I can see that you are an ambitious person. I will tell you all the experiments on the Q virus variant."


"We both have our own dreams, but this dream is not accepted by the stupid people of the world."

Every madman says that he is a normal person, and people around him do not understand his own thoughts, so they will be regarded as lunatics.

The same is true for Dr. Madman. He feels that doing experiments on his own are all things that conform to common sense.

"I will use the final experimental results to prove to the world that they don't understand at all, but I am the real genius!"

Such people have already lost their nature for their own purposes. In order to conduct experiments, they will not hesitate to let fresh lives become the materials for their experiments.

The speed of the ship sailing at sea is very slow, because in the high seas, even people from China do not need to be afraid.

At this moment, three clippers and two helicopter gunships are coming here, and the goal is to rescue the kidnapped Dr. Chen.

"Xiao Yi, I think that the person who hijacked Dr. Chen this time should drink Black Dragon. At least that lunatic doctor has the biggest suspicion."

Xue Yaoyue on the boat analyzed and said that apart from this possibility, it seemed that no one had such courage.

Knowing that Dr. Chen was protected by China, he dared to attack Dr. Chen and killed four people who were protecting Dr. Chen.

"I think so too. If the black dragon gets involved, it will be a bit troublesome."

"you are right……"

"In the Black Dragon Association, there are a group of members who have been transformed. Their combat effectiveness is strong, and they are not comparable to ordinary people."

Xiao Yi fought these people twice, and every time they fought, he could feel that the strength of these people was constantly improving.

Although such a transformation experiment is very shameless, but I have to admit that in this respect, the mad doctor is indeed a genius.

To be able to create such a tool for murder, Xiao Yi, as the captain, must take everything into consideration.

"After the hijacking of Dr. Chen, the ship did not rush to leave, but it made me feel very strange."

Xiao Yi felt that there seemed to be some clues in this. Since Dr. Chen had been hijacked, the first thing was to leave quickly and find a place to hide.

This ship did the opposite. Instead of leaving in a hurry, it swaggered and sailed in the open sea.

"Even if they are sailing on the high seas, they are not afraid of the attack by the Chinese Wolf Warriors team?"

Xue Yaoyue immediately said, this is indeed a question worth thinking about, giving people a feeling that this ship seems to be waiting for something.

"Unless they are absolutely sure, even if we do it, we won't be successful in the end."

"Dr. Chen, we must be rescued, and we must not fall into the hands of those people."

The three clippers sailed at high speed on the sea, constantly shortening the gap between the two. Xiao Yi stared at the electronic satellite map on board and fell into deep thought.

It is ten o'clock in the evening, and in about half an hour, he will be able to approach the target area.

There must be electronic radar monitoring equipment on the other party’s ship. Once an unfamiliar ship approaches, it will immediately alert them.

Thinking from the other side's perspective, how to ensure his safety, Xiao Yi could only think of using Dr. Chen.

"You must think of a way to rescue Dr. Chen silently, so that you can let go of your scruples and get rid of these robbers in one fell swoop."

Dr. Chen was on the enemy’s ship, which restricted his movement. The task they received was to ensure the safety of Dr. Chen.

Half an hour later...

"Stop the boat!"

Xiao Yi suddenly ordered.

The three Clippers abide by Xiao Yi's orders without asking why.

At this moment, the engine was turned off and the engine stayed at sea, swaying with the waves.

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