Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3079: Threats under the sea

"Thor...Stop approaching on your side, you can only stop in this range for the four nautical miles in the target area."

"Xiao Yi, you are worried, will they be prepared?"

"There is nothing wrong with keeping an eye on it. I have played against them several times, and they will not be so stupid."

Xiao Yi had an instinct. If he continued to chase, there might be only traps waiting for them.

Since the other party can make a careful plan to kidnap Dr. Chen, he won't be stupid, just waiting to be caught up.

Everyone had doubts, but Xiao Yi was the captain. He said from the beginning that all matters concerning mission operations were directed by Xiao Yi.

"Well, I'll listen to you."

Lei Shendao, Xiao Yi stared at the sea at this moment, in the dark environment, others could not see anything.

But in the turbulent waves, everything could not escape Xiao Yi's control, and vaguely felt that there seemed to be something under the sea.

"Put down the underwater sonar detector."

Xiao Yi ordered that the three clippers were equipped with a detector.

Three equipment the size of a watermelon were put into the sea from the boat and started to operate.

When the propeller pushes the detector down to a certain depth, the conditions in the sea will pass through the sensor and be transmitted back to the computer.

"Xiao Yi, what are you worried about?"

Xue Yaoyue asked, Xiao Yi had always done things carefully, and he frowned.

"I am worried about any special arrangements under this sea. After all, this is the high seas."

"Under the sea? Is it..."

"You are right. Since the other party's ship is so slow, I believe there must be something that makes them feel safe."

Xiao Yi stared at the computer screen, and the screen showed that the surrounding seas were calm and there was no hidden danger.

However, this type of sonar detector can detect a limited range, so Xiao Yi made a bold plan.

"Xue Yaoyue, I need your help."

"What do you need me to do?"

"Set this clipper to track the target, and the target is the kidnapper's ship."

This is very simple for Xue Yaoyue, just need to implant a program in the operation of this clipper.

"Give me a minute."

"Well, everyone else evacuated to the other two Clippers. There is no time to explain anything to you now. They all do what I said."

Xiao Yi ordered that the other members of the ship picked up their own equipment.

The three clippers approached, and they moved to the other two ships, not knowing what Xiao Yi planned next.

"nailed it!"

Xue Yaoyue set the ship's program in forty seconds.

Xiao Yi raised his wrist and looked at the time. Then he and Xue Yaoyue left the clipper.

"Start the program."

Xue Yaoyue controls the Clippers through a computer, and the Clippers start by themselves to track the robber's ship away.

An unmanned ship just set off, Xiao Yi looked at the red light at the stern, and it was getting dim.

"I guessed it, the result will be in a while."

Xiao Yi and the others waited quietly, the other side was on the ship, this ship was indeed from the Black Dragon Association.

But they are not official members of the Black Dragon Association, but a team of mercenaries developed by the Black Dragon Association.

These people hijacked Dr. Chen, and they all acted on the orders of Dr. Madman. They hijacked Dr. Chen and changed the course to go north.

Their actions this time offended Huaxia, and what they feared most was that Huaxia would act, and they would not be able to escape by themselves.

"Matsushima! According to common sense, Huaxia's rescue personnel should be coming soon. What shall we do when that happens?"

Someone in the cabin came in and asked that the person in charge of this operation was named Matsushima and was a samurai.

But the difference is that this ship is full of ordinary people, not those modified murder weapons.

Matsushima was wearing a samurai uniform, with a pair of wooden clogs on his feet and a moustache on his lips.

He was originally the captain of the Black Dragon Guild, developing mercenaries outside, but was called back because of this mission.

"Are you worried about something?"

"No, Matsushima-kun, I didn't go to be afraid."

The person who came in to report the news knelt and said at this moment.

Their captain, Matsushima, is a man of weird temperament and must not make him angry.

Once he is angry, he will throw you into the laboratory and make you the material of the experiment.

Songdao planned the hijacking incident, and the four Chinese people were all killed at his instruction.

So he is more afraid than these people, saying that it is false not to be afraid is nothing but comforting himself.

"Well, I know what you think in your heart. Once the Chinese people track it down, they will definitely not spare me."

"Matsushima-kun, why does our ship always go so slowly? Isn't it good to leave here in time?"

"Do you think this is something I can control?"

Matsushima was angry. He wanted to leave early, but one of the people in the boat refused.

Although his status is very high, he still has to follow other people's orders after all, and he can't help him choose.

"I am your captain, but after all, I am also in someone else's hand, a chess piece."

"If Matsushima-kun is dispatched by China's Wolf Warriors team, with us, we are not their opponents at all."

"You can rest assured that they have already made plans and arrangements."

Matsushima laughed. Someone was protecting their safety this time.

"what's the plan?"

"Do you think that only our ship is sailing? That is a big mistake. In this sea, there is a submarine that has been escorting us."

"What? A submarine was actually used?"

This is an incredible thing. I didn't expect even such weapons and equipment to be dispatched.

Only then can Songdao feel at ease, sitting on this ship, will not worry about China's tracking.

"The person we caught is very important to them, so we must take it back."

"There is a submarine under our ship, which follows us all the time. Once the Chinese forces approach, waiting for their results, only perish..."

Ships are only walking on the surface, and submarines are their greatest support, which is why they dare to act so blatantly.

In addition, here is the high seas, even if something happened, it is impossible to tell who did it. After the investigation by the Chinese side, it is fundamentally unreasonable.

That's all of the plan. Songdo can relax and drink tea here, waiting for the task to be completed.

"Understood, this trick is really high, then I have nothing to worry about then."

"Oi-kun, you are my best subordinate. I hope you can be on your own, instead of making you panic if you encounter something."


At this moment, a Clipper was constantly approaching.

Only two nautical miles away from here, suddenly a torpedo was shot from the depths of the sea.

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