Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3080: Reverse exploitation

The torpedo hit the Clippers accurately and exploded on the sea, engulfing a flame.

The explosion sounded to Matsushima's side, Matsushima immediately called to ask what was going on, and got a reply quickly.

"Haha... Sure enough, Huaxia's chasing soldiers have come, but they have been killed before they approached."

The message replied that a ship was approaching towards Songdo, and it was predicted that it was coming towards Songdo.

So the submarine hiding in the depths of the sea immediately fired a torpedo and knocked out the ship.

Matsushima was very proud, so who could get close, sat firmly in the cabin, and waited to go back.

The sound of the explosion also reached Xiao Yi's side. In this way, a ship turned into scrap iron in the explosion and sank to the bottom of the sea.

At this moment, the other team members had to admire Xiao Yi's foresight and experimented with a boat in advance.

Otherwise, the result of waiting would be annihilation of the entire army, and the experiment was verified, but Xiao Yi was relieved.

"It seems that there is a big guy in the sea escorting them to safety, so this ship can sail on the high seas with peace of mind.

Xiao Yi guessed that the only things that can hide in the sea are submarines.

Unexpectedly, to kidnap Dr. Chen, even to use this kind of thing, it is a little frantic.

"What about Xiao Yi? We are in the light and they are in the dark, so we can't get close at all."

"The method was devised by people, so we can also use it."

Xiao Yi looked at Xue Yaoyue, with this look, it seemed that Xue Yaoyue understood something, and it was time for her to use it again.

"I understand!"

Xue Yaoyue quickly input a bunch of data into the computer.

Finally, the analysis got the result, she pointed to the coordinate position above.

"Based on the analysis of the sonar detector and the location of the ship's explosion, the submarine is most likely to be hidden in these two locations."

"Is it possible that you use your means to hack into the submarine's network system."

Xiao Yi asked, Xue Yaoyue shook her head. This is a very troublesome thing, not as simple as it said.

"It can be done, but the prerequisite is that you need something as a medium."

War Spear squeezed over at this moment, he smiled and took out something from his pocket, smiled and said.

"Xue Yaoyue, I just developed something before, I don't know if it can be useful."

The war spear took out a small object, only the size of an egg.

Using bionic technology, Warspear is a genius in developing these objects, he laughed.

"This design is to be used underwater, or I will give you a try."

"War Spear, you are on top of this. Bring this terminal device. After you find the target, it can be effective at a distance of 50 cm from the target."

"Understand, leave it to me."

Zhan Spear started his work, don't look at the small objects inconspicuous, the performance is really surprising.

The power propulsion device set up just after the sea was spinning rapidly, and it soon sank into the sea.

The spear on the other side controlled this little thing, searched in the sea, and within ten minutes, he found a submarine hidden on the seabed.

"According to the feedback, it can be confirmed that this submarine is small, and the equipment I have controlled and carried is close to the submarine."

The War Spear found the target, and it really was in the sea, hiding a small submarine.

The previous torpedo was shot from a submarine and hit the clippers that Xiao Yi used as bait.

"You control the Spear to get closer. I need to receive the radio frequency they use to communicate."


A tiny little thing was quietly approaching the submarine sailing in the sea.

Four people were assigned to drive the submarine. In addition to these four people, the others were dead men.

That is, those samurai who have been biochemically transformed, their task is to **** ships to their destinations.

If someone attacks the ship, they will follow the submarine to float up and quickly join the battle.

Double guarantees to ensure that Dr. Chen, who was held hostage by them, can be brought back smoothly.

There are a total of twenty powerful dead men in the submarine, and with the gunfire equipment in the submarine, no one can ever think of saving Dr. Chen away.

"The ship just now should be Huaxia's rescuers. I didn't expect them to be so stupid."

"The strength of the Huaxia military personnel in the meeting is too great to brag about. This time we were relaxed, so we killed them."

The people in the cockpit, who killed a ship before, are proud of it.

"We killed a ship, the rescuers from China, shouldn't there be more than one ship?"

"Hehe, no matter how many people come, they will die."

Previously, a ship was successfully destroyed, which made them feel confident, and did not pay attention to Huaxia's rescue at all.

"Send a message to the people on the ship and tell them there is nothing to worry about. We can **** them to safety."

The two ships are connected by radio. Using radio, radio waves will be generated.

A small thing was attached to the submarine at this moment, and an antenna was extended in the sea to receive the transmitted signal.

Xue Yaoyue turned on the computer and started her work. When the other party was using a communication device, the signal would be amplified and transmitted here.

It is very easy for a professional hacker to crack the communication frequency of the other party, and it will be done just after Snow Demon Moon in one minute.


"So fast?"

"This is already slow."

Xiao Yi was really surprised at Xue Yaoyue's speed, and it was done in an instant.

"I have intercepted their communication information and transferred the communication authority to our side."

"Then you will send a message to the ship and tell them to modify the route. The reason is that the sea area ahead is unstable. For the sake of safety, the route should be adjusted appropriately."

"Yes... I will send a message now."

Xue Yaoyue got the communication permission. This matter was a piece of cake. She sent the news to the ship through the frequency band they contacted.

Xiao Yi stared at the satellite map. After the people on the ship received the message, they would modify the route by thirty degrees.

At this speed for fifteen minutes, the submarine that was negatively escorted in the sea would be completely useless.

"Avoid this sea area, we rush to wait for them to come."

The two clippers located the location of the submarine. In order to ensure safety, avoid the detection range of the submarine.

Raytheon led two armed helicopters to raise the flight altitude and follow the instructions given by Xiao Yi.

The two teams moved separately, and the Clippers quickly bypassed the area that the submarine could detect and reached the designated area ahead of schedule.

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