The gift carefully prepared by War Spear can now come in handy.

A submarine was sailing in the deep sea. They didn't know before, why they gave the wrong instructions from here.

When this error was discovered, there was already a distance between the submarine and the ship.

At this moment, the submarine is fully powered on, moving closer to the ship, and also hope that no accidents will happen.

"What the **** is going on? Our communication is interrupted again."

"Someone took our channel and took away our authority."

"What? What the **** is going on?"

The people in the submarine hadn't realized what had happened, and all the communication equipment here was paralyzed.

Not to mention the complete loss of contact with the outside world, even the positioning function has also been lost, and at this moment there is no idea where it is sailing.

"Idiot! Don't hurry up to repair the equipment and restore the communication function, you pig brains."

"It can't be done. The right to operate is not in our hands at all. We can only make mistakes."

"The **** thing is the Chinese people, they just lured us to appear before."

Instantly understand what, apart from this, there is no second possibility.

A mini diving equipment the size of an egg, with a suction cup stretched out and sucked tightly on the shell of the submarine.

The war spear sent out a signal to detonate, and a red dot on the little thing kept flashing.

The red dot flashes three times, the internal detonator is activated,

High concentration of nitroglycerin, explosive power, can tear the hard shell of a submarine.


The bomb detonated in the sea.

The submarine that dived into the sea still didn't know what happened.

It felt like there was a strong ocean current beating on the submarine, and the whole submarine was shaking violently.

"What's going on? Did the sea under the sea earthquake?"

Suddenly the alarm system on the submarine was activated, the hatch automatically opened, and the operating system was completely paralyzed.

A lot of sea water poured in from the opened hatch, and they couldn't allow them to think about it. The sea water had already flooded the inner space one by one.

"It's not good. Our submarine was attacked by a bomb. A hole was torn in the weakest place."

"What? Damn it this time!"

In the blink of an eye, seawater poured in, and the internal pressure was imbalanced, and the submarine was directly crushed under the pressure of the seawater.

In less than two minutes, all the people on the submarine were buried in the sea, and there was no chance of escape.

Xiao Yi and the others successfully entered the cargo hold on the ground floor. Someone was responsible for guarding the entrance door.

To prevent the occurrence of special circumstances, they did not expect that this door would be opened.

Da da……

The members of the Wolf Warriors quickly killed the four people guarding the entrance position, and the gunfire also caused the opponent's alert.

Matsushima is eating supper in the cabin, special sashimi, plus their unique sake here.

No one can get here, but he is very leisurely, a bottle of sake is about to bottom out.

Suddenly the sound from outside made him calm, Matsushima hurriedly threw down the wine glass, got up and kicked the people around him.

"Baga! Don't get up quickly yet, someone has beaten in!"

The environment in the cabin was sultry, and when they were sleeping, they took off their clothes.

Wearing only a pair of white underwear, he hurriedly got up and put on clothes first when he heard unusual movements.

Matsushima is a samurai. The most basic thing for a samurai is to be vigilant. He also wears a samurai uniform.

It's just that he didn't expect that under such a tight defense, someone could attack here. He underestimated the strength of China Warrior Wolf.

"Don't hurry up to pick up the gun for me and rush out, waiting for death here?"

Looking at his subordinates, he found the wrong pants in a panic, and the scene fell into chaos.

He wanted to take out the gun and kill these people directly, it was a shame to keep it.

The lurker is guarding the computer, and what he shows here is still the highest level of security system.

The Rubik's Cube firewall blocked the opponent's attack, but the alarm sounded outside.

"What's the matter? Could it be that?"

He finally began to realize that the situation was not right, and he noticed the clues in the monitoring picture in front of him.

Every time an interval of twelve seconds, the screen will automatically repeat. If this is not noticed, the monitoring system has already become passive.

When the screen switched, he saw that the personnel of the Chinese Wolf Warriors Special Team had already entered through that door. He didn't know when the door he had set was opened.

Full of self-confidence, it was the result that he did not believe in the program he designed, so it was easily cracked.

"What the **** is going on? If someone can crack this firewall, there is no possibility other than that person, could it be said..."

The lurker shook his head, not believing that this would be the case, but it was a big trouble right now.

The Wolf Warriors team has already entered, he doesn't know whether Dr. Chen can be rescued smoothly, but one thing is clearer than anyone else.

That is, he can't stay here anymore, he has been hiding his identity all the time, and even the closest person around him doesn't know this side of him.

He absolutely couldn't reveal his whereabouts at this time, so he stood up decisively and opened a secret door in the room.

This door directly connected the escape route. He quickly cleared the traces of the scene and left the cabin.

A lifeboat was put down from the boat, jumped down, and after taking what he needed, he drove the lifeboat and hurriedly left here.

Xiao Yi led the team and inside the cabin, there were fierce firefights among the mercenaries expanded by the Black Dragon Club.

The mercenaries in the cabin were not well prepared, and the members of the Wolf Warriors were all experienced battles, and soon the battle was settled.

Two members of Wolf Warrior were slightly injured, but the others were unscathed and annihilated 27 people in one fell swoop.

The remaining mercenaries were blocked in a passage, and at the end of the passage was a dead end, they were already unable to retreat.

"Give up resistance, you have no retreat, follow us back and accept the trial of the Chinese military!"

Xiao Yi's action this time is to bring the main personnel of the hijacking operation back to China, and pay the price for their actions.

They kidnapped Dr. Chen and killed four guards who protected Dr. Chen.

The Wolf Warriors team will use this assault to prove a word.

Whoever commits China will be punishable even though it is far away!

Matsushima knew that he couldn't escape. This time there was a mistake in the plan, and he had to pay for this action.

"I surrender! I surrender, as long as you don't kill me!"

Unable to withstand such psychological pressure, more than a dozen guns are pointed at you, and the powerful firepower can turn a person into meat sauce in an instant.

Finally someone raised their hands and surrendered, dropped their guns, and said to Xiao Yi and the others.

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