Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3085: Secret detention

The word surrender is not in line with the Bushido spirit they believe in.

Especially Matsushima, he would rather choose jade fragments than surrender.

So when the people under his hands surrendered, Matsushima was angry at this moment, and he said solemnly.

"As a subordinate of my Matsushima, Inoue-kun, you chose to surrender. It is simply a shame to me."

"Matsushima-kun, I know you believe in the spirit of Bushido, but at this time I just want to live."

"Alive? Koizumi-kun doesn't want him to have such weak people!"

Matsushima suddenly drew the samurai sword from his waist and stabbed Inoue's lower back.

He deliberately didn't pierce his chest, just wanting his subordinate to die in pain.

The long knife penetrated directly through the stomach from the back waist, revealing a blood-stained blade.

Inoue has followed Matsushima for many years, and he was born to death several times, thinking that he has gained trust.

Even at this time, Matsushima would not kill him. Everyone has the right to choose.

But... he was obviously wrong.


"I won't allow it. There is a weak person like you under my hand. Instead of dying in the hands of Huaxia, I will give you a break."

Matsushima drew out his long knife, and Inoue fell to the ground with a plop, blood flowing from the wound and staining the floor.

The few people who were originally timid, planned to surrender with Inoue. After seeing Inoue's tragic situation, they immediately dispelled their thoughts.

Surrender is a death. If you don't surrender, you will die. The two results seem to be the same to them.

Matsushima solved his own people and died in his own hands, which is considered an honor for his subordinates.

He knows what the end of the game will be. There is a big gap in combat effectiveness between the two, and this gap cannot be made up.

"Xiao Sang, do it. Even if we fail, we will never surrender."

Matsushima is very spine, and the samurai sword is standing on the floor, and the blood on the blade is still flowing.

This is a butcher knife, not only the person who killed him, but also the blood stains of four Chinese soldiers.

Xiao Yi punched a military thorn in his hand, and the military thorn pierced towards Matsushima in the air, and it was nailed to Matsushima's forehead in an instant.

A military thorn penetrated Matsushima's head, leaving no chance of surviving. At the last moment, Matsushima had a smile on his face.

As if thanking Xiao Yi for giving him a relief, Xiao Yi solved Songdao.

"Let's do it, get rid of all the ones left, and take this katana back!"

Xiao Yi ordered that this group of people had realized that they were a kind of respect for their opponents.

The members of the Wolf Warriors shot and eliminated the last remaining enemy. When it was over, the ground was full of remaining corpses.

Someone stepped forward and put away Matsushima's katana alone. With this thing, it was enough to comfort the dead souls of the victims.

After destroying all the enemies here, no trace of Dr. Chen was found. Dr. Chen didn't know where they were hiding.

"Are there any special discoveries?"

Zhan Spear asked, and the players shook their heads, as if Dr. Chen were not here.

This is a huge ship, only here is where there is no search, it is impossible that Dr. Chen is not here.

"What about the captain? I searched all the rooms, but Dr. Chen was not found!"

"Wait a minute, I think about it carefully!"

Xiao Yi closed his eyes at this moment, and the power of the soul was continuously spreading, and the entire interior of the ship was all in his field of vision.

He could see the situation of the entire ship, using the power of the soul, but finally did not find a clue to Dr. Chen.

After confirming that Dr. Chen was on the ship, but couldn't just disappear out of thin air, Xiao Yi carefully searched it again.

"Apprentice pay attention to the wall over there!"

Zixu's voice appeared in Xiao Yi's consciousness, and Xiao Yi also noticed something at this time.

For the entire ship, something seems to be missing in the cargo hold on the bottom floor, and there is a vacancy on the right side.

Even Xiao Yi could not penetrate with the power of the soul, and the missing part looked like a dark room.

"Could it be that……"

Xiao Yi opened his eyes again, his eyes fixed on the wall on the right, the two doors were too far apart.

People’s eyes sometimes deceive themselves. It seems that the space on both sides of the room is very large, but a trick is used here.

This is the mirror...

Xiao Yi thought of the two extra large mirrors in the rooms on both sides. Thinking about it now, he understood the reason.

With his finger on the wall, Xiao Yi slowly touched it. There seemed to be nothing unusual about the flat wall. ,

The subtle touch was caught by Xiao Yi, his finger suddenly pressed down, and the place where the finger was pressed was sunken downward.

"this is……"

This wall suddenly changed, and another door appeared in front of him. This door was different from the previous one.

Zhan Spear saw the clue at first glance, went to some equipment on the front door, and shook his head.

"It's troublesome this time. No one can open this door except the fingerprint and the iris of the person who set the password."

The inside room used high-tech means to shield Xiao Yi's soul power, so Xiao Yi couldn't see through the internal scene.

He seemed to remember one thing, that was, he was once taken to the underground laboratory of Dr. Madman. This was the situation.

The cultivation technique has completely lost its effect, and Dan Tian cannot condense Dao Qi. Now it seems that the two situations are exactly the same.

"From now on, Dr. Chen is very likely to be locked in here."

Only in the end there was no search here, Xiao Yi believed that Dr. Chen must have been brought here.

"Jiejie! Congratulations, Mr. Xiao Yi, you are right to guess, Dr. Chen was indeed brought here as a guest by me."

Suddenly in the corridor outside, a gloomy voice sounded.

The voice sounded very weird, Xiao Yi knew who was speaking, he said now.

"You are a lunatic, hand over Dr. Chen quickly, I will spare your life."

"Jie Jie, it's really ridiculous, Mr. Xiao Yi, do you think you have already won by eliminating some mercenaries?"

"What do you mean? What do you want to do?"

Xiao Yi asked, a gap suddenly appeared on the floor of the corridor in front of him.

Three people appeared immediately, two of them wearing black clothes and equipped with multiple weapons, Xiao Yi felt the danger.

The two men closed their eyes as if they were asleep, and as soon as the Wolf Warriors appeared, they shot immediately.

The bullet hit the two people, there was no response at all, and the bullet could not penetrate.

Behind these two people was Doctor Madman. Xiao Yi raised a gun and pointed it at Doctor Madman.

"You can't escape!"

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