Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3086: Terrible game

"I didn't want to escape, Mr. Xiao Yi, are you planning to shoot me to kill me?"

Dr. Madman didn't panic at all. There were two works in front of him. No matter how many people came, he wouldn't worry.

Xiao Yi seemed to have noticed that this lunatic was so calm, there must be some means to protect his safety.

"Stop shooting first!"

The members of the Wolf Warriors stopped attacking, and ordinary firearms could not penetrate the bodies of these two men.

Dr. Madman showed his head boldly, his eyes sinking deep into his sockets, and he felt like a corpse.

"Mr. Xiao Yi, you are very smart. I can remind you that only my fingerprints and iris can open this door."

"I already know this!"

"If you kill me, the eyes will change after death, and the iris information will not match, and the laboratory procedures will be directly activated."

Dr. Madman pressed the switch in his hand, and a picture appeared in front of everyone.

The Dr. Chen in the picture is being locked in a laboratory, and he will not know what is happening outside.

He just needs to do what Dr. Madman said, the purpose is to save those innocent children.

The laboratory was prepared by Dr. Madman for Dr. Chen, and it was also a cemetery for him, because once he got what he wanted, Dr. Chen would be useless.

"Dr. Chen!"

"Yes! This is the Dr. Chen you are looking for. I threatened him with a few words and promised me to experiment."


Dr. Madman never cares what others say, because in his eyes, he is a genius and others are stupid.

"You can say anything. If the verification of this door fails, the internally set program will be launched."

"There is a ventilating pipe inside, and the other point is connected to poisonous gas. If the verification fails, the poisonous gas will follow the ventilating pipe and enter the laboratory."

If Xiao Yi wanted to save Dr. Chen, he had to pass the verification once, otherwise Dr. Chen would be in danger.

Dr. Madman is very proud of what he has done. He checked the time and added another sentence here.

"Oh... by the way, it's 11:35 in the evening, and you still have 25 minutes!"


"Because after twenty-five minutes, the laboratory will start the self-detonation procedure, I will not leave evidence to outsiders."

Since Dr. Chen entered the laboratory, it has been a dead end, carefully set by a lunatic.

Only before this time, after obtaining two password authentications, can Dr. Chen be rescued.

Otherwise, Dr. Chen will be a dead end.

Of course, Dr. Madman wouldn't have no reliance at all, just appeared in front of Xiao Yi and waited to die.

His greatest support is the two works around him, which are almost perfect after careful design.

Taking out two syringes in his hand, he pushed the dark green medicine into the bodies of the two men.

"Jie Jie! So now the game starts, can you defeat these two experimental subjects and rescue Dr. Chen?"

Dr. Madman stepped back a bit, and the two people in front of him suddenly opened their eyes. They were blood-red, scary eyes.

Xiao Yi felt two terrible powers. As he continued to improve, he immediately ordered the people behind him to retreat and leave here.

"Retreat! Evacuate here first!"

The members of the Wolf Warriors were a little unwilling, they raised their guns and attacked again.

The bullets shot out of the barrel, but they didn't kill people when they wore the clothes. It was beyond imagination.

The two subjects who woke up pulled out the weapons they were equipped with, and shot Xiao Yi's side wildly.

Xiao Yi turned around and pressed down on the players, and quickly led the people to find a place to cover.

Bullets hit the surrounding walls, and the wooden boards in the cabin were broken to pieces, flying all over the sky.

"Retreat! Our guns can't kill them!"

At this time, Zhan Spear and Xiao Yi covered together, and the other team members evacuated first and left the cabin.

Xiao Yi has been staring at the lunatic doctor. Currently, Dr. Chen is still in danger. The first thing to do is to rescue Dr. Chen first.

"Zhan Spear, stare at the lunatic, and you can't let him run away. If he runs away, you can't save Dr. Chen!"

"Yes, I understand!"

The Spear separated from the group of them, and Xiao Yi retreated to the deck with the team members.

This time it seemed to be fighting with the griffon that transformed people. The strength of the two surpassed the griffon and was controlled.

The group of people arrived on the deck, and before they stood firm, there was a violent crash under the deck, and the two of them shredded the iron sheet covering the deck.

Straight out, the members of the war wolf quickly entered a state of battle.

Armor-piercing incendiary bombs were all used, and together they launched a fierce attack on the two subjects.

The two subjects were quick to move, and in this environment, they couldn't hit them unexpectedly. The incendiary bomb hit the deck and burst into flames.

Xiao Yi controlled the searchlights on the ship to turn on. At this time, you could see that the clothes on the two subjects were burning.

They were not burned, they patted their clothes and the flame went out, and then rushed towards Xiao Yi.

A samurai sword slashed down, and Xiao Yi hurriedly pulled out the army stab to block, the sword transferred a huge impact, and Xiao Yi was directly knocked into the air.

His body slammed into the container behind him, and the container was knocked out of a big hole, and Xiao Yi sank into it.

"Ahem... Damn it! Speed ​​and power are really terrifying!"

Xiao Yi used Dao Qi to resist, offsetting the impact, but was hit, and no one was injured.

"Xue Yaoyue be careful on your side, try to deal with him, don't head-on!"

Of the two test subjects, Xiao Yi confronted one alone, and the other was left to Xue Yaoyue.

Faced with such an opponent, you can only choose to drag the opponent and confront them head-on, they are not their opponents at all.


Xiao Yi glanced at the military stab in his hand. I don't know how much strength the opponent used, and the military stab was cut out of a gap.


Throwing out the dust in his mouth, Xiao Yi encountered an opponent of similar strength this time.

Whether or not Dr. Chen can be rescued smoothly, it seems that these two experimental subjects must be removed first. Even if the lunatic doctor is caught, they will not be able to leave safely in the end.

"Grandma's! Sure enough, there are some ways, I want to see how strong this kind of manufactured thing is!"

General Xiao Yi threw it away and decisively drew out a saber. With such a powerful force, a saber seemed weak.

"It's your quick products, how do you know how to use your power!"

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