Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3090: China's majesty cannot be violated

Perhaps this lunatic doctor had already anticipated that in such a dangerous situation, he would not stand up and take risks.

So in order to move outside, he carefully made a clone that belongs to him, the real Dr. Crazy, who is a thousand miles away at this moment.

No, he knew what happened here. This time the China Wolf Warriors team was in crisis.

Xiao Yi underestimated the madman's ability, and even found a way to clone himself. It took half a day to get rid of the body of the madman.

The twenty-seven clippers are large and small, and there is a light hung on the bow of the ship. You can see these lights, which are arranged in a line at this moment.

In the dark night, this line continued to extend, surrounding the location of Xiao Yi and the others, and as expected, Dr. Madman was right.

"What about the captain? There are a lot of opponents, do you need to open fire to make a way out?"

Before War Spear knew it, a layer of sweat appeared on the palm of his hand, this time he was really in trouble.

In addition, it is still on the high seas, anything can happen, and there is no assistance for the time being.

"Stay still and see what they mean!"

Xiao Yi calmed down and turned on the amplifier on the ship. Xiao Yi was negotiating with the other party.

"This is the China Wolf Warriors squad. It is on a mission. Are you planning to block our actions?"

The boats surrounding them stopped at this moment, less than a hundred meters away from Xiao Yi's side.

The twenty-seven clippers formed an encirclement, Xiao Yi had already seen it, and weapons were already on board their ships.

Mercenaries, illegal armed forces, pirates and some desperadoes form this team.

They have all seen how powerful Dr. Madman’s human experiments and research have transformed people are.

If they get the results of the Ph.D. experiment, their strength will increase a lot. This is the only goal they promised to act.

Even if it is an enemy of China's Wolf Warriors team, these people want to give it a try at this moment.

"You have fallen into a siege, and our intention is not to be an enemy of you, so let's lay down our weapons and surrender."

Not only were 27 Clippers dispatched, there were even four armed helicopters hovering above Xiao Yi and their heads.

They knew that they were facing the China Wolf Warriors Special Team, so they didn't dare to shoot the first shot here. They wanted to solve the problem in a peaceful way.

"Haha, surrender? Since I was born, I don't know what surrender is."

"Then I can only say sorry, this time we are also forced."

Without a last resort, they didn't dare to act on Xiao Yi's side, which meant looking for death.

But the allure of Dr. Crazy's works makes these people want to take a risk.

Because this is the open sea, there have been more incidents of attacks. Even if it is traced, they may not be found here.

With 27 clippers and four helicopters, the difference in strength between the two sides can be seen.

Seeing Xiao Yi and the others were about to fall into a passive situation, those people couldn't help but fire. In the current situation, no one wanted to shoot the first shot.

The battle spear is holding a sniper rifle, and doing so at this moment can only serve as a deterrent.

Twenty-seven Clippers came from different forces. Even if a few of them were shot and killed, they would only arouse the anger of these people.

"The captain looks like these people have no plans to let us go..."

"Don't shoot for now, according to time calculation, it should be almost there now."

At 0:35 in the morning, Xiao Yi looked far away, as if he was expecting something.

"Captain, did you arrange any assistance?"

As soon as Zhan Spear's voice fell, a new situation appeared in front of him.

Two huge warships appeared right in front of them, and the huge searchlights of the warships turned on, shining straight to this side.

At this moment, it was like daylight, and the dangling people couldn't open their eyes, and the warship soon came to them.

Xiao Yi saw a red flag fluttering on the warship. Compared with the warship, the surrounding clippers were suddenly so small that they disappeared.

The warships kept approaching, ignoring the ships blocking the front, and directly split the circle surrounding Xiao Yi and them into two from the middle.

The encirclement was cut into two parts. When these people saw the emergence of the warship, they knew what the final result would look like today.

Their numbers are large, but they cannot be compared with well-equipped warships with powerful artillery.

A figure appeared on the warship. These were two cruisers. This time they received a mission to **** Xiao Yi and others to the safety.

"The China Wolf Warriors team is performing a special mission. Any ship of unknown origin is limited to five minutes for you to leave, otherwise we can only attack."

The people on the warship spoke, and through the loudspeaker, these words were conveyed to the ears of everyone present.

The huge artillery, adjusted its angle and aimed downward, as long as it was ordered.

These Clippers would be blown to pieces, and the people on the ship panicked immediately, and no one wanted to go to the matter of death.

Someone immediately changed the direction and quickly retreated from here, they didn't dare to confront the warship.

"Retreat... retreat quickly!"

"But we promised that lunatic doctor, so we won't be able to get the experimental medicine."

"Damn it now, how can I have the time to think about this, first make sure I'm alive before talking!"

In less than three minutes, the twenty-seven Clippers disappeared without a trace, and everyone can breathe a sigh of relief at this moment.

The warship opened the channel to welcome Xiao Yi and the others to board the ship. Two Raytheon helicopters landed on the warship.

"Captain, is this what you arranged before? Next time you tell me earlier, I almost shot."

War Spear boarded the ship and said, those people surrounded them before, and they didn't let go. It was obvious that a battle was about to break out.

Two warships appeared, and soon these people were frightened and ran away in despair.

"I didn't arrange this."

"Huh? What exactly did you arrange, Captain?"

Xiao Yi laughed and didn't say a word. He stared into the distance, this time to check how strong Xu Qiang and their combat effectiveness were.

"You will know!"

The person in charge on the warship greeted Xiao Yi's return and walked to Xiao Yi to salute.

"Captain Xiao Yi, welcome your return. You successfully completed the task, which has grown my Chinese majesty."

"Thank you for showing up in time and clearing us. Otherwise, a battle will inevitably break out between our two sides."

"We have received the task, this time we must ensure your safety and **** you back to China."

Dr. Chen was taken into the cabin, and after this hijacking incident, Dr. Chen needed a good rest.

Dr. Chen was successfully rescued this time, but Xiao Yi was not happy about it, instead he frowned.

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